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Quote:The refs realized they screwed this call up. The PI on the final drive on the walters play was a make up call for this. IMO, A Rob got tackled. It was no ones fault.

Yup.  Big time make up call.


Of course none of this makes it acceptable to have first and goal and run smack dab into the line for 4 straight plays.  Sometimes being lucky trumps being good.
Quote:Aside from the interception, I just can't fathom how that penalty wasn't called. It looked downright blatant to me. I also can't believe they didn't show that on replay. And while I'm on that extended rant, I thought the replays sucked. I would love to have seen Joeckel's 'hold' again, because I didn't see much on the one quick view they did show. And on one of Manuel's long passes...can't remember which...the tackle had Odrick around the neck as he was coming around the end.

Whatever. We won.
And that probably ought to end this thread!


Quote:Sorry, it was a bad throw. The coverage was there and Blake threw it off balance due to the pressure. It floated in the air like a punt. Maybe Robinson comes down with it, he is after all a grown man. But given the situation, it wasn't one of Blake's good throws. It is ok though, he is still young and is not a finished product. I think Blake is a risk taker and we have to live with some stinky plays. Fortunately, Blake is a baller and the good far outweighs the bad at this point.
Based off of this post you must feel that way about every NFL QB in the league then.  All elite QBs take risks like that for sure, at different times, but like you said, "you can't coach guts."

Quote:Aside from the interception, I just can't fathom how that penalty wasn't called. It looked downright blatant to me. I also can't believe they didn't show that on replay.
And while I'm on that extended rant, I thought the replays sucked. I would love to have seen Joeckel's 'hold' again, because I didn't see much on the one quick view they did show. And on one of Manuel's long passes...can't remember which...the tackle had Odrick around the neck as he was coming around the end.

Whatever. We won.

This was one of the few times I was audibly upset at an NFL game. Even without seeing the replay, you can see the DB running over Robinson as the camera follows the football. I couldn't believe that the Officials didn't call it, and that no one on the broadcast team even mentioned it. I sure am glad my victory Bloody Mary wasn't a defeat Bloody Mary.
Refs are bad. Nothing new
Lucky is always better than good. I won't lie, I came unglued after 4 straight runs up the middle with a cold, slow, backup running back. The refs suck more than usual it seems this year. I saw some horrible calls in the Arizona/Baltimore game also.
Quote:This was one of the few times I was audibly upset at an NFL game. Even without seeing the replay, you can see the DB running over Robinson as the camera follows the football. I couldn't believe that the Officials didn't call it, and that no one on the broadcast team even mentioned it. I sure am glad my victory Bloody Mary wasn't a defeat Bloody Mary.

I was so sure a flag was out I didn't even react to the play. Then slowly... slowly realized there wasn't going to be a penalty, and well...
Quote:I'm with Rico on this As you watch Bortles' longer passes (and this would have been a 20+ harder) he puts a fair amount of air on the ball and lets his receiver make a play on the ball. Robinson is tall and an amazing jumper, so we see a lot of those sorts of passes. To expand on Rico's point, the CB bit on the in move and if he hadn't tackled Robinson, he would have been out of the play. Jump ball against the safety? Every time! It would have been a good play. And there really (on the all 22) wasn't that much pressure on Bortles. It was clearly a timing throw and probably would have worked.



I disagree. You said it yourself that he puts air on the ball in order to take advantage of ARob's leaping ability, which he does a great job of.  My opinion based on watching that play is that it would have been a tough catch regardless of interference. ARob would have had over the top coverage by the safety and underneath by the CB he beat. Doesn't mean he can't make it, but to say that it probably would have worked is a bit taking too far.


Should have been a flag, but if it wasn't it would have been a tough catch.You take the good/bad with Blake being aggressive like that.
Quote:I disagree. You said it yourself that he puts air on the ball in order to take advantage of ARob's leaping ability, which he does a great job of.  My opinion based on watching that play is that it would have been a tough catch regardless of interference. ARob would have had over the top coverage by the safety and underneath by the CB he beat. Doesn't mean he can't make it, but to say that it probably would have worked is a bit taking too far.


Should have been a flag, but if it wasn't it would have been a tough catch.You take the good/bad with Blake being aggressive like that.
No worries, we can agree to disagree. When you look in the all 22, Robinson got just trashed. It looked like the cb had gotten crossed up. He clearly had bitten on the in part of the in and up route, and I think (pure conjecture) that is what Bortles saw. The cb would have not caught up with Robinson...probably why he pulled Robinson down. Robinson one on one with the safety is at the worst a 50:50 ball...which I think we are doing more and more. We can certainly agree that having a gunslinger does make us watch more risky throws...


My problem wasn't the interception it was that the entire offense failed to push 1 guy out of bounds.
Saw it many times and he shouldn't have thrown it. Live to fight another day. He also did it off his back foot.
Good aggression. Just wrong time and wrong read. Seemed like Bortles was pressing to make something happen. Love the confidence Bortles has in Robinson to put it up and let him get it.

Definitely thought it was PI
I thought that was what I saw....and I waited for a pI call.....and waited....and waited.

I wondered when tacking receivers was a defensive move.

And exactly why I didn't feel bad about the billys having PI called on them later in the game.

What goes around comes around and all that.

Cry me a river bills. :whistling:

It was a blown call and it makes me wonder if the crew might get the word from the NY office - that it should have been first down Jags at the spot of the fowl and not the go-ahead TD, you chowderheads!  And if anybody gets CLOSE to a Jaguar receiver on the next drive those flags better fly.

well, for whatever reason, i don't want to hear any noise from bills fans...

Quote:Sorry, it was a bad throw. The coverage was there and Blake threw it off balance due to the pressure. It floated in the air like a punt. Maybe Robinson comes down with it, he is after all a grown man. But given the situation, it wasn't one of Blake's good throws. It is ok though, he is still young and is not a finished product. I think Blake is a risk taker and we have to live with some stinky plays. Fortunately, Blake is a baller and the good far outweighs the bad at this point.
Whether the throw was good or bad is really irrelevant.  The fact that there was no flag thrown when there was clearly a penalty there is the issue. 


Also, if Robinson keeps his feet and is able to get down the field, I'm liking the odds he comes up with a contested pass.  He was doing it all day on Sunday. 


I'm not concerned about this pick, or any of the others at this point.  Blake is progressing, and he's proving himself to be more than just a guy so far.  Some great QBs have been known to throw the occasional pick or two as they play more aggressively.  Guys like Favre were notorious for throwing the ball up for grabs and forcing his receivers to make plays.  It wasn't always pretty, nor was it always successful.  But, at the end of the day, he's a lock for the Hall of Fame because there was more good than bad to deal with.  That's true for Bortles too.  As he's progressing, we're seeing more good than bad, and as he matures, that should continue to be the case.
Quote:He literally threw that ball up for grabs, it was just a really bad throw regardless if there was PI or not. The ball went straight to the safety, even if Robinson wouldn't have gotten tackled down he probably would not have been able to catch it and stop the INT.

You have a WR who is built for jump balls, I have no problem throwing some his way. Just like you would to AJ Green, Megatron etc.


Lets not go back to the bad old conservative days.
It wasn't even close to a catchable ball by Allen Robinson from my POV. I haven't looked at it closely, but when Allen Robinson hooked inward while the ball was in the air, he effectively took himself out of the play.

Quote:You have a WR who is built for jump balls, I have no problem throwing some his way. Just like you would to AJ Green, Megatron etc.


Lets not go back to the bad old conservative days.
Exactly.  We haven't had a QB with the stones to be aggressive since Leftwich.  The problem with Byron was as aggressive as he wanted to be, the long wind up, lack of mobility, and suspect durability didn't play well.  The last QB who had the tools to be aggressive was Garrard, but he constantly second guessed himself and didn't trust his reads.  We've got a QB in Blake who has shown he can rebound from mistakes, and it's not going to make him shy to stretch the field in the process.  We've also got good receivers who are ideal for what he wants to do.  As they grow and develop, this offense is going to be fun to watch.
Quote:It wasn't even close to a catchable ball by Allen Robinson from my POV. I haven't looked at it closely, but when Allen Robinson hooked inward while the ball was in the air, he effectively took himself out of the play.

Yeah, he did cut in, but I think he was pulling a double move on the play because if you watch it, especially on the replay, you can see where he cuts in, then goes to turn up field and he's brought down.  Not saying the ball was even remotely catchable, but when your receiver gets taken down on the play, that should draw an illegal contact flag in most instances.  It wasn't a good throw by Bortles, but it never should have wound up being a pick 6.  The refs suddenly had a little stage fright with the flags. 


Here's the video.
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