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Full Version: The Despicable Behavior Of The Media Toward The First Lady
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Quote:I wouldn't propagate images like that. 
I don't agree with it either, If that's what you're looking for me to say.
Quote:I'm a conservative but it disgusts me when I see pictures like that.


It's wrong to go after the Obama family the same way it is wrong to go after Melania and Baron. 


You can be a liberal democrat and still love this country. 
Are you disgusted about the first lady being labeled a hooker?
Quote:I didn't make the thing. I did a simple google search, and there it was. It is nothing more than making the point that what the media is doing to President Trump, and even more shamefully, his family, has really crossed the line. That picture is a graphic representation of the reality of what the out of control liberals are doing to the President.

No out of control liberals made that picture. A racist conservative made it. Michelle went through years of hearing negative hate speech. Where were your posts saying it was despicable behavior when she was on the other end? Neither deserve such things to be said about them but don't spin it like this is a first.
Quote:No out of control liberals made that picture. A racist conservative made it. Michelle went through years of hearing negative hate speech. Where were your posts saying it was despicable behavior when she was on the other end? Neither deserve such things to be said about them but don't spin it like this is a first.
Name a news person who did something similar to the former first lady. I have never seen one.


Can't be outraged about something that either didn't happen or was never reported.


I notice that nobody is willing to answer the question that was the reason for the picture? What is that guy doing with a job at the NYT? It is no different than that picture. They are both examples of hatred. You know good and well that a simple, "I'm sorry" wouldn't have cut it had Fox News had done something like that. Heads would have rolled.


Pointing out hypocrisy that is permeating society these days.  

Quote:Name a news person who did something similar to the former first lady. I have never seen one.

Can't be outraged about something that either didn't happen or was never reported.

I notice that nobody is willing to answer the question that was the reason for the picture? What is that guy doing with a job at the NYT? It is no different than that picture. They are both examples of hatred. You know good and well that a simple, "I'm sorry" wouldn't have cut it had Fox News had done something like that. Heads would have rolled.

Pointing out hypocrisy that is permeating society these days.
<a class="bbc_url" href='https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwxoshtXAAAyq2_.jpg'>https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwxoshtXAAAyq2_.jpg</a>

Well besides the obvious stories like the mayor and the official that said beyond racist things about her here is a tweet from the NYT since you specifically said media.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwxoshtXAAAyq2_.jpg'>https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwxoshtXAAAyq2_.jpg</a>

Well besides the obvious stories like the mayor and the official that said beyond racist things about her here is a tweet from the NYT since you specifically said media.
Did you bother to even read your link?


What exactly is racist or hateful about it. "Angry black woman"???? Is that the best you can muster up?
Quote:If Fox news posted a picture like this, would they even be in business? How many lawsuits would they be facing? (Not that a reputable company like Fox would ever do such a thing)




There would be riots in the streets, and liberals everywhere would be melting down out of control. (not that they have much control to begin with)

You know, I posted in an earlier thread a while back that Michelle Obama "resembled an ape".  I stand by my comment because that is my personal point of view, and I took a lot of flak for it.  That being said, the picture that you posted goes too far in my opinion.  That's far worse than my comment and quite frankly I think that it's not only disrespectful, but pretty insulting.  Like them or not, that is a pretty disrespectful and insulting way to depict a former President and First Lady.
Quote:You know, I posted in an earlier thread a while back that Michelle Obama "resembled an ape".  I stand by my comment because that is my personal point of view, and I took a lot of flak for it.  That being said, the picture that you posted goes too far in my opinion.  That's far worse than my comment and quite frankly I think that it's not only disrespectful, but pretty insulting.  Like them or not, that is a pretty disrespectful and insulting way to depict a former President and First Lady.
I agree. I didn't make the picture. It was used to prove a point. Liberals are calling a very classy first lady a hooker, and "crickets".....


There are open discussions on not only how to, but why it's justified, to assassinate the president.
So wait this guy said this at a party in a personal setting?

Well this outrage is ludicrous. Sounds like locker room talk to me!
Quote:Did you bother to even read your link?

What exactly is racist or hateful about it. "Angry black woman"???? Is that the best you can muster up?

Yes that is a racist statement.

This is not Star Wars. It is not good versus evil. Both sides say horrible things about one another. There are respectful and disrespectful people on both sides. She did nude modeling. There are going to be idiots that say dumb things relating to it. Just like there are idiots who would say a black woman looks like an ape. Both are disrespectful and hurtful. I am not going to see who can find the most hurtful things that were said about another human because I don't see the good that would come from it.
Trump made claims that Obama wasn't even American.

Were you upset that people could make such a claim while he was president?

The dude said the wrong thing about Melania. He should have never said it. Just like the millions of people who insulted Obama and his wife while he was president.
Quote:Trump made claims that Obama wasn't even American.

Were you upset that people could make such a claim while he was president?

The dude said the wrong thing about Melania. He should have never said it. Just like the millions of people who insulted Obama and his wife while he was president.
This is stupid. He didn't do a news story. They're words! That is all!


Melania is a hooker!!!!

Sue me now???
Quote:You know, I posted in an earlier thread a while back that Michelle Obama "resembled an ape". I stand by my comment because that is my personal point of view, and I took a lot of flak for it. That being said, the picture that you posted goes too far in my opinion. That's far worse than my comment and quite frankly I think that it's not only disrespectful, but pretty insulting. Like them or not, that is a pretty disrespectful and insulting way to depict a former President and First Lady.
So is it ok if I say Melania looks like a hooker? Or that she resembles one?
Quote:Name a news person who did something similar to the former first lady. I have never seen one.

Can't be outraged about something that either didn't happen or was never reported.

I notice that nobody is willing to answer the question that was the reason for the picture? What is that guy doing with a job at the NYT? It is no different than that picture. They are both examples of hatred. You know good and well that a simple, "I'm sorry" wouldn't have cut it had Fox News had done something like that. Heads would have rolled.

Pointing out hypocrisy that is permeating society these days.

Michelle was called monkey gorilla everything in the book. She was a very active and very classy First Lady. She was big on exercise diet education never got any credit from the extreme right. Sad!
Quote:So is it ok if I say Melania looks like a hooker? Or that she resembles one?

Her nudes look hookerish.
Quote:Jacob Bernstein should be looking for a job right now. After calling the elegant, classy first lady a "hooker" is completely inexcusable. It is an example of how the media has crossed the line of professional malpractice.


As an example, had Rush Limbaugh called the former first lady a dirty monkey, he would be done. He would have no job. He would have no future.


This shows the double standard of the fake liberal media. They can make up anything. They can cross professional lines. They can write stories with no sources and say anything they want to. And the liberal sheeple just follow right along.


It is a disgusting act that is coming dangerously close to treason.


If there is a swamp that needs to be drained, the media would be the second place after the government mess (swamp) is fixed.


Shame on the fake liberal media for slandering a wonderful, classy woman.
I mean I heard a lot of people calling Michelle Obama an ape. So can't say that the right keeps it classy either.


Quote:He's a latent liberal and hates himself for it so he lashes out to compensate.

Same thing Pence does with gays.

Seent it plenty of times
That almost wouldn't surprise me. I mean it would, but then again, it wouldn't. He just seems like the typical elite and a bunch of them are swingers in all kinds of directions.
Quote:So is it ok if I say Melania looks like a hooker? Or that she resembles one?

Quote:Her nudes look hookerish.
Come on man, most hookers in florida look nothing like Melenia. Maybe in the fancy escort services, but the ones you see in the ER or South OBT.... lol.

But if you are trying to suggest she dresses provocativly, or at least has in the past. Yeah I could agree.
She does have a bit of that hooker vibe to her
Quote:Her nudes look hookerish.

Quote:She does have a bit of that hooker vibe to her

Just when you think you have reached the bottom of the barrel there's always just that little bit more that you can scrape out huh?

She is your First Lady, have you no regard for her honor?
I don't see hooker.. I see classy..
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