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Full Version: Marco Rubio uses Presidential Campain by taking shot at FSU.
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He calls it 'college football trash talking', yet his comments have nothing to do with college football. Lol. Jokes about each school's admission requirements are generally unfunny and unimaginative. I've heard them all.

Rubio skips senate cloture vote on PP-funding spending bill




For a guy who claims to be staunchly anti-abortion, is skipping this vote a political move? This move may earn him some general election votes from moderates, but this is going to severely hurt him in the primaries (in my opinion). He already has a dreadful voting record, and now he refused to vote on an important Republican social issue. Despite his vote in the end not really mattering since it ended 77-19, this is a matter of principle in his case. Doesn't look good for him.


He does still have a chance to vote no against the bill itself, since this was just cloture. Hopefully he doesn't miss that vote.

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