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Exactly what was going through my head when i read that. Lol
Quote:I guess it's depressing, but realistically it's the best we can hope for. If they do better than 1-3, I'm going to start talking Playoffs.

Meh. The Jags may win a few. But, No Way they're getting any playoff spot if Cincy, Chargers, Chiefs, Bills continue playing well. Playoff spots (Wildcards) will already be sewn up by a couple of those squads.

It would be nice for some wins,, playoffs are a pipe dream IMO
Well I'll say this I think we're probably going to be 0-4 but I also think 2-2 isn't impossible. I don't see us winning at NE but Miami and Colts games are certainly a possibility. I really think Blake Bounces back this Sunday vConfused Miami. I just hope the wideouts do to.
Quote:I see no way we win the London game.


Maybe....maybe we stand a chance against the fish if Suh somehow gets suspended.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/09/13/suh-could-be-facing-a-suspension-again/'>http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/09/13/suh-could-be-facing-a-suspension-again/</a>


The Bills destroyed the Colts because they have playmakers on both sides of the ball.


I don't think we have any.
Suh really shut that Washington run game down, right?
Remember guys, we have Sam Young at LT. We have no chance of winning this game.

The Dolphins have a very talented team, so they worry me. If not for the pick sixes in last season's game, we actually played them tough and could've beat them. Interested/worried about how our OL does against their DL.
Quote:Remember guys, we have Sam Young at LT. We have no chance of winning this game.
This does scare me a whole lot....
Quote:Now I can't see this team even playing with the Patriots, but I'm starting to wonder about the Dolphins and Colts. I watched the cut-ups for both teams, and there's reason to think we might be able to pull off a win against one of them.


The Redskins got off to a fast start in the first quarter, but did virtually nothing after that except rack up penalties. The Dolphins should have been able to put that pathetic team to bed, but they failed miserably and kept the Redskins in the game. Tannehill was floating passes, and their offense showed little more than occasional flashes of success. If it wasn't for a KO return for a TD in the second half, they might have faced OT versus the Redskins.


Meanwhile, the Colts were flat out whooped by the Bills. Now the Bills are looking great. It's too early to start worrying about the London game, but right now they're clicking on both sides of the ball. Offensively the Colts receivers were shut down, and defensively they were just ugly. Adding to their misery was constant penalties and miscues, such as a muffed punt leading to a Bills TD, that killed any comeback attempt before it could get going. The Colts have a very talented roster, but they've yet to get their act together and are currently prime for the taking. Should Sen'Derrick, Lee and Julius return for that game, the Jaguars have a real chance of beating them.


Provided we find a way to start 1-3, I can still see this team going 8-8.

Wait a sec.  Are you saying that supposed "good teams" had a bad week 1?  Supposed "bad teams" won big games?  In the NFL?  Say it isn't so.
Flawed language, tautology

Hope is limitless, without reason

Hope = a prayer, a well wish, IN SPITE OF POTENTIAL ROAD BLOCKS or limitations

I hope it works out for me though I don't expect it will because of A, B and C

Expectation, however, may be the word the OP is targeting

But I digress. Not fighting with 02 about this concept anymore

Plus you don't concede before you play, especially as mere fans

I HOPE WE GO 15-1, but I EXPECT us to fall way short of that mark

Or perhaps I just need to brush up on my American
Quote:I see no way we win the London game.


Home field advantage.


100,000 screaming Brits !!


I don't see how we can lose.


The last 2 games we lost in London were fluke losses .... a few bad bounces, a few bad calls by the ref.
Let me tell you something my friend.  Hope is a dangerous thing.  Hope can drive a man insane.


Finally going to see my beloved jags in person as I bought sideline tickets to the Bills game last night.


Win or lose I shall die fulfilled!
Quote:Remember guys, we have Sam Young at LT. We have no chance of winning this game.


I'm thinking Joekel will be back and ready to start on Sunday.

Quote:I'm thinking Joekel will be back and ready to start on Sunday.

Yeah, im hoping for this.
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