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Quote:Because a man converting to a man still holds a genetic discrepancy as far as body type and strength.  A woman converting to a man does not contain those advantages.


The fact that this common sense isn't obvious to you is scary.  Many people have evolved to accept those that are not like them, you are not one of those people.  You have never had to say "I know what's best for everyone," it is fully implied in practically every post you make here.

I can understand and accept what others do without approving of it.


I can also be concerned when something that is considered cheating when one person does it is permitted for someone else in the name of political correctness.
Quote:A man converting to a man? I think that this whole "gender Identification" thing even has you confused. The fact that you call it "common sense" says a lot. Why a person want's to damage their body and try to change it into something that it isn't.... you're right, I don't understand it. People are born with certain DNA and are physically referred to by that. A male is a male and a female is a female, there is no disputing that fact. That goes for not only people, but animals.

You do know that there is a difference between a "man" and a "boy" right? We aren't talking about a full grown and mature adult here, we are talking about an adolescent that doesn't really know about how real life really works. Making a life-changing and damaging decision at that age shouldn't be "acceptable". I questioned his parent's decision about letting him do this. For me personally, I think that it's not only wrong, but will damage his future.

Actually there are animals that can change gender and sex in certain circumstances. Naturally too.
Who you are and who or what you want to be are sometimes different things.


If your DNA and plumbing indicate you are a male or female, then that's what you are (with rare exception chromosomal disorders.)


You can change that cosmetically and use hormone treatment against it, but that doesn't change your DNA.


I have no problem pursing that if that's their desire, but you are what you are.  To me this isn't much different than the bathroom.  You can choose what you want be and I don't have a problem with whoever or whatever attracts you... your bathroom is what your DNA dictates.  You should be competing against those with like DNA.


That being said... if you are taking substances that are considered performance enhancing and are not allowed for participating athletes, that should be a disqualifier.


If the performance enhancing substance list is different for males and females, then it's probably time to update the rules.

Quote:Actually there are animals that can change gender and sex in certain circumstances. Naturally too.

But not humans.
Quote:But not humans.

Not mammals in general.

Quote:I must be the only one that finds it odd that a 17 year old high school kid is going through "gender transition".  I mean, parents allowing this to happen to a child at that age?  A doctor willing to prescribe hormone medication that is not melodically necessary for a child that age?

Why not? After all a 17 year old can drink alcohol and vote. There's no problem with your having sexual relations with a 17 year old girl. Seventeen is clearly old enough to make a permanent life-altering medical decision.






Quote:But not humans.

Nope not humans.
Quote:How is regular defined? Natural? Some boys have naturally high testosterone, while some have low. Are the boys with lower-than-regular testosterone also allowed to take testosterone so they can be "regular"? Should we just take the genetic gift of athleticism out of sports entirely since it is unfair as well?

Mean +\- sd
Quote:Who you are and who or what you want to be are sometimes different things.

If your DNA and plumbing indicate you are a male or female, then that's what you are (with rare exception chromosomal disorders.)

You can change that cosmetically and use hormone treatment against it, but that doesn't change your DNA.

I have no problem pursing that if that's their desire, but you are what you are. To me this isn't much different than the bathroom. You can choose what you want be and I don't have a problem with whoever or whatever attracts you... your bathroom is what your DNA dictates. You should be competing against those with like DNA.

That being said... if you are taking substances that are considered performance enhancing and are not allowed for participating athletes, that should be a disqualifier.

If the performance enhancing substance list is different for males and females, then it's probably time to update the rules.

Please tell us your thoughts on homosexuals.
Quote:Please tell us your thoughts on homosexuals.

Nature's way of ending certain genetic lines?
If gender is fluid like the liberals keep telling us, let's just combine everything. 


He/She/Ze/Shim all that, wrestle together. Since everyone is equal and we are going to deny Sexual Dimorphism and Biology, this settles all these questions. 


I still wouldn't let this kid in though, he was juicing, period. 

This LGBT thing is just a way for liberals to enable pedophiles and sexual predators easy access to the opposite gender to carry out their twisted fantasies.

I wonder will anyone take that bait
Quote:If gender is fluid like the liberals keep telling us, let's just combine everything.

He/She/Ze/Shim all that, wrestle together. Since everyone is equal and we are going to deny Sexual Dimorphism and Biology, this settles all these questions.

I still wouldn't let this kid in though, he was juicing, period.

Gender isn't the same thing as Sex.
I just don't see how this is anybody's business.
Quote:I just don't see how this is anybody's business.

It is certainly the business of the girls who got their butts whooped by a doper.

Quote:Gender isn't the same thing as Sex.
Only in the crazy circles you run in. 
Quote:Who you are and who or what you want to be are sometimes different things.


If your DNA and plumbing indicate you are a male or female, then that's what you are (with rare exception chromosomal disorders.)


You can change that cosmetically and use hormone treatment against it, but that doesn't change your DNA.


I have no problem pursing that if that's their desire, but you are what you are.  To me this isn't much different than the bathroom.  You can choose what you want be and I don't have a problem with whoever or whatever attracts you... your bathroom is what your DNA dictates.  You should be competing against those with like DNA.


That being said... if you are taking substances that are considered performance enhancing and are not allowed for participating athletes, that should be a disqualifier.


If the performance enhancing substance list is different for males and females, then it's probably time to update the rules.

Quote:I'd be wondering why this 200 lb girl would be in the same weight class as my 105 lb daughter.  
He was using a softball/baseball, or even soccer reference....
Quote:I just don't see how this is anybody's business.
Seriously, you can't? For athlete's, this is a huge deal.
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