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Full Version: The Rally Against the Iran Nuke Deal
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Quote:So I take it that you are a Nuclear Expert.  Can you explain to me then why it explains away the residual radiation, and how inspectors wont' be able to tell the difference?

I don't need to be a nuclear expert to know that the enrichment process that creates fissile uranium releases the same radiation as the fissile uranium that would be used in a weapon.

Quote:I don't need to be a nuclear expert to know that the enrichment process that creates fissile uranium releases the same radiation as the fissile uranium that would be used in a weapon.

Experts seem to disagree with you.  And why would they move EVERYTHING out in 24 days, leaving behind traces of radiation looking as if they're hiding something?  
Quote:You mean like how your side counters that it's form "left wing/liberal/ sources'?

  I'm just staying a fact. 


  If left wing/ Liberal sources are provided and I'm part of the discussion,    I will provide information to counter that. 


  The bottom line is I don't expect you to agree with me on this and most other political topics.   We see things differently.   You support candidates that I would never support and vice versa.   Historically,  this is a country in which people can disagree.  
Bachman and Palin eh? They pulled out all the stops to really get a truly intellectual debate going didn't they?

Quote:   If the U.S. itself put sanctions back on Iran,  that would severely damage the Iranian economy regardless of what the rest of the world does.  


   A ground war doesn't make sense.  Air strikes would be the best way to proceed.   I'm confident Ted Cruz would send the U.S. air force to do so,  if Iran continues to engage in international terrorism.


  Considering Iran is holding 4 Americans hostage,  that by itself makes air strikes an appropriate response.  
If the US put sanctions back on Iran by itself, the EU and UN would respond harshly, possibly with tariffs or sanctions of their own against the US. I know, I know, I'm waiting for, "Teh US of A does NOT answer to those pansy Europeens!", but them's the breaks, kid. If the US unilaterally tears up its end of the bargain and reimposes sanctions, the rest of the nations involved will condemn that action and place economic and diplomatic pressure on the US to honor the deal that we agreed to. I know, I know, "Not MY President, not MY deal." Whatever. Get over it. International politics doesn't work that way.


If, in D6's dreamland where Ted Cruz doesn't get his tail handed to him in the first round of primaries, Ted Cruz launches unprovoked air strikes against Iran, the reaction would be swift and violent. This isn't Iraq, which had no real allies to speak of in position to deter the US from attacking. This is Iran, which has Russia and other Middle Eastern nations standing squarely behind it. I doubt anyone would launch a direct attack against the US, but US military bases in the Middle East? Parking lots. Do you think Ted Cruz wants to explain to the American public how he got tens of thousands of Americans in the Middle East killed, and how he can't respond to it because starting World War III (hopefully) isn't on his to-do list? Cruz is a blowhard, no better than Trump. Actually, he's worse than Trump in many respects. Trump puts forth no illusions about what he is: a blowhard businessman who manipulates the system to his advantage and has no desire to cater to anyone but himself. Cruz pretends that he's some maverick representative of the people, when really, he's just Dick Cheney in disguise.


And finally, those "hostages". They were arrested for violating Iranian laws, and are being held as criminals there. How is that any different from the US arresting a Mexican national and placing them in prison? Being a 'Murrican citizen does not entitle one to break the laws of whatever country they're in and cry foul to the US government over it. Do you know anything about the Iranian prisoners? One of them was a CIA operative. Think about that. Let's say you found an Iranian spy working on US soil. Would you be inclined to return them to Iran in lieu of imprisoning them? So they can go back and debrief their government on exactly what they found?
Quote:24 days is the maximum time if Iran does not appeal the request. Iran can drag it out a lot longer. And 24 days is plenty of time to ship out evidence of bomb making
and replace it with a radiation source allowed under the pact.
Iran has no need to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes, their only purpose is to build a weapon.


Quote:Experts seem to disagree with you.  And why would they move EVERYTHING out in 24 days, leaving behind traces of radiation looking as if they're hiding something?  

1. EVERYTHING? You need to read my posts.


2. What experts are saying that the residual radiation allowed under the pact has to be different from that used in weapon making? That's total nonsense and I doubt any nuclear physicist would be so stupid as to make that claim, but find me a link if you can.


Weapons use a combo of U235 and U238 as fuel. Power plant fuel is also a combo of those, but with a lower ratio of U235 to U238. Any radiation released from the weapons grade material would be the same as that released from the enrichment process. The ratios might be different, but that can be easily balanced out by crates of additional U238 at the site where the weapons grade uranium is kept.

Quote:If the US put sanctions back on Iran by itself, the EU and UN would respond harshly, possibly with tariffs or sanctions of their own against the US. 

Fat chance. They'd have to supply their own national defense and the whole EU would collapse.

Quote:Bachman and Palin eh? They pulled out all the stops to really get a truly intellectual debate going didn't they?

Duck Commander tv star too.

Mensa Mensa Mensa
Quote:The list of guest speakers on Capitol Hill were " impressive"

The Donald. Ted Cruz. Glen Beck.Michelle Bachmann.Sarah Palin and... One of the Duck Dynasty Dudes.

And I missed it.

Maybe I'm wrong, so I stand to be corrected, but didn't the agreement pass? In fact it was tried to block again and failed?

Whether one agrees or disagrees with the deal, why do some of these people keep beating that dead horse?

Trump had a great quip... We are going to do so much winning, you will get tired of winning. Hmmm..wonder if Khan would sell the team?

I would support Ted Cruz for President, but I don't think that he will win (gain support) the GOP nomination.


It doesn't take a scholar, senator, representative, or lawyer to realize that this is a horrible deal for Americans.


It adds to the reasoning for impeachment of the President based on Treason.
Quote:It adds to the reasoning for impeachment of the President based on Treason.
[Image: 1920116.jpg]
Quote:<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="DewIT" data-cid="545455" data-time="1442467127">

It adds to the reasoning for impeachment of the President based on Treason.
[Image: 1920116.jpg]</blockquote>

Fear tactics work.
Quote:I would support Ted Cruz for President, but I don't think that he will win (gain support) the GOP nomination.


It doesn't take a scholar, senator, representative, or lawyer to realize that this is a horrible deal for Americans.


It adds to the reasoning for impeachment of the President based on Treason.

Coming in to office and tearing the deal to shreds as Cruz says, would put our credibility down the toilet.

So what he do? Attack or renegotiate? He couldn't renegotiate because who would trust him? So then it's bombs away. Geez, I thought Canadians were more peace loving.
Quote:Coming in to office and tearing the deal to shreds as Cruz says, would put our credibility down the toilet.

So what he do? Attack or renegotiate? He couldn't renegotiate because who would trust him? So then it's bombs away. Geez, I thought Canadians were more peace loving.
That's just the additives from the Tim Horton's coffee and you see he cannot get that anymore so the crazy televangelist is what you get now. 
Quote:Coming in to office and tearing the deal to shreds as Cruz says, would put our credibility down the toilet.

So what he do? Attack or renegotiate? He couldn't renegotiate because who would trust him? So then it's bombs away. Geez, I thought Canadians were more peace loving.

Iran violates every agreement that they have made with the western world, they openly threaten the lives of IAEA agents, we now find out that they lied about the reserves of Uranium that they had available to them, they have been extremely clear about the point that they will in no way curb their behavior undermining our foreign policy interests in the region, and their role as a direct threat to our allies, and if we stand up and say this far no further, WE are the ones who might loose credibility?
Quote:Iran violates every agreement that they have made with the western world, they openly threaten the lives of IAEA agents, we now find out that they lied about the reserves of Uranium that they had available to them, they have been extremely clear about the point that they will in no way curb their behavior undermining our foreign policy interests in the region, and their role as a direct threat to our allies, and if we stand up and say this far no further, WE are the ones who might loose credibility?
No you are right, they should just throw dirt back at them. Bunch of children. 
Quote:No you are right, they should just throw dirt back at them. Bunch of children.

No, you're right, we should make sure they get the most dangerous weapons on Earth with our blessings and help. Those mushroom clouds over US cities will show those mean ol' warhawks and the North Korea situation can't happen again because we put top men on the case.

Top men I tells ya.

Just like last time.
Quote:Iran violates every agreement that they have made with the western world, they openly threaten the lives of IAEA agents, we now find out that they lied about the reserves of Uranium that they had available to them, they have been extremely clear about the point that they will in no way curb their behavior undermining our foreign policy interests in the region, and their role as a direct threat to our allies, and if we stand up and say this far no further, WE are the ones who might loose credibility?

Iran's credibility is inscrutable, that's why we should give them the bomb while not listening to what they say and repeating a failed democrat tactic from 20 years ago. Leftist logic on display right there.
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