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Full Version: 9/3/15 - Who are your favorites?
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Quote:Actually, that comment was in very poor taste when considering someone for the most powerful position not only in our country, but the world. The guy can't comment on her policies or background, so he resorts to personal attacks just to get attention.

I personally can not stand Trump running for President. He's making a mockery of something that I feel is very important. He thinks that this is some kind of "reality show", and unfortunately, so does a certain percentage of our population.

It's very sad he's at the top
Since we haven't updated this since the last debate, I figured I'd throw my updated front-runners out there:


1. Paul. I can't say enough about how much I like this man's platform. Unfortunately, I don't think he has a chance, though he could get a look as a VP contender depending upon who wins the nomination.


2. Kasich. This is a guy who's gotten my attention lately. He's remarkably moderate in many of his stances. I don't much care for his positions on abortion, same-sex marriage, the ACA or marijuana, but his foreign policy and education are reasonable, and I love his positions on reforming law enforcement, immigration and climate change. Even more appealing is that his stance on abortion is fairly reasonable (he doesn't approve of it and doesn't believe it should be funded, but won't shut down the government over it), and while he's clearly against same-sex marriage and the ACA, he has seemingly little motivation to try and overturn either at this point. If Paul drops out, Kasich becomes my favorite.


3. O'Malley. I still like O'Malley a lot, but if he doesn't actually begin campaigning, he's DOA.


4. Biden. I know, I know, he hasn't declared his candidacy yet, but before he joined President Obama's leftist administration, he was regarded as one of the most moderate Democrats in Congress, and a guy who excelled at reaching across the aisle to make things happen. Even as Obama's right-hand man, he hasn't lost the respect of the Senate. I'd be willing to bet that, as President, he'd shift back to a more moderate position. He'd also become the Democratic leader almost immediately, as the anti-Hillary Democrats who are currently backing Sanders would mostly slide to Biden's column. He'd also pull quite a bit from Hillary's base and really hurt the chances of those two.


5...Trump? Sanders? I don't know. Outside of my top four, there seems to be a lot of crap to sift through in hopes of finding a decent candidate. I'm not at all sold on Trump or Sanders, so this is really more of me expressing my dislike for the rest of the field than it is me saying I'd actually vote for either of those two. I sincerely hope this is not that pair going after each other in the general election.

After watching the latest debate yesterday, my favorites are as follows.


Marco Rubio

Carly Fiorina

Ted Cruz

*Ben Carson - The asterisk is because I do like what he has to say, but I don't consider him to be a viable candidate.  I believe that he's too passive.


Honorable Mentions in no particular order.


Scott Walker

John Kasich


Would vote for over any democrat thus far, again in no particular order.


Jeb Bush

Chris Christie

Bobby Jindal

Mike Huckabee


All others in the republican field should just drop out of the race as far as I'm concerned.

You and I both seem to have Fringe Candidate Disorder.
Quote:You and I both seem to have Fringe Candidate Disorder.

I'd love to see a Paul Sanders debate.
Quote:I'd love to see a Paul Sanders debate.
I'd bet those two agree on more than they'd care to admit.
Quote:I'd bet those two agree on more than they'd care to admit.
I think both of them are honest enough about their positions to concede when they see eye to eye with each other. There are still many more topics they disagree on to make for an awesome debate. 
Quote:I think both of them are honest enough about their positions to concede when they see eye to eye with each other. There are still many more topics they disagree on to make for an awesome debate. 

I would absolutely love, LOVE, to see the two debate economics.
Quote:I would absolutely love, LOVE, to see the two debate economics.
A libertarian and a socialist walk into a bar. The libertarian pays for his own beer. The socialist counts out 50 people in the bar, including himself, then goes from person to person collecting $0.12 apiece to make sure everyone picks up their fair share of his $6 drink.


Which guy do you want leading the country? lol
Quote:A libertarian and a socialist walk into a bar. The libertarian pays for his own beer. The socialist counts out 50 people in the bar, including himself, then goes from person to person collecting $0.12 apiece to make sure everyone picks up their fair share of his $6 drink.


Which guy do you want leading the country? lol

The Socialist.  Since the Socialist will support public ventures like schools and roads, and doesn't think privatizing everything except the military and police (and even then maybe not) is the solution to all of our problems.
Quote:The Socialist. Since the Socialist will support public ventures like schools and roads, and doesn't think privatizing everything except the military and police (and even then maybe not) is the solution to all of our problems.

Calling it now we make a hard push into open socialism with the unfunded liabilities we have now were the old USSR in 20 years.
Quote:I'd love to see a Paul Sanders debate.

I think a Rubio Clinton debate would be even better.
Quote:I think a Rubio Clinton debate would be even better.

Bill would tear him a new one.
Quote:Bill would tear him a new one.

I see what you did there. In all seriousness who in recent memory was more like able then Ole Bill?
Quote:I see what you did there. In all seriousness who in recent memory was more like able then Ole Bill?

He and I have the same pass time. I think that resonates with most men. What's amazing is that he got women's support all those years.
Quote:He and I have the same pass time.
...please elaborate lol
Quote:He and I have the same pass time. I think that resonates with most men. What's amazing is that he got women's support all those years.

You both like blowing horns?
Quote:You both like blowing horns?

Well, we both know the proper use of an El Camino.
Quote:A libertarian and a socialist walk into a bar. The libertarian pays for his own beer. The socialist counts out 50 people in the bar, including himself, then goes from person to person collecting $0.12 apiece to make sure everyone picks up their fair share of his $6 drink.


Which guy do you want leading the country? lol

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