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Quote:just because a moron like you can't think strategically doens't mean you have to vilify those who can; but then again in your case I suppose it's an example of 'stupid is as stupid does'... isn't it?
Oh look at you coming out with the name calling because you know I'm right. Bravo dude. Just because you're ignorant doesn't mean you have to share it with the board because we already know.
Quote:Well then, I guess that makes you just a real 'feel good' kind'a guy, doesn't it?
I'm not negative like you Nancy.
Quote:I am! Just ask your ol' lady... she knows! LOL!!!
Proud of yourself eh? You must be a young one, the ignorance thing makes more sense now.
Op straight post and run.
Quote:If players are cleared to play and they don't play them because, eh, this game is a wash according to the experts, that logic could be used for almost every game the rest of the way considering the "experts" have pretty much set the Jags as the underdog in most of their remaining games.


To me, this entire thread comes off as a "we need material to wring our hands over, so let's tank a game we're not expected to win so that there's plenty of fodder for us to gristle about."


Heaven knows there's absolutely zero chance we could win this game.  We should really cancel the flight and just phone it in because we're not worthy to be on the same field, right?

The key word is cleared. I don't think the team doctors clear them if they think they're not ready or have a high probability of getting re-injured. I can see how the OP comes off as giving up before we play.

Having the colts for what appears likely to be a 1-2 tie breaker for the division lead in week 3 definitely has the fans attention, and I don't really blame them. There's a lot of people chalking this one up and looking forward to being in the best shape to beat Indy. I don't see the coaching staff making the same mistake of looking past this game, but I do hope they make it out of there as healthy as possible.
Interesting Strategy. Reminds of that Broncos game two years ago .. the broncos were 28 point favorites or something -- and look nobody likes moral victories -- but the Jags could have taken that losers lament mentality and given up like you would have expected, but you know what, the Jags got respect from the entire league after keeping up with that team for most of the game and I think that type of thing shows a higher level of sportsmanship and integrity. 


I do intent to sound Cliche here. I do intend to romance it. I will continue to hold the idea that Sport is always about giving it your all when the odds are stacked against you. I don't believe in quitting when the other team is older, more experienced and more skilled. Sports are not about being a coward and hiding in fear, this is a game where the Jags can show their fight and grit and willingness to take on any team and any challenge. that's what football is all about and that's why we relate to it and that's why we love it. Every single week is a challenge. Winning any game takes an athletes all, and you can't put your head down. you fight. 

The broncos were nowhere near 28 point favorites. I think it was 14.
Here's a "strategy" for you.......play to win.
They are just a team. The Jaguars may very well have more all around talent. They have a future HOF QB, Coach and TE and they run a great system. They are not the unbeatable power house many make them out to be.
Quote:The broncos were nowhere near 28 point favorites. I think it was 14.


Quote:I kind of feel like we are so unlikely to win this game that we ought to treat it like the 4th preseason game, in that anyone who is rated as "questionable" on the injury report should not play.  I would like to see guys like Linder, Joeckel, and Marks at full strength for the Colts.   I want to fold this hand against the Pats and go all in to beat the Colts.  


Kind of. 

Yeah... Jaguars need to play this as if it's a "must win." That's the way any team should play every game. If you beat the Patriots, I think that would put much wind in your sails going forward. Let's face it, *everyone* wants to beat the Patriots (badly), and you could be the first team to do it this year. That's the type of confidence that breeds success.


I've been to several team forums this season, as I do each year, and you guys are really top-notch as it pertains to being fans. If we do lose tomorrow, at least it happened to be by one of the good ones.


We don't see each other that often, so I look at this as one of those games where you need to go out and execute. There is no real bad blood/history here, so it's just a fun game.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24045476/broncos-28-over-jaguars-is-largest-point-spread-in-nfl-history'>http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24045476/broncos-28-over-jaguars-is-largest-point-spread-in-nfl-history</a>

Oh my, wowzers. I stand corrected. What a helluva spread. I would've bet that any day of the week. Thx for the link 02. Surprised me.
We can beat the Pats and even if we lose we could face them again..(playoff) maybe. You show a team what you got and give it to them. ANY GIVING SUNDAY.They might have a bad game and we have a good game. We have a solid team and it's time to bust them in the mouth. We usually lose to teams that we should beat but beat teams that people expect us to lose to. So you need to take that crap and serve it with 2 sides and a sweet tea. We might bend but we fold for no team. J!!!! A!!!! G!!!! S!!!! JAGS!!!! JAGS!!!!! JAGS!!!! MOVE THEM CHAINS... 

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