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Quote:One that does not seem sustainable...

You CAN'T miss the automatic kicks in this league...

Agreed,he just doesn't have the accuracy for the NFL ,the leg strength and cahones are there.
I'm sure it can be trained. But I can't say I've seen a time where someone went from being so hated, to loved instantaneously, 

Quote:I'm sure it can be trained. But I can't say I've seen a time where someone went from being so hated, to loved instantaneously, 
Oh, trust me, I don't love him.


I give him credit for hitting the field goal to save his career and thankfully give us the win this week (we should also thank the football Gods for the luck leading to the final play). 


I don't think he is NFL material though - if he continues playing like Jekyll and Hyde.


The kicker position should be the most automatic and sure-fire position on the team, for the most part.
Just heard the Frange radio call on the game winning kick.

Great kick to win the game, but you can't miss the easy (and crucial) ones as often as he does.

This won't be a popular thing to say, but I think he's still at risk unless he improves by the end of the season.
Quote:Great kick to win the game, but you can't miss the easy (and crucial) ones as often as he does.

This won't be a popular thing to say, but I think he's still at risk unless he improves by the end of the season.
Have you read any posts about Myers on this board ever?
This guy confuses me. He'll miss a 26 yarder but drill a 58 yarder dead center. Do you just roll with him and assume these are just growing pains being a new NFL player or what?

I am thrilled with the win...and happy for Myers he made the kick.


But had he made the easy 20 yarder, the 53 yarder to close the game would not have been necessary.

Quote:This guy confuses me. He'll miss a 26 yarder but drill a 58 yarder dead center. Do you just roll with him and assume these are just growing pains being a new NFL player or what?

You stick with Myers the rest of the season. Even if you don't like him just take a look at the available kickers, there is no one.
Quote:This guy confuses me. He'll miss a 26 yarder but drill a 58 yarder dead center. Do you just roll with him and assume these are just growing pains being a new NFL player or what?

It's all about practice.  He obviously is practicing the long range kicks.  He's not practicing the fundamental kicks... I'm sorry, but that's just what's happening.
The great Blair Walsh just missed a 53-yarder.

Mike Pereira posted a video explaining how a new rule helped Myers make the kick easier..  The facemask penalty was 5 years in the backfield as Bortles was being sacked but a new rule this year enforces all defensive penalties at the previous spot..  so enforced from 50 to go to 35..  The old rule was from the spot which would have put it at the 40...  He still might have made it since it was a great kick.  but because it was longer, he might have kicked it like the Green Bay kicker did.  NE's winning kick later in the day was actually longer and also a bomb.. 


There were missed kicks all over the NFL today again.. Lions almost blew their game because of 2 missed XP's.. 

I wrote this big ole thing that got erased before I could post it, and I'm too lazy to re-write it all...


In a nut shell:  As a former soccer player, the easiest kicks are the ones you practice ALL THE TIME.  


I get the feeling that Myers spends more time kicking the deeper/long range kicks than he does focusing on the short yardage stuff.  That's all I can think that makes any sense in terms of his muffed 28 yarder and his inconsistancy with the new Xtra Point distance.


Usually you shank a kick when you are nervous.  Usually as a kicker, you get nervous when you haven't practiced something over and over again...  I'm no FG kicker, but as a soccer player, that's been my experience.


As an example, penalty kicks---  Most teams, believe it or not, don't practice penalty kicks all the time.  So when it goes to a shoot out, the players get nervous and tend to shank the kicks.  The players you see that normally don't shank the kicks look comforatable taking the PK, because they practice it alot more than other players do.


Just my gut feeling about Myers, I may be wrong...
Lots of missed kicks in the league today... but I would STILL take any of the other currently employed kickers of Myers.  Even if he finishes the season, we need to look to upgrade in the offseason.

Quote:Lots of missed kicks in the league today... but I would STILL take any of the other currently employed kickers of Myers. Even if he finishes the season, we need to look to upgrade in the offseason.
any? Naw, Myers isnt the worst kicker in the league
Quote:any? Naw, Myers isnt the worst kicker in the league

Maybe not the worst but if he misses that final kick that would make 2 games lost on the foot of the kicker. Other teams have replaced kickers for less than that.
Quote:We have lost at least TWO games at the expense of his leg...


Gus and Co need stop feeling sorry for this kid.


We need winners.


Meyers or Myers, he still sucks.

Sure he missed a FG earlier in the game that wouldnt had needed the 53 at the end, but he also save a run back TD with his tackle... so give the kid a break... he's a rookie!
Quote:I wrote this big ole thing that got erased before I could post it, and I'm too lazy to re-write it all...

In a nut shell: As a former soccer player, the easiest kicks are the ones you practice ALL THE TIME.

I get the feeling that Myers spends more time kicking the deeper/long range kicks than he does focusing on the short yardage stuff. That's all I can think that makes any sense in terms of his muffed 28 yarder and his inconsistancy with the new Xtra Point distance.

Usually you shank a kick when you are nervous. Usually as a kicker, you get nervous when you haven't practiced something over and over again... I'm no FG kicker, but as a soccer player, that's been my experience.

As an example, penalty kicks--- Most teams, believe it or not, don't practice penalty kicks all the time. So when it goes to a shoot out, the players get nervous and tend to shank the kicks. The players you see that normally don't shank the kicks look comforatable taking the PK, because they practice it alot more than other players do.

Just my gut feeling about Myers, I may be wrong...
Yep as a former player myself I used to get more nervous at a penalty kick than any other free kick/corner. That goal just looks smaller when it's you and the keeper. Just gotta have ice in your veins tho. But I agree with you, the ones that are the easiest are the ones you practice the Most. I was good at headers because I practiced them endlessly. Now that's a hard thing to master and it's still hard to get it just right.
Quote:Sure he missed a FG earlier in the game that wouldnt had needed the 53 at the end, but he also save a run back TD with his tackle... so give the kid a break... he's a rookie!

If he kicks the ball out if the end zone there is no run back :whistling:
I also think icing the kicker is the most stupid thing you can do. A kicker will already be nervous before the kick he knows it is coming. He also has to rush on the field and set up quickly with no timeouts.

Harbaugh basically gave him extra time to visualise his kick and get comfortable out there rather than a rush job 53 yarder.
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