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Full Version: Projected Win Total Post Week 4
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Do you post anything of substance or just post garbage?
What about 5 as an option?  I'll take the Bucs and 3/4 of our Texans and Titans matches to finish there.  

My magic eight ball says nothing in the last two years would make you think that everything will turn around this season especially after a quater of the season played & HC Gus Bradley is yet again .250% winning

and 0-1 in the division.


I start to chug the teal koolaid and say hey look TE Thomas & DT Marks are ProBowl caliber players that can greatly improve the team on both sides of the ball and will come back and play this week!

The Jaguars have a very easy opponet and will be 2-3 and will then sweep the texans 3-3 but will probably lose to the Bills & then get a chance to rest after the bye week at 3-4 then will probably lose to the Jets 3-5, and might even lose to the Ravens 3-6 but should defeat the Titans 4-6  then lose to the Chargers 4 -7 probably split wins with the Titans 4-8, lose again to the Colts now with Luck playing 4-9, then lose to falcons (if gus isnt fired at this point he might after being blown out by Falcons) 4-10,

then defeat the saints and texans 6-10.


That is me being a bit optomistic, because it would be more wins than Gus has had to date in any season (almost the total of the last two year wins minus one game).  Either way anything less than eight wins will likely not result in going to the playoffs and only gives you a lower caliber draft pick.

Quote:Do you post anything of substance or just post garbage?

It's not about the substance of your posts man, it's all about getting better everyday! If you post what you feel, and believe in your message then the substance will come eventually man its part of the process. This is a special group on this message board man and I really like your spirit! We are fans of the Jacksonville Jay-gwires man and we should be proud of the opportoony man!

Power Rankings in () is what the power ranking was prior to the season starting.. and the Jaguars are ranked exactly what people thought they would be 27th in the League...

so i guess non-fans can see that HC Gus Bradley & the Jaguars stink but we are blind to it.


We want the Jaguars to win so bad we go into denial and say they are almost there when in fact they are getting worse....

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