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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Titans Thursday Night Football Game Thread - Second Half***
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Anybody notice how fast they blew the whistle when the Jags stood up the runningback


Quote:I told you to save some to wash down your sorrow.


Just watch.


By the way, don't you have your own forum to traverse through? Well, it wouldn't surprise me if you tacks couldn't operate a forum of your own.

More fun screwing with you.
God dammit.

We can't get a damn holding call our way.
Quote:He is so sick of the play calling even Bortles walked off the team?
Nah, he's probably just going to pee in Gus's Locker.
How about calling one of the 3 holds on that play?
Can we stop them on 3rd down please
They're basically tackling our dline

I love how House was just standing there during the scramble.
Apparently you can tackle our rushers
Where is the blitz?
Bortles has had enough of the Gus bus.

lol Henne this cant be life

i cant believe we are gonna lose to this elementary titans offense

Blake had to poop
Son of a [BLEEP].

Hennessy to save the day
chad henne time