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Quote:LOL.  You both are a couple of bleeding heart leftist libs.  That's O.K. though, you two are alright in my book.   :thumbsup:
All we need is a campfire and some recorders. WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
Quote:LOL.  You both are a couple of bleeding heart leftist libs.  That's O.K. though, you two are alright in my book.   :thumbsup:
I'm liking this post as a show of bipartisan friendship, not because you called me a bleeding heart leftist lib.  :angry:
Quote:Well, I mean, if using third-party overseas distributors to violate an export ban so she could rake in hundreds of millions of dollars from a country that she now wants to turn into a parking lot is insignificant, sure...



First of all, she has never advocated "turning any country into a parking lot".  Let's get that straight.


Second of all, she did nothing wrong, nor did Hewlett Packard do anything wrong.  While this is a "loophole", it's not like there are no other companies doing the same thing.  I wonder how many iphones there are in Iran?  How did they get there?


Also, as a CEO, she was probably aware of the partnership with the LEGAL distributing company in Dubai.  What the company does after the goods are sold to them does not reflect back to HP.
Quote:I'm liking this post as a show of bipartisan friendship, not because you called me a bleeding heart leftist lib.  :angry:

LOL.  You two as well as a few other "regulars" in this forum are fun to debate with and discuss things.  I doubt that any of us change each others minds or opinions, but it's nice to be able to express differing opinions to see how "the other side" thinks and believes.   :yes:
Quote:Also, as a CEO, she was probably aware of the partnership with the LEGAL distributing company in Dubai.  What the company does after the goods are sold to them does not reflect back to HP.
You really don't think that she knew where those printers were ultimately headed? At best, she was very intentionally ignorant. At worst, and most likely, the deal was made directly with Iranian interests, with the distributor used essentially as a fence to circumvent the export ban. She conducted a shady, illegal business deal. It's ok, lots of companies have done it, but the former CEOs of those companies typically don't run for President on a platform largely based upon aggressive posturing against the nation that they broke several laws to take lots of money from.
Quote:LOL.  You two as well as a few other "regulars" in this forum are fun to debate with and discuss things.  I doubt that any of us change each others minds or opinions, but it's nice to be able to express differing opinions to see how "the other side" thinks and believes.   :yes:
Agreed there. Your backing off of the Cruz train gives me hope for you bunch of right-wing crazies yet. Wink
Quote:First of all, she has never advocated "turning any country into a parking lot". Let's get that straight.

Second of all, she did nothing wrong, nor did Hewlett Packard do anything wrong. While this is a "loophole", it's not like there are no other companies doing the same thing. I wonder how many iphones there are in Iran? How did they get there?

Also, as a CEO, she was probably aware of the partnership with the LEGAL distributing company in Dubai. What the company does after the goods are sold to them does not reflect back to HP.

Spin to win.
Quote:I finally watched it today, and I came away with these thoughts personally.

Rand Paul is an idiot.

Donald Trump needs to go back to making reality shows since he seems to think that this is one.

Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina impressed me the most.

Post thoughts.

How is Rand Paul an idiot?
My takeaway from the debate is simple I'm more sure now than ever I made the right choice burning my GOP card an registering libertarian. The entire party has sold out to corporate welfare and the military industrial complex. As Rand pointed out they don't believe in the 10th amendment like they claim.

It's getting hard for me to even imagine a scenario where I can stomach the eventual GOP nominee I know it won't be Paul the republicans are to stupid to nominate him.

My favorite part is after listening to 8 years of Obama has no experience he's an inexperienced executive (which I agree with he's been a horrible president) the grand plan is to nominate a corrupt billionaire with no experience, a doctor with no experience, another CEO with no experience or another Bush.

These bastards are going to push me to vote for a socialist, a freaking socialist just so I can hold onto a small slither of hope we don't start ww3 in the next 10 years. Screw you GOP you've left me with no good options.
Quote:Spin to win.
i love dark souls halbred pvp strat
Quote:My takeaway from the debate is simple I'm more sure now than ever I made the right choice burning my GOP card an registering libertarian. The entire party has sold out to corporate welfare and the military industrial complex. As Rand pointed out they don't believe in the 10th amendment like they claim.

It's getting hard for me to even imagine a scenario where I can stomach the eventual GOP nominee I know it won't be Paul the republicans are to stupid to nominate him.

My favorite part is after listening to 8 years of Obama has no experience he's an inexperienced executive (which I agree with he's been a horrible president) the grand plan is to nominate a corrupt billionaire with no experience, a doctor with no experience, another CEO with no experience or another Bush.

These [BAD WORD REMOVED] are going to push me to vote for a socialist, a freaking socialist just so I can hold onto a small slither of hope we don't start ww3 in the next 10 years. Screw you GOP you've left me with no good options.
agreed I'm registering republican to vote for Paul in the primaries then I will probably also be voting for a freaking socialist, makes me sad.

Cruz remains a Canadian idiot, and it was very refreshing to see virtually everyone else on the debate panel essentially call him one over his blabbering about shutting down the government to block Planned Parenthood funding (a move that, as those with multiple functioning brain cells onstage pointed out, would all but hand Democrats the election), and on his "tear up the treaty" garbage. Cruz is a demagogue, and he'll continue to be marginalized and pushed out of the election as Americans see that the man is either making it up as he goes along or functionally insane. I initially thought that Cruz would be at the convention as one of the final two or three. Now, I think he'll be lucky to survive Super Tuesday, and I'm not shedding any tears over that.



It's not a treaty.  It's a nonbinding executive agreement.
Quote:Rubio first, because that's easy. His policies on the economy and education are both acceptable to me. His immigration policies are very common sense, and while I'm not a fan of his desire to single-handedly dismantle the Iran treaty, his method for doing so has a certain level of creativity that I can't help but respect.


The "nuke the world" joke about Fiorina was specifically related to her hard-line stance against Russia, China, Iran, Korea, really anyone that stands in the way of the US doing exactly what she wants it to. She's seemingly after a second Cold War--or just the complete thermonuclear annihilation of Russia. It was tough to tell which.
way to not answer the question.
Quote:You really don't think that she knew where those printers were ultimately headed? At best, she was very intentionally ignorant. At worst, and most likely, the deal was made directly with Iranian interests, with the distributor used essentially as a fence to circumvent the export ban. She conducted a shady, illegal business deal. It's ok, lots of companies have done it, but the former CEOs of those companies typically don't run for President on a platform largely based upon aggressive posturing against the nation that they broke several laws to take lots of money from.

   This is one major reason why I hope Carly Fiorina doesn't win the Republican Nomination.   I'm not concerned about her business skills.   But when it comes to trust,  including on foreign policy,  the confidence is not there for me from the perspective of a Conservative voter.     
Quote:The guy is so far "out there" that it's unbelievable to me.  His foreign policy is to be isolationists to the point that he ignores what is happening in the world.  Whether we like it or not, this is a WORLD community right now that we participate in, and our participation should be LEADERS.  We cannot back down from forces that want to do harm not only to us, but our allies as well.
his foreign policy is to negotiate with everyone and keep doors of communication open.  Not to bully people or try and be in charge as the world leader but as one of many world leaders, we simply do not have the resources to continuously play world police like we have in the past.  He has also stated we should support our allies like Israel and Ukraine.   He doesn't want to give money to our enemies for empty promises and he doesn't want to knock one horrible ruler out if there is a strong possibility of a worse leader taking his place.  What do you have against what appears to me as extremely smart foreign policy?




Regarding his stance on marijuana, and specifically "medical marijuana" he is wrong.  It should be left up to the states, not regulated by the federal government.
"I think drugs, marijuana included, aren't good for you," Paul said. "That being said, I don't want to put our kids in prison for it. So if your kid was caught selling marijuana or growing enough that it's a felony conviction, they could be in jail for an extended period of time, they also lose their ability to be employable. So I want to change all of that. I want to lessen the criminal penalties on it but I don't want to be seen as an advocate for its use."

In the current congressional session, Paul introduced five bills dealing with everything from scaling back mandatory minimum sentencing to civil asset forfeiture reform to shielding medical marijuana businesses from federal intervention. Most recently, Paul teamed up with Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) to introduce the REDEEM Act, aimed at reducing the national prison population and rolling back draconian sentencing rules.

I do not get where you are getting he is for the federal government regulation.  He is openly introducing bills that support the states right to choose.  In the debate he specifically showed there are instances where medical marijuana can be a good thing for certain people which it has been shown to be true.  How is he wrong about medical marijuana?

Side note: 2 years ago I went to the VA and did a ptsd study that used marijuana to experiment if it could help vets.  other than that I have not smoked or ingested weed in anyway in years but there was shown that it has its places medically.




The bottom line regarding Rand Paul is, he would be only a VERY slight upgrade to who we have in The Oval Office right now, and that's not saying much.
He is the biggest upgrade possible to what we have in the office right now.  He is a working politician who actually works to make positive action...

obama = During his eight-year career in the Illinois state senate, Barack Obama avoided making controversial votes approximately 130 times -- which, according to other Illinois state senators, is much higher than average. Rather than vote "yea" or "nay" on the legislation in question, Obama on those occasions simply voted "present." 

so you have a working politician who actually makes moves to better the country and give back citizens basic rights that you think is only slightly better than a guy who just shows up, doesn't even bother negotiating with a country and spends more time picking his ncaa bracket than doing his job.

use your eyes
Quote:Agreed there. Your backing off of the Cruz train gives me hope for you bunch of right-wing crazies yet. Wink

On the other hand,  I'm buying another month's worth of Cruz train tickets.  :yes:
printer ink...  150 billion dollars and unilateral lifting of sanctions....  printer ink...  


God bless america.

Quote:printer ink... 150 billion dollars and unilateral lifting of sanctions.... printer ink...

God bless america.

Of course you'd miss the point. Shocking.
Quote:way to not answer the question.
I answered it in a second post after realizing I'd forgotten to answer it in the first. You'll find it up there somewhere, but it's nothing that would surprise you.


Quote:   This is one major reason why I hope Carly Fiorina doesn't win the Republican Nomination.   I'm not concerned about her business skills.   But when it comes to trust,  including on foreign policy,  the confidence is not there for me from the perspective of a Conservative voter.     
Trust is an issue with Fiorina for me, especially now that it's come to light that she made hundreds of millions of dollars for HP by sending printers to Iran, in violation of export laws. The fact that she wants to condemn Iran now that she's not making money off of them is laughable.


My bigger issues remain that she's an abject failure of a CEO, she was roundly stomped by Barbara Boxer in 2010 and (I know this is going to make JIB's ears bleed) she seems interested in starting World War III.


Honestly, the only reason that the media has started propping her up is that they recognize her as the perfect foil for Donald Trump in debates. She'll be gone very quickly once the primaries start.


Quote:printer ink...  150 billion dollars and unilateral lifting of sanctions....  printer ink...  


God bless america.
I get to use this on you twice on one day? Wow! That's awesome!

[Image: whoosh_by_medli20-d520mia.gif]
Can we all just agree that the power of the federal government needs to be reduced if this group and Obama/Clinton/Biden are the types of people who are going to wield it?

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