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As in "privilege" of being moved to the back of the line because you're a white male, and aren't the demographic we're looking for to fill this position.

Got anymore examples? I can think of 240+ years of examples of white privilege in this country. Cry on snowflake.

Quote:Obama acknowledged that he is black and that blacks have historically been treated unfairly. It stirred a lot of controversy because many people in this country cannot and will not genuinely accept their own white privilege. Nothing was wrong with his "if I have a son..." statement. It struck a nerve because people, mostly white people, cannot accept that the realities of non-whites is not the same as those who are white. 
man... I really gotta get me some of that white privilege...it sounds so awesome when people talk about it...


they sell it at Walmart??


Does white privilege count Italians, who are not really "white" but many wouldn't consider "black"? Are you born with white privilege? Is it something only Americans have?

And if I have white privilege... what does a black man who is elected President have? 

Or a black man making millions in Hollywood...or in the NFL??

Do the jews have white privilege? Many jews are very white... and yet they still face many anti-semites today... 



When you divide yourself away from people and alienate an entire race with such a term... do you think THAT helps the racism issue?

Instead of making racism a black white issue.. try making it a human issue.

Firstly by recognizing that people of all races are discriminated and hated against from people of all sorts of races...
Quote:man... I really gotta get me some of that white privilege...it sounds so awesome when people talk about it...


they sell it at Walmart??


Does white privilege count Italians, who are not really "white" but many wouldn't consider "black"? Are you born with white privilege? Is it something only Americans have?

And if I have white privilege... what does a black man who is elected President have? 

Or a black man making millions in Hollywood...or in the NFL??

Do the jews have white privilege? Many jews are very white... and yet they still face many anti-semites today... 



When you divide yourself away from people and alienate an entire race with such a term... do you think THAT helps the racism issue?

Instead of making racism a black white issue.. try making it a human issue.

Firstly by recognizing that people of all races are discriminated and hated against from people of all sorts of races...

First you need to understand what privilege means. Good luck.


Quote:Got anymore examples? I can think of 240+ years of examples of white privilege in this country. Cry on snowflake.
Snowflake???? HJAHAHAHA


240 years?? How many of those years have you actually lived through? LMAO...


I'm Irish... can I still cry about how my generations of old were mistreated when coming to America?


Do the Jewish people or Japanese people carry on and on about the hundreds of years their ancestors had to deal with problems with race and religious prejudice?


More examples? 

How about Miss Black America? 

How about BET?


How about taking anything like that and replacing it with "white"


But it's being "proud of culture" the other way around.



Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is a guy you should look up.

You might actually learn something about race relations.
Quote:Got anymore examples? I can think of 240+ years of examples of white privilege in this country. Cry on snowflake.

Buckle up buttercup, it's not me who's crying.
Quote:First you need to understand what privilege means. Good luck.


LOL no... that is some leftist view of what it means to be privileged.

And you've just about brainwashed most people into believing it.

http://www.dictionary.com/browse/privilege?s=t this has the actual dictionary... and sorry... since I don't have access to a "whites only" anything.. Not sure white privilege actually exists....


You think because you're black and you walk by a cop he thinks you're a criminal. And it doesn't happen for me because I'm white. (which isn't so... as a blanket statement)


That's the general basis of this idea.. That simply because of my skin color I get benefits.....

That's [BAD WORD REMOVED] racist man... sorry it is... You prejudge based on race/skin color.


I don't know how else to say it. Just because you still categorize yourself as the victim doesn't make it less racist. You can put lipstick on a pig, that [BAD WORD REMOVED] is still bacon.


I don't deny what actually happened when many of our parents were kids and young adults...

but in TODAYS world... get bent with the idea that because you're black (or any minority) you are somehow born behind the 8 ball...


If you work hard, keep your nose clean, and become a better person much can be achieved, regardless of race or skin color. And it has been proven.

And yes... you will always run into racist people. They will always look at a black man and think "thug".

But there are JUST AS MANY blacks that look at whites and assume "privileged" or "racists"


and it really is the same thing.

Quote:Buckle up buttercup, it's not me who's crying.

He makes a thread to cry in, then calls other posters "snowflake" and "criers"..

Dude had no common sense or life.
Quote:man... I really gotta get me some of that white privilege...it sounds so awesome when people talk about it...


they sell it at Walmart??


Does white privilege count Italians, who are not really "white" but many wouldn't consider "black"? Are you born with white privilege? Is it something only Americans have?

And if I have white privilege... what does a black man who is elected President have? 

Or a black man making millions in Hollywood...or in the NFL??

Do the jews have white privilege? Many jews are very white... and yet they still face many anti-semites today... 



When you divide yourself away from people and alienate an entire race with such a term... do you think THAT helps the racism issue?

Instead of making racism a black white issue.. try making it a human issue.

Firstly by recognizing that people of all races are discriminated and hated against from people of all sorts of races...

It's white privilege...everyone knows you get that at Target.
Quote:It's white privilege...everyone knows you get that at Target.

With matching window treatments.
Quote:An isolated incident where the perpetrators were justly punished for being morons.  That doesn't reflect the majority in this country, but keep up the race baiting.  It's what you do.

It's no different from what some people on this message board do with liberals every day.   Take one single isolated incident, and say all liberals act like that.  


"All conservatives are racists" is not much different in tone and quality from "all liberals are idiots who hate America."  


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