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Full Version: School District bans 'TAG'
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Quote:So what do little kids play at recess?

A rousing game of gender neutral, race neutral, non religious, gluten free, wind powered hand wringing is acceptable.  
Quote:I am not gay. A family member of mine is, however, and I was the subject of "smear the queer" every day of my sixth grade year, amongst other indignities. It was part of a systematic, unprovoked bullying that nearly killed me. Banning tag is ridiculous, but playing smear the queer and not seeing anything wrong with it basically makes anyone playing it a piece of [BAD WORD REMOVED].
The version you played does not sound like the one I played as a kid.  We used a football and whoever had it would scramble around with it trying to avoid getting creamed.  No bullying, no singling anyone out just rough and tumble play that I have fond memories of playing as a child.  The name however could certainly stand to be changed.
I hadn't thought about this in decades....Though occasionally painful and bloody, there was nothing like a good game of British Bulldog.  Fun times...
Quote:I imagine "Tag" was banned because it had become "Hit" at that school. My junior high banned a lunchtime game for similar, appropriate reasons.
Yeah, we played a more no holds barred version of tag that typically included tripping, clotheslines and punching. It was fun, but man did it hurt when the right person was "it" and lined up a brutal hit on you.
Quote:The version you played does not sound like the one I played as a kid. We used a football and whoever had it would scramble around with it trying to avoid getting creamed. No bullying, no singling anyone out just rough and tumble play that I have fond memories of playing as a child. The name however could certainly stand to be changed.
We played that too, but it was called "tackleoco" as I recall. Our principal loved it so much when we did that that we wound up trying to explain to him, as only this graders can, that we weren't playing tackle football, therefore it was ok.
Quote:The version you played does not sound like the one I played as a kid.  We used a football and whoever had it would scramble around with it trying to avoid getting creamed.  No bullying, no singling anyone out just rough and tumble play that I have fond memories of playing as a child.  The name however could certainly stand to be changed.

When I played this game before we moved to Florida it was called Tackloco, and it was fun. The boys in my new Florida neighborhood called it Smear the Queer, and it was much different. Usually the smaller or unpopular boys were fed the ball and invariable ended up getting, well, smeared. It was a bullying tactic and very ugly.


My guess is anyone being ok with this game were the bullies, not the bullied.
Quote:When I played this game before we moved to Florida it was called Tackloco, and it was fun. The boys in my new Florida neighborhood called it Smear the Queer, and it was much different. Usually the smaller or unpopular boys were fed the ball and invariable ended up getting, well, smeared. It was a bullying tactic and very ugly.


My guess is anyone being ok with this game were the bullies, not the bullied.
We played Tackle-Loco as well...until one of the kids broke a collar bone on a particularly nasty hit. 
Quote:The version you played does not sound like the one I played as a kid.  We used a football and whoever had it would scramble around with it trying to avoid getting creamed.  No bullying, no singling anyone out just rough and tumble play that I have fond memories of playing as a child.  The name however could certainly stand to be changed.

So what should the game be named?  Apparently "smear the queer" is not a PC name for the game.  "Tackle-Loco" is not PC either as "loco" is a term in Spanish for "crazy" or even "[BLEEP]".


I played the game as a youngster, and yes it hurt at times.  Yes I got bumps and bruises, but you know what?  I played the game on my own free will.  I was a smaller kid and didn't feel that I was "fed the ball" just so the bigger kids could "bully" me.  As of matter of fact, I always went for the ball because I was smaller, shiftier and faster than many of the other kids.


To say that playing this game was a "bullying tactic" is not very accurate.
Quote:I doubt you can play smear the queer anywhere nowadays. The LGBT fanatics would come out of the wordworks.

I'm afraid to google that. 
Quote:I'm afraid to google that. 


"Smear the queer" or "LGBT fanatics"?

Quote:"Smear the queer" or "LGBT fanatics"?

Was speaking of smear the queer, but the other one wouldn't be a good search either lol.
Lol..... banning tag? What??

Quote:So what should the game be named?  Apparently "smear the queer" is not a PC name for the game.  "Tackle-Loco" is not PC either as "loco" is a term in Spanish for "crazy" or even "[BLEEP]".


I played the game as a youngster, and yes it hurt at times.  Yes I got bumps and bruises, but you know what?  I played the game on my own free will.  I was a smaller kid and didn't feel that I was "fed the ball" just so the bigger kids could "bully" me.  As of matter of fact, I always went for the ball because I was smaller, shiftier and faster than many of the other kids.


To say that playing this game was a "bullying tactic" is not very accurate.

Because your experience was true for all? In my experience it was very much a bullying tactic, and I'm not saying that because I was a target, because I wasn't. I just quit playing when I realized what was going on.


What part of "Smear the Queer" is cool, or ok? There are times when politically correct is simply correct. Do you think saying "Catch a tiger by the toe" instead of the original words is political correctness?
We played tackle loco as well, but one of the kids ran head first into one of those domed metal monkey bars things.

Quote:So what should the game be named?  Apparently "smear the queer" is not a PC name for the game.  "Tackle-Loco" is not PC either as "loco" is a term in Spanish for "crazy" or even "[BLEEP]".


I played the game as a youngster, and yes it hurt at times.  Yes I got bumps and bruises, but you know what?  I played the game on my own free will.  I was a smaller kid and didn't feel that I was "fed the ball" just so the bigger kids could "bully" me.  As of matter of fact, I always went for the ball because I was smaller, shiftier and faster than many of the other kids.


To say that playing this game was a "bullying tactic" is not very accurate.
Care to read my post again and tell me how screaming out, "SMEAR THE [BAD WORD REMOVED] QUEER!" as you body-slam someone to the ground with the intent to injure them is not a bullying tactic?


Playing tackleloco and just generally beating the crap out of everyone equally is not bullying, but when it's a targeted attack on someone, regardless of whether there's a game of catch involved or just finding someone in the locker room, screaming "QUEER!" and slamming them face-first into a locker, it is absolutely bullying, and those participating are pieces of [BAD WORD REMOVED].

Quote:Care to read my post again and tell me how screaming out, "SMEAR THE [BAD WORD REMOVED] QUEER!" as you body-slam someone to the ground with the intent to injure them is not a bullying tactic?


"With the intent to injure them"? Where did you grow up?


The idea behind "smear the queer" is to resemble a fumble situation in tackle football. You tackle the guy and the kids pile on, but that's it. Nobody had an intent to injure in the several times I've played the game. We always came away having fun, and typically everyone involved gets the ball at some point. It was never meant to pick on and injure a particular kid. I presume you were in the kind of neighborhood where kids playing "tag" would punch the kid who became "it."

Quote:"With the intent to injure them"? Where did you grow up?

The idea behind "smear the queer" is to resemble a fumble situation in tackle football. You tackle the guy and the kids pile on, but that's it. Nobody had an intent to injure in the several times I've played the game. We always came away having fun, and typically everyone involved gets the ball at some point. It was never meant to pick on and injure a particular kid. I presume you were in the kind of neighborhood where kids playing "tag" would punch the kid who became "it."
I grew up in Jacksonville and went to a private school, one of the best out there, that catered to a wealthy white demographic. The "neighborhood" had nothing to do with it. It was straight up bullying. Single someone out as the "queer" then kick the [BLEEP] out of them.

Again, those participating are pieces of [BLEEP].
The neighborhood clealry had everything to do with it because that's just not normal. The ball is thrown out there, and whoever picks it up is the "queer." They don't choose the poor kid with the sniffles. You actually have to choose to get it if the game is being played correctly. Once you pick it up, everyone tries to basically tackle and/or pounce on you strictly in an effort to get you down on the ground (they should never try to hurt you), and then all the other kids pile on. The only danger is if you're in a bad position and the weight of the kids gets to be a big much. Usually there's a fat kid who jumps on top. In all the times I've played never had there been any attempt to injure. I only said above that it's not ok nowadays because of the connotation implied by the name in today's politically correct society.

Quote:Yeah, we played a more no holds barred version of tag that typically included tripping, clotheslines and punching. It was fun, but man did it hurt when the right person was "it" and lined up a brutal hit on you.


I didn't see this before. You really did have it rough. In "tag" you're just supposed to touch the kid and say "you're it."


What did they do to you after they found you when playing "hide and seek"?

Quote:I hadn't thought about this in decades....Though occasionally painful and bloody, there was nothing like a good game of British Bulldog.  Fun times...


What's that?

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