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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bills @ London, England, Game Day Thread***
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Quote:The great white hope!


QB Sneak was gooddddddd but Gus takes a time out.  Must be a tough decision between chocolate and rainbow [TIRED JOKE RETREAD] for post game.

It's Frozen Yogert now...
Gus called a TO, so he can put white rhino in the 3rd and 1.  Genius.   lolo

Wow, that was a sick catch.
What a throw.  What a catch.  Pass interference on d. NICE

AR15! Sick. 

Dude, AR15 is the MAN!  Did you see that catch????

Play got blown up

ARob is a jump baller.
Team forgot to block.

Robinson catch stands!  PI to the Bills!

AR15 = beast
This is what most NFL QBs struggle with.  We got a good one.

Quote:Why would you ever give the ball to Gerhart, regardless if he gets the first.
This lol
What a catch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know, a play action pass on first downs every now and then would be really nice to see...

He didnt high point it just right, but STILL an incredible catch!

Run blocking looks poor for the first time today.  Had 4 good blocks before

Terrible turf. Bortles slipped.

Wow. Dead duck.