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Full Version: Please Please cut Gratz
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Quote:Truth ^

Any secondary would collapse when the opposing QB has an hour to throw the ball..

Dude, Winger, you're my boy...  But Gratz was getting burned within .01 seconds after the snap.  The guy is trash.  Like really bad.  He needs to be played as depth.  He has no right being nickle CB.  


I mean, he was literally getting beat straight up after the snap, right off the line of scrimmage.  He's a terrible CB.  Has nothing to do with the pass rush...
Quote:Dude, Winger, you're my boy... But Gratz was getting burned within .01 seconds after the snap. The guy is trash. Like really bad. He needs to be played as depth. He has no right being nickle CB.

I mean, he was literally getting beat straight up after the snap, right off the line of scrimmage. He's a terrible CB. Has nothing to do with the pass rush...

No, I agree.. I was commenting on our secondary as a whole, not just Gratz..
If you can not stop Kamar Aiken in the NFL, you can not stop anyone......this coming from the biggest UCF homer ever. This is a terrible defense. Gus is terrible.
Quote:What does that mean about our coach? He benched House for Gratz

Seriously.  I'm sorry.  But you guys.  Our head coach doesn't know what he's doing...  I'm not derailing this thread, but there is evidence that Gus doesn't truelly understand personnel decisions based on the House debacle...  I mean, man...  You guys have to concede there is some concern regarding who starts and who doesn't.


I mean, it goes doubly for Gerhart having so many opportunities when it was obvious how much of a bust he was.  Every personnel decision Bradley makes is under scrutiny based on how he makes certain decisions.
Quote:No, I agree.. I was commenting on our secondary as a whole, not just Gratz..

Oh, well I agree 100% on that...  Sorry!  It's just that the whole Gratz thing get's me confused.  There must be some serious James Bond/House of Cards/Obama Birther conspricacy going on to keep Gratz still playing nickle.  


I mean, dang, the guy has been burned so often we should start calling him Freddy Kruger
Quote:I'm not going to be to upset with the secondary until we have a passrush

Dwayne bubblegum Gratz is a grade A bum. Hopefully Gus gets over his love affair with the guy and replaces him sooner rather than later.
McCray played 2 defensive snaps, for those of you counting. 

Quote:McCray played 2 defensive snaps, for those of you counting.

Lol, this has to change. Can he do any worse that Gratz?
But he's our best CB on Madden!
Gratz needs to ride the pine, agreed.  Give McCray a shot; he could not be worse.

I was at the game yesterday. And the ravens fans around me were asking me why he was on the field and literally laughing at how bad he was playing. They were getting mad at every play that Flacco wasn't throwing at Gratz.
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