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Full Version: Executive Order: Behavioral Experiments on U.S Citizens To Advance Govt Initiatives
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Quote:You don't see the problem with manipulating the human mind to act or react a certain way without permission?

Asks the FoxNews viewer
Quote:Asks the FoxNews viewer

Your continual and constant Pavlovian "But FOX!!!" response sure shows their success already.
Quote:Asks the FoxNews viewer

I'm as conservative as it gets, and yet I don't really see a problem with this. I do see the potential for a problem if abused or utilized by factions with questionable agendas, however, it's ultimately about making the government more effective. One huge problem with the federal government is an abundance of programs that simply aren't being taken advantage of by the populace. Such programs are often deemed wasteful and scrapped, but some of these same programs were well intended to begin with. The goal here is to take advantage of recent scientific findings. I feel like safeguards should be set in place to prevent abuse of the program, but as intended I'm all for it.

Quote:Like advertising on TV? Like your mother trying to get you to eat your vegetables? Like the Jags trying to get you to buy season tickets?

No, I don't.

If someone wants to try to get you to do something, do they ask your permission first?
Uncle Barack is not my mother.
Quote:If you don't think this is happening to you already,every minute of every day, by everyone in the entire world who wants you to do anything at all, then you are very naive.

And besides, all this Executive Order is talking about is getting people to save more money for their retirement and stuff like that.

Go back and read the executive order. Quote the part that is making you paranoid. Because I just don't see anything noteworthy in there. (Other then the part about Obama's third term and declaring martial law.) Smile
Part of me agrees with you, part of me is incensed.  Yes I realize this has been done in the past but giving it a free pass would be akin to forgiving the government for inflicting black soldiers with syphilis in WWII to see the results.  
Quote:I'm as conservative as it gets, and yet I don't really see a problem with this. I do see the potential for a problem if abused or utilized by factions with questionable agendas, however, it's ultimately about making the government more effective. One huge problem with the federal government is an abundance of programs that simply aren't being taken advantage of by the populace. Such programs are often deemed wasteful and scrapped, but some of these same programs were well intended to begin with. The goal here is to take advantage of recent scientific findings. I feel like safeguards should be set in place to prevent abuse of the program, but as intended I'm all for it.
Saving money for your future should be a second nature endeavor.  Well until you look at the rate of return on savings.  
Quote:Saving money for your future should be a second nature endeavor.  Well until you look at the rate of return on savings.  



No wonder the administration is pushing savings. Their cronies at Goldman Sachs appreciate your zero-interest loans.

Quote:President Obama has signed a new executive order authorizing Federal agencies to perform behavioral studies on American citizens. The studies, which will be performed without express permission from participants, are designed to advance government initiatives by “nudging” citizens toward certain behaviors and choices.






Yay for psyops and group think.

Have you guys actually read the Executive Order?  There is nothing in there about experimenting on the American people.   


Quote:Have you guys actually read the Executive Order?  There is nothing in there about experimenting on the American people.   



The executive order gives authorization to perform actions which will influence citizens without knowledge or consent. Clear as day. Do you need it written at a third grade reading level or something?


Here is the big one since your reading comprehension is lacking.


(ii) develop strategies for applying behavioral science insights to programs and, where possible, rigorously test and evaluate the impact of these insights;


Now, you can be a good government sheep and willingly accept that the federal government will only use this power for the good of its constituency. Or you can be a cynic, because any well-educated individual knows that historically the government has often performed well-outside its authorized power against its own citizenry to its own benefit (CIA drug funneling, human experimentation, fast and furious, arming terrorists, unauthorized searching and monitoring, etc, etc, etc).
Quote:Have you guys actually read the Executive Order?  There is nothing in there about experimenting on the American people.   



You don't get it. If the slope is not slippery, it must be watered. Everything has the potential for abuse, even if it requires nurturing.
Quote:Everything has the potential for abuse

Dead on. It is the reason why the Constitution was created, to stop (or slow down) that potential abuse. Unfortunately even it is actively being twisted by lawmakers in Washington to benefit outside interests. Sad, really.
What I'm saying is that its a worthy stated goal for utlilizing this science, although I'm cautiously optimistic about it because there's always that potential of some offshoot of the government abusing such methods to promote their own agenda. I'd like to see this work although with reasonable oversight to prevent any abuse.

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