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Last Week 1-3

Season 3-5


New England



I was 1-3 both weeks, so I'm hoping to improve here.


I noticed about 90 percent of the media is picking the Texans, but I don't see it. Mallet really sucks. So...





Sure Mallet sucks, but the bucs managed to make mariota look like a world beater. I'm thinking texans colts and pats.



I went 3-1 last week, didnt expect the Colts to forget to play.(Didnt do picks on here week one)


Colts will however get their win this week I believe, Wouldnt mind seeing them lose again tho!

Bucs will find a way to beat the Hopkins/Foster/QB-less Texans.

I do want to pick the Pats to win, but I cant go against my Jags... So heres hoping something happens and either we win in a shoot out or we win on the back of our D.

I would be very delighted if Colts lose tomorrow




3-5 for the season so far

Waaaaay out on the proverbial limb....


Jags -  we catch them napping and sack the heck out of brady (he HATES that)

tacks - at home with a lost bunch of clots

bucs - 'horns are beyond a mess this year


Let's roll this Jags!

3-0 this week.


5-6 overall.

Quote:3-0 this week.


5-6 overall.

Quote:Patriots over Jaguars [sad but true, I'm even picking this game in my survival pool]

Colts over Titans

Texans over Buccs

Last week 2-2

Season 4-4

Overall 7-4
Quote:Overall, I think Jacksonville and Tennessee are the losers this weekend, setting up a nice matchup come Week Four. On a side note, how do we count Division games? I can't remember. Is an Indy win / Tennessee loss two wins for me or just one?


Jacksonville @ New England - I actually think that Jacksonville has the weapons to compete with New England but I just don't think their Defense is up to the task this early in the season. New England wins this one going away, but I feel like it will be similar to the Jacksonville Denver game two seasons ago where they hang in there early, then Brady and Co. pull away late. New England


<p style="margin-left:40px;">Win. Ugh


Indianapolis @ Tennessee - This may be a barometer game as far as the state of the Indianapolis team goes. They have the talent to pull away from Tennessee and embarrass the rook QB in his house, but will they do it? They are on a short week already and those comments from Pagano would worry me. I think Luck and gang rebound quickly from their losses and take this one, but it does deserve watching. Indianapolis


<p style="margin-left:40px;">Win. Y'all's boy Luck is becoming a turnover machine the likes of which the AFC South hasn't seen since Leftwich. The man now has seven INT's thrown this season. Will he keep this up?


Houston @ Tampa Bay - Houston should win this one, they really should. Tampa is down a few weapons, they have a rookie QB, they were the worst team in the League last season, yadda yadda yadda. However, I just don't like the vibe coming off of that squad. Not saying that they can't pull this one off on the road, but I'm gonna let it ride on Lovie and the Bucs. Tampa Bay


<p style="margin-left:40px;">Loss. This one bit me.

Week 3: 2 -1

Overall: 5 - 6
 I went 2-1 this week. record  moves to 4-7

Bulls eye after week four is over can we have a season standings listed for this please. after week four though.

Quote:3-0 this week.


5-6 overall.



Double ditto.
Quote:Jaguars (1-1) at Patriots (2-0)- Call me crazy, but I believe our current defense matches well with the Patriots stacked route tree. The LBs will be tested hard with the occasional test deep for the DBs. Offensively, we just won't be able to do enough. Two weeks in a row they died in the second half. I'm not sure what the fix is, but it continues this week. Patriots win.


Colts (0-2) at Tacks (1-1)- The tacks are a better team this year, whether anyone will give them credit or not. They have enough talent to put a stake into the downward spiraling colts. With that said, the colts will bring their A-game this week and smoke the tacks. Colts win.


</strong>(0-2) at Bucs (1-1)
- This game is up for grabs. Neither team has a consistent offense or QB for that matter. On paper, the texan's defense as a whole is light years ahead of tampa. I like tampa's secondary just a little more, which is where houston has been vulnerable. I'm going out on a limb and say tampa pulls off the upset with turnovers and last minute field-goal. Tampa wins.


Last week: 1-3 (yuck)

Overall: 4-4
2-1 This week

6-5 overall
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