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Full Version: Hate Speech or Free Speech?
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Quote:[Image: 2b8bfe4d-a088-4a99-87b4-0f93bc4b8421_zps2tetbh8u.jpg]

More "Time Out's" please. It's working so well..
Today I was at the golf course and met a guy who had on a "Git-R-Done" hat with two Confederate flags on it.   That made me wonder if one of these college kids saw that, would they need counseling to get over the trauma. 







Click this link if you dare!


This is not a day care. This is a university!
I couldn't agree more. Especially this part....


Our culture has actually taught our kids to be this self-absorbed and narcissistic. Any time their feelings are hurt, they are the victims. Anyone who dares challenge them and, thus, makes them “feel bad” about themselves, is a “hater,” a “bigot,” an “oppressor,” and a “victimizer.”


And this.....


At OKWU, we teach you to be selfless rather than self-centered. We are more interested in you practicing personal forgiveness than political revenge. We want you to model interpersonal reconciliation rather than foment personal conflict. We believe the content of your character is more important than the color of your skin.


Since I have not raised any kids and don't really spend time with people who do, I have no idea how it's gotten this bad. That people need safe zones and have trigger points, can't handle criticism or opinions not their own. When did kids get so dang wimpy? I remember a time when kids like this were the minority because the majority of us just didn't think this way. I am a sensitive natured person and have bigger balls than so-called adults (in their 20's) do. 


Actually I think I have an idea of how this happened. Parents are no longer disciplining their kids (and I don't mean beating them) for fear of having the cops called on them; parents are overwhelmed by everything else and don't have the energy or will to correct kids who are being told they don't have to respect their parents or authoritative figures; kids are being taught to have a voice which I have no problem with, it's the message they're being taught to go with that voice is the problem. And our culture is certainly not helping.


The 'everyone should get a trophy for participation' mentality is ridiculous. If you don't earn something you don't deserve the prize in whatever form it takes. Lowering standards so 'everybody wins' is making us lazy, ungrateful and unable to do what has to be done to advance in life.


The 'minimum wage should be $15/hour for jobs that require no education above a high school diploma or GED' mentality is absolutely absurd. I am currently going through a year long course for Administrative Medical Assistant and Medical Billing and Coding that I am paying for, and I damn well better make more money than someone who works in a fast food joint or as a coffee barista. My husband has a Bachelor's Degree in business management with a minor in architecture and paid every single penny out of pocket with no loans or grants. And he worked while he went to college. There are actually people out there who think they should make $7/hour less than he does (local government pay sucks when you're only halfway through your career, but the benefits are pretty good) for no reason other than they think they deserve it although they've done nothing to deserve it. 


I know every generation thinks the ones that come after it are spoiled, depraved, and whatever other descriptive words you want to use, but I think this generation in their early 20's is truly off the rails. The fact that they will someday run this country, manage businesses, own companies, etc., is a scary thought. I know not all kids are this way, but enough of them are and making a fuss about things so not relevant and are being heard and taken seriously...... Don't misunderstand. I believe if there is a true situation then things need to come to light. Racism, sexism, discrimination of any form, unnecessary police shootings, bullying, etc., are serious issues and should be addressed. But not in the ways they are happening now.


The right message with the wrong attitude taints the message.
To be clear, I love that kids are speaking out about things they perceive as wrong. What I hate is that no one in a position to address those perceived wrongs is willing to correct the reasonable ones and call out the ridiculous demands.
[Image: BC105_zpsbdyabwmd.jpg]

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