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Full Version: Jags Vs Bills score prediction. Jack the ripper part 2
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I'd love for it to be the season opener again and have that strange cautious optimism that this is the season we come good.

But that unfortunate ship has long left the port.

I have mentioned it a few times already but its hard for me to describe to you all how much it means to me that I finally get to see my Jaguars!

Win or lose I'll be happy to shout my support from the stands! Making it back to Ireland that night will be a differant kettle of fish altogether.
Quote:I'd love for it to be the season opener again and have that strange cautious optimism that this is the season we come good.

But that unfortunate ship has long left the port.

I have mentioned it a few times already but its hard for me to describe to you all how much it means to me that I finally get to see my Jaguars!

Win or lose I'll be happy to shout my support from the stands! Making it back to Ireland that night will be a differant kettle of fish altogether.
Cheer loud and proud in the first quarter because after that you won't have many reasons too.
38 28 jags lose

Jags will get outscored 2:1 again.  Rex Ryan actually makes halftime adjustments not passing out Popsicles at halftime

Bills 60

Jags -2
Bills 27

Jaguars 10

I'm going with the Jaguars players play well but then make huge critical mistakes manage a TIE out of win, 26-26.

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