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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ New York Jets Game Day Thread***
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Nice play to yeldon!
Running going to be tough today
Determined to run. That's on with me
Yeah I am not sure we are gonna run it at all. 450 yards passing incoming.

Gotta run up the middle

Or run Denard outside
Unless it's on a pass, I don't think Yeldon is going to be seeing much of the field past the LOS today. 


Run game looks like it's going to be there today, gonna have to lean on BB5 big time today
That blocking....

Lewis wiffed on the screen
Quote:Running going to be tough today

More play action for those guys.
Robinson is struggling. Have to feed it to burns and JT.
Never mind I take back what I said.

The Jet's D is hard-core

Jags finished that drive in a very Jags way, just need a Myers miss. 

Cut Lewis
FGs make me nervous.

What in the hell was that? 

Wow Ocsar Meyer Weiner made a kick!