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Quote:Diz is writhing in pain over this...


Props to a kicker? A KICKER?!?!?! 


He was bad early...... we should hate him forever!!!



You OK man? If you don't want to give the kid props.... don't....


But we're going to.

I'm not saying hate the guy... just... let's not crown him after 1 game without a horrid mistake is all.


Calling him "redeemed" and "money" is just plain silly.


Yeah, he hit all 4 FGs yesterday.. the longest of which was 36.


That's usually not even notable.  Had he been putting them in from 45+ sure, I'd be happy to acknowledge a great game.  But making 4 sub 40 FGs isn't anything special, it doesn't make him a star, and it's CERTAINLY no cause for nicknames like "Money" when he's missed at least 1 kick in 5 of his 10 games.


The truth is, he's not very good yet.  He's missed some really easy chip shots, and missed then BADLY.


I want him to "get good" just as much as anyone else.
tacks kicker missed his 53 yarder.... :thumbsup:

Quote:tacks kicker missed his 53 yarder.... :thumbsup:

Missing a 53 yarder is not remotely close to missing a 26 yarder... or 3 extra points.


50+ misses, I've always shrugged off... those are tough kicks for the best.


I may be bummed when Myers misses a 50+, but I'm not going to call for his head on those.


Half that distance?  Come on.
Im not going to lie, every time he went to kick I was scared. Thankfully it was his night and I hope he keeps it up.

Quote:Im not going to lie, every time he went to kick I was scared. Thankfully it was his night and I hope he keeps it up.


Agree with every part of this statement, which is why "Money" doesn't apply.


Yet.  Maybe in the future?  I hope!
Quote:He's on pace for 29 FG's this season, which would be more than Scobee ever had.


And he's at 81% for FG's this year, which is slightly above Scobee's career average with the Jaguars.


Still not sure how good he is, but just throwing that out there.


I think he's doing just fine for a rookie kicker. The Colts game was a critical learning experience for him, and over 20 kickers this season have missed extra points with it being moved back. That chip shot shank was virtually inexcusable, but he's been on fire since not missing any. I feel we have a fine young talent at the position moving forward.

He's been up and down, but good game yesterday. I was more upset with him missing the extra points in early games. Terrible. He seems to have gotten a litle confidence recently. I think he'll end up ok.










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