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Quote:I don't think that's it at all, JIB. I think it's a politician recognizing that gambling websites are disguising themselves as fun, free games, when really they're gambling sites designed to get you to spend large amounts of money on "fantasy" sports each week. I don't have any issue with a legislator stepping in to say that those weekly-league fantasy sites need to be honest about what they are--gambling sites--and stop trying to hide behind a "play for free" label.
Exactly. Truth in advertising, please and thank you. 
Quote:The thing is though, the democrat lawmaker in the OP was more concerned about the ads during football games.


Some people like to gamble, and do so responsibly.  Others take it to the extreme as you pointed out.  However, that is an individual choice that should not be interfered with by big government.


In my mind, this is yet another liberal politician seeing something be successful, and wants to get a "piece of the action" for big government either through regulations or taxes.

I am all for smaller govt, and more freedom. 

The govt has gotten out of control, by wanting to control everything you do... including the air you breathe.
Lol. This isnt about fairness this is about extorting campaign contributions.
Just another way for the sharks to separate people from their money. 




How many times to people need to be told, gambling is a way to con you out of your money? 


You want to gamble?  Play poker with your friends.  There's no house percentage, and you know everyone at the table.  Otherwise, as has been said so often, gambling is just a tax on stupidity. 

I always just assumed they were a scam.  I think there need to be stricter regulations on advertising.  I know some people think it's great that these companies can mislead people all they want.  It's so unfair when the government tries to stop people from scamming others out of their money.  I mean scammers work "hard" for their money.  Well they hardly work in any case.

You like to gamble?  Then go ahead, by all means do so!  If people like gambling, then surely these companies won't mind advertising themselves as a gambling site that charges money for gambling

Just curious how do they mislead?  Most every FD/DK commercial I've seen, says at the bottom the results are not typical, blah blah blah.  They're about as misleading as alcohol commercials.

Quote:Just curious how do they mislead?  Most every FD/DK commercial I've seen, says at the bottom the results are not typical, blah blah blah.  They're about as misleading as alcohol commercials.

They don't.  Liberals just want the government to "take care of them" and shut down anything that they don't like or agree with.  If someone watches a commercial on tv, then visits the website advertised and ends up losing their money, then it's the fault of the person, not the company.
Quote:If someone watches a commercial on tv, then visits the website advertised and ends up losing their money, then it's the fault of the person, not the company.
Wasn't that basically the attitude of big tobacco before the government stepped in?
If someone is intentionally defrauded meaning they won and werent paid tgen thats a problem. Short of that the nanny state is big enough. Next tgey will be trying to ban soda because of sugar content or something.
Quote:Wasn't that basically the attitude of big tobacco before the government stepped in?

Just because government stepped in doesn't mean they were right to do so.
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