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Full Version: 9th Grader arrested for bringing clock to school that looks like bomb
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this isn't just sad...  its scary.  I mean...  all i can really do at this point is just shake my head.

Some people are so misguided in where they faithh is placed. GOP candidate was in charge of company who sold products to Iran despite sanctions and its OK. Comments on using drones on US soil and its OK. Muslim kid takes a click to school and gets arrested? Big shocker that the same people thibk its a grand conspiracy.

Incoming email server seizure?
People always see crazy conspiracies.  I don't think they planned it out.  If they did, the kid wouldn't have shown it to his engineering teacher first.  The kid probably just messed around with a clock, called it an 'invention' much like people call baking soda volcanoes 'science experiments', and some people went nuts over it.

I think both sides are overreacting tbh.  

The kid was arrested, and detained without being allowed to contact his parents.  The teachers overreacted a little, and the police overreacted a lot.  

On the other hand, him getting all that free stuff is ridiculous.  The invite to Astronomy Night at the White House isn't that big of a deal.  But Facebook?  Microsoft giving him free stuff?  I"m sure he's getting a free ride into college too.  That's going too far imo. My wife has students who are just as brilliant, if not more so than this student, and aren't getting these sort of invites.  All because her student didn't get handcuffed.  Is that what it takes to draw someone's attention?  Why not just have a scholarship or an invite to students who excel in certain areas with some sort of nationwide contest?  Open to everyone, and not just kids who get themselves arrested.

Just my two cents.

Quote:People always see crazy conspiracies. I don't think they planned it out. If they did, the kid wouldn't have shown it to his engineering teacher first. The kid probably just messed around with a clock, called it an 'invention' much like people call baking soda volcanoes 'science experiments', and some people went nuts over it.

I think both sides are overreacting tbh.

The kid was arrested, and detained without being allowed to contact his parents. The teachers overreacted a little, and the police overreacted a lot.

On the other hand, him getting all that free stuff is ridiculous. The invite to Astronomy Night at the White House isn't that big of a deal. But Facebook? Microsoft giving him free stuff? I"m sure he's getting a free ride into college too. That's going too far imo. My wife has students who are just as brilliant, if not more so than this student, and aren't getting these sort of invites. All because her student didn't get handcuffed. Is that what it takes to draw someone's attention? Why not just have a scholarship or an invite to students who excel in certain areas with some sort of nationwide contest? Open to everyone, and not just kids who get themselves arrested.

Just my two cents.

Agreed, however it should be noted you are being entirely to reasonable about this.
Quote:People always see crazy conspiracies.  I don't think they planned it out.  If they did, the kid wouldn't have shown it to his engineering teacher first.  The kid probably just messed around with a clock, called it an 'invention' much like people call baking soda volcanoes 'science experiments', and some people went nuts over it.

I think both sides are overreacting tbh.  

The kid was arrested, and detained without being allowed to contact his parents.  The teachers overreacted a little, and the police overreacted a lot.  

On the other hand, him getting all that free stuff is ridiculous.  The invite to Astronomy Night at the White House isn't that big of a deal.  But Facebook?  Microsoft giving him free stuff?  I"m sure he's getting a free ride into college too.  That's going too far imo. My wife has students who are just as brilliant, if not more so than this student, and aren't getting these sort of invites.  All because her student didn't get handcuffed.  Is that what it takes to draw someone's attention?  Why not just have a scholarship or an invite to students who excel in certain areas with some sort of nationwide contest?  Open to everyone, and not just kids who get themselves arrested.

Just my two cents.

Absolutely agree with you on this.  On the electronics forum that I participate on, they shredded this kid, and that was part of what changed my mind.  In the open source forums that I participate in, the point of view is pretty much the same.  I have corresponded with kids his age discussing computer code and doing the math to figure out which electronic component(s) to use for a project.  As I stated before, there is no evidence that this kid knows anything other than taking electronic guts out of an existing product.


Here is the bombshell question in this thread.  Why is a kid named Ahmed Mohamed that didn't actually build or create anything being invited to all of these events, while a kid that actually accomplished and really did build something named say "Jack Smith" is not?
Quote:Incoming email server seizure?
Better wipe it.

Like, with a towel.
Islamic tech genius Ahmed Mohamed has been invited to meet with UN officials. This guy must truly be a visionary. I can't wait to see what he achieves in life. Surely he is the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.



Sounding more and more like the balloon boy family all over again. 

Quote:Sounding more and more like the balloon boy family all over again.
Nothing will ever top balloon boy.
Quote:Absolutely agree with you on this.  On the electronics forum that I participate on, they shredded this kid, and that was part of what changed my mind.  In the open source forums that I participate in, the point of view is pretty much the same.  I have corresponded with kids his age discussing computer code and doing the math to figure out which electronic component(s) to use for a project.  As I stated before, there is no evidence that this kid knows anything other than taking electronic guts out of an existing product.


Here is the bombshell question in this thread.  Why is a kid named Ahmed Mohamed that didn't actually build or create anything being invited to all of these events, while a kid that actually accomplished and really did build something named say "Jack Smith" is not?

At my old middle school there was a kid who invented a new stitching technique for certain aspects of fetal surgery and taught it to real life surgeons to help people.  I don't remember hearing about him being an ambassador of the UN.  


Worse still, i don't remember any of the families of the cops shot down in the street being given this kind of treatment.  
Quote:People always see crazy conspiracies.

It's not crazy to ask, "Cui bono?"  It is a central tenet of investigation.  Who benefits?  Along with the many prestigious invitations for Ahmed and even offers of employment are at least two charitable funds, one to provide a college education for Ahmed, another to hire attorneys in order to sue the school, police department, and/or city of Irving.  So far more than $20,000 has been collected.  There is also the overall psychological effect of softening America's view of Islam, a cause Ahmed's father is very interested in. 

My neighbor's kid was told to make a candle for art class. What do you think?


[Image: molotov_cocktail.jpg]

Ahmed is on tv with doctor oz guys
This is embarassing
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