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Quote:What you're actually pointing out is, we are actually starting to have a personality on offense.   Something to hang our hat on.   Something that works.  We've become a team that throws the ball down the field a lot and asks our WRs to make plays on the ball.  It's really Bortles and the Allens and then everyone else.  For the past few years, we've had nothing.  No offense at all.   After that, one dimensional is a big step up.   


What you say about Thomas and Lee is true.   If and when they get involved, it will juice up our offense that much more.   Especially Julius Thomas.  One thing Blake needs is someone to check the ball down to, a safety net, because now, he holds the ball too long and persists in throwing it down field even when the play is not there.    Remember when we used to complain about Gabbert checking it down all the time.  Now, I'm complaining about Bortles not checking it down.  There's a balance to be had there. 


But that said, I do like having a QB who will keep dropping back and aggressively throwing the ball 20 yards down field, no matter what happened on the play before.   It's refreshing after what we've had the last 4 or 5 years. 


While having the ability to throw deep to the Allens, I still rather have Blake be more open to scan the field and dump the ball of if needed. I'm not sure if its the design of the plays or Blake's tendencies, but a couple of times yesterday (and in past games), the crossing has been open...he just doesn't throw it (or is late when he did).


Part of the reason he's getting hit a lot (and getting sacked) is because he's just not hitting these quick passes to get the ball out of his hands.
While this has been a beleaguered point of late, I think that what we are seeing from the Offense is their youth and how they are developing towards maturity.


When I think about a mature offense, I envision something akin to the 90's 49ers, the Saints from their Super Bowl run, and the modern Green Bay attack. Those teams did not have to rely heavily on any one thing even though they all had great Quarterbacks, but they were effective in a lot of areas and through a lot of different weapons. Now, I'm not saying that I see this Offense get to that point, nor do i even expect that but I think it's important as a milestone when considering our own Offense.


This team has found several good players and is doing what any young team would do, lean on those guys. They have found excellent WRs in Hurns and Robinson and are asking Bortles to get them the ball and to carry the team. Once that is done, then they can go to the running attack or other Pass Catchers in order to generate yards. What I would really like to see is the team being able to pick any one of those parts of the Offense and have them be effective in their own right. This isn't to say that every run should be for a First Down nor every pass be intended to get to the Endzone, but that the perfect Offense is one where any given weapon can be seen as an effective threat.


I really feel like the team is not there when it comes to the running game this season and I'm not certain it will get there at all; there's just too much needed growth. But! the running game takes commitment and patience and it will eventually bear fruit.


As an aside, it is still very very striking how young they are almost across the board as far as Offensive talent is concerned.

Quote:While having the ability to throw deep to the Allens, I still rather have Blake be more open to scan the field and dump the ball of if needed. I'm not sure if its the design of the plays or Blake's tendencies, but a couple of times yesterday (and in past games), the crossing has been open...he just doesn't throw it (or is late when he did).

Part of the reason he's getting hit a lot (and getting sacked) is because he's just not hitting these quick passes to get the ball out of his hands.

Fully agreed. Look at the dump off to Yeldon vs. Jets. It went for 21 or so. DRob saw success in this area last year too. Dinks and dunks frustrate defenses when utilized accordingly. It loosens em up for the run and infuses confidence on your RBs.

Brady is the master at that. He'll nickel and dime you for 1 qtr then go over the top with bombs once you get a bit LOS happy. Bortles will get there.
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