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Quote:So are you gonna join the rest of us "perpetually pessimistic mushrooms" ranting, moaning, and screaming for Bradley/Caldwell's head when the defense can't stop the Dolphins' O, OL can't block, receives can't catch, Bortles throw his habitual bad int(s), and the Jags get stomped by the Dolphins next week?

Next week? Probably not. 5-6 weeks in and nothing has changed? Sure I will join the club.
Quote:Next week? Probably not. 5-6 weeks in and nothing has changed? Sure I will join the club.
I got a seat warmed for ya. 
Quote:Next week? Probably not. 5-6 weeks in and nothing has changed? Sure I will join the club.

Actually, this is wrong. It might not take this long. If we lay an egg the next couple weeks I will probably have given up all hope. I'm just not ready to judge THIS season off of one game.
We played a .500 team pretty even. The difference being our QB threw a bad pick 6 and theirs didn't.

I think Bortles looked like a guy who came out feeling some pressure to win and it got to him a bit. I still think he'll (along with the team) be much better this year.
Quote:We played a .500 team pretty even. The difference being our QB threw a bad pick 6 and theirs didn't.

I think Bortles looked like a guy who came out feeling some pressure to win and it got to him a bit. I still think he'll (along with the team) be much better this year.
I believe this as well I think we are improved i just think we need better coaching decisions. The play calling in this game was atrocious I blame the loss on

I think a lot of people had very high expectations. I had them last year which kept me fairly cynical throughout the preseason.

I expected us to loose this game but the manner in which we lost it makes me sick.

Yes we are a young team but we are a year older than last year yet saw some of the same issues

Receivers not getting open and dropping when they do leading to more and more conservative play calling to try and get some production.

Poor decision making and qb play with mistakes costing us points and making the game slip away.

However there were some improvements.... O line held up very well against a good front 7 until joeckel went out. We ran the ball and yeldon and denard looked like a solid tandem and I think adding Gerhart to the mix will add something extra to what could be a very talented backfield.

But there has to be significant improvement in the win column or it all means nothing
 I said 6-10 before season started. Yesterdays loss doesn't change that. I was expecting us to lose. I expect us to lose this week to the dolphins as well. they just missed playoffs last year,and are better then us at this time. our first win won't come until texans game.   

Quote:I said 6-10 before season started. Yesterdays loss doesn't change that. I was expecting us to lose. I expect us to lose this week to the dolphins as well. they just missed playoffs last year,and are better then us at this time. our first win won't come until texans game.
I'm predicting 4-12.
I think everyone is waiting for an opportunity to express their excitement and joy that the team has finally turned a corner but we're stuck in this same aggressively negative state. I thought Bortles and the pass pro would be able to carry the team but we were wrong. Now we're just licking wounds and already trying to fill holes in what appears to be the dawn of another "Baguars" season.

Quote:I think everyone is waiting for an opportunity to express their excitement and joy that the team has finally turned a corner but we're stuck in this same aggressively negative state. I thought Bortles and the pass pro would be able to carry the team but we were wrong. Now we're just licking wounds and already trying to fill holes in what appears to be the dawn of another "Baguars" season.

I guess that was the point of the thread:

Is one game, where we were basically tied at half, enough to decisively declare that nothing has changed and we are the same ol' Jaguars?
Quote:I guess that was the point of the thread:

Is one game, where we were basically tied at half, enough to decisively declare that nothing has changed and we are the same ol' Jaguars?

The game yesterday seemed like almost a replay of the Pittsburgh game from last year.

I don't think you are in the minority. It is just that the minority usually makes louder noise.

After all the excitement in the offseason activities and preseason games, fans had higher expectations for this team and the first one was so disappointing... hence the (very understandable) reactions.

Somehow we thought that the Jags should automatically beat the Panthers. Let's not forget that they won their division last year!

This is a young team, mistakes are going to happen and they will make you lose games. It will take time for them to get better. If it happen sooner, it is great. If not, patience is the only thing we have.

One thing certain is that Gus will be ultimately responsible for this team's failure, not the OC/DC. One of the coaching successes is the ability to hire good coordinates.
We are exactly what I thought we were.  


A team trying to re-write how it's done..  and failing.


Too many young players, coaches, and even GM, and an owner that doesn't have football in his DNA (tho I love the great Khan !)... and not nearly enough respect for experience.  (egged on by this board full of apologist moderators..)


We are years away from a winning season unless we get some serious coaching in here, and at least another QB to challenge matters.


op had one thing right at least, Kam Chancellor...  pay da' man    Same for a great coach 

I was a Bungles fan through the mid-late 90's. This Jaguars team looks exactly like those Bungles teams did. I'll explain:

Looking back, the Bungles had a reputation for being absolutely dreadful. Some of their season records reflected that. But, in actuality they weren't as dreadful as the reputation.

Alot of games (certainly not all) they were actually fairly competetive. They had some decent talent at a few positions. What killed the Bungles for many games and seasons was:

1. Critical Drops and Turnovers

2. Poor QB decision making at times

3. Critical Penalties

4. Bone-headed coaching decisions

5. Time management mistakes (coaching)

Often, the Bengals would be in games, and then all of a sudden they started "Bungling" (drive killing penalties, terrible turnovers, coaching gaffes). That always caused them to stack another Loss in the record.

Right now,, I see the exact same thing out of these Jaguars. The Jags have some talent at a few positions. No, there's not any "elite" talent. But, there is enough talent to at least be competitive for some wins. The Jaguars keep "Bungling" a few times every game. Until that crap is cleaned up, they will remain being "Who We Thought They Were."


Yes and have said it plenty of times in forum. Jags only technically added two proven NFL starters from last years 3-13 team. I expected to go 0-4 to start this season because of that. Could we win 1 of those games sure...it happens every week in NFL but not with all the basic football mistakes(missed blocks, missed tackles, penalties, turnovers). DC/GB agreed on a strategy that the NFL never imposed on modern NFL expansion teams. It is going to be difficult to be good soon because you need a veteran presence to win while you are building. I think DC/GB realized that after last year and it would not surprise me if DC admits it sometime. This is the over exuberance that I have thought Jag fans continue to have especially those who feel strongly we can beat Dolphins. Could we absolutely but Dolphins, Patriots, and Colts are better than Jags and continuing to make these basic mistakes will lead to a certain loss. Jags are better but not as much as most thought we were. Being a fan means being honest about your team and expecting more than what your roster can deliver.
I flew down for the weekend from Knoxville  and had a great time(The storm Saturday was no joke). Even despite the game, I still thoroughly enjoyed myself. Minus the whole parking in the visitors tailgating lot apparently where the 'Roaring Riot" decided to set up shop. But I didn't stay very long there and went where the BCB/TSH were causing chaos and immensely enjoyed that. It felt so good just to be around other Jaguars fans having a good time( The only time I ever have contact with 'my kind' is through here and Twitter)


All things considered, as bad as that game was, especially in the 2nd half, we STILL could've won and I still had a great time. The crowd pretty much died after that pick-6. It would've been nice to win, as that was very much a winnable game. Blake looked great on the scoring drive, which blows my mind that we don't gear play calling more towards that style of offense. He looked so comfortable running the offense during that drive. I went in with expectations of a better, more competitive team( no worse than 6-10). Its one game and a bad one. Lets just see how it goes I suppose.


I'd say if we don't at least have 2-3 wins by London, Gus may seriously be out of a job. 

We lost a close game to a Playoff team with a great QB.  it happens.


How would you like to be a Tampa fan today?  Or lose to a nobody QB and Rex Ryan?  Be a texan fan!  Laughing


At least we had something to cheer for, not 3and outs all day with Henne or 35-7 blowouts with Gabbart.


TJ looked great, blake had some nice throws, this season is going to be a lot of fun.
Quote:Are you a chick?

I must admit... this was my first thought.
Quote:We lost a close game to a Playoff team with a (good) QB. it happens.

How would you like to be a Tampa fan today? Or lose to a nobody QB and Rex Ryan? Be a texan fan! Laughing

At least we had something to cheer for, not 3and outs all day with Henne or 35-7 blowouts with Gabbart.

TJ looked great, blake had some nice throws, this season is going to be a lot of fun.

It's that simple. Half full or half empty? Good for you son. I liked Yeldon too, his vision is real. They imploded in the 2nd half, again, so that does blow mothballs n tings, but they'll be alright.

An issue I have with some Jag fans is the distant outlook. I squirm at the 0-5, 0-8 references. It's bad blood. One game at a time, hope for improvement. Cliche, but practical, especially for a developing team. As fans, you owe it to your team; good vibes.

Could be worse, at least the division save for potentially the 'worst' team in it lost. Sadly, however, I think titans may surprise. I texted my brother who studies in Nashville about this in preseason.


Quote:I must admit... this was my first thought.
Me too. Thought but did not believe because of manicured comment not that there is anything wrong with that! Don't know about teal nail polish too. Manicured and Nail Polish TMI even if kidding.
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