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Full Version: Greg Olson compares Marqise Lee to the "Albino Tiger at the Zoo"
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Quote:Welcome to Jax, where players come to get hurt.


Welcome to diving for pylons in preseason as the single most important player on the team.  WORTHLESS AND STUPID..


Welcome to diving and fighting for extra yards (unwisely)..   sometimes a duck to the ground, or a step out of bounds will let you live to fight and dive another day when it matters most.


We have too many unnecessary injuries...  it has nothing to do with the NFL.   It is bad coaching...and bad player decision-making.  


All else is nothing but EXCUSES..   


Football is risk-management..   go up for it if you can come down with it..   and get up again, else, let it fly by.




Please review that site and advise on your thoughts.
Quote:This is a better answer. I figured, but idk why people wear rose colored glasses and dont see that its every year with a different WR.

Because it's not every year with a different WR.

I'll give you Shorts and Lee.

Can you name another guy here in the last 5 years that has had chronic hamstring issues?
Quote:Because it's not every year with a different WR.

I'll give you Shorts and Lee.

Can you name another guy here in the last 5 years that has had chronic hamstring issues?


Who said "chronic"? It seems virtually every rookie WR at some point sprains a hamstring. It would be tougher to find a rookie WR that didn't, although I'm not sure where you'd find a detailed injury history of every player.



Please review that site and advise on your thoughts.

You know it isn't just the number of players injured but how many starters & their impact & the nature of the injuries (how long will they be out) that makes us sad when we look at our favorite team compared to others in the league.
Quote:Who said "chronic"? It seems virtually every rookie WR at some point sprains a hamstring. It would be tougher to find a rookie WR that didn't, although I'm not sure where you'd find a detailed injury history of every player.

Nobody said chronic outright. But then what are we trying to complain about here if it isn't a chronic issue? Each player gets one hamstring injury here a piece and that means something fishy is going on? If our players are more prone to hamstring injuries that kind of implies we have a chronic issue doesn't it?

And when did we start limiting this to rookies?
Quote:Nobody said chronic outright. But then what are we trying to complain about here if it isn't a chronic issue? Each player gets one hamstring injury here a piece and that means something fishy is going on? If our players are more prone to hamstring injuries that kind of implies we have a chronic issue doesn't it?

And when did we start limiting this to rookies?


I don't know of players with chronic hamstring issues, but hamstring issues in general have plagued WRs here every year going back at least as far as when Del Rio got here. Under Coughlin I don't think injuries were as openly disclosed.


As for rookies, it's just that you can virtually guarantee a rookie WR will blow a hamstring at some point. However, it's not just rookies.

Quote:I don't know of players with chronic hamstring issues, but hamstring issues in general have plagued WRs here every year going back at least as far as when Del Rio got here. Under Coughlin I don't think injuries were as openly disclosed.

As for rookies, it's just that you can virtually guarantee a rookie WR will blow a hamstring at some point. However, it's not just rookies.

Which rookies have had hamstring issues this year?

On the team as a whole?
All this fretting over practice. Practice. Not a game, man, but practice. Seriously? Practice? Not a game...but practice.
Mike Sims-Walker, Cecil Shorts, Marquise Lee,..those are the only ones i can think of lol
Quote:Which rookies have had hamstring issues this year?

On the team as a whole?


Bryan Walters (currently has a hamstring, and had one in June)

Marqise Lee

Neal Sterling

Damian Copeland

Kasey Closs (late May)



last year...


Ace Sanders

Allen Robinson

Maquise Lee

Cecil Shorts

Tandon Doss

Mike Brown



I've also noticed another half dozen players (including Fortt, Capi, Peyton Thompson, Lotulelei and a couple more) at other positions this year who suffered a hamstring, but we're talking WRs specifically.

Quote:Bryan Walters (currently has a hamstring, and had one in June)

Marqise Lee

Neal Sterling

Damian Copeland

Kasey Closs (late May)


last year...

Ace Sanders

Allen Robinson

Maquise Lee

Cecil Shorts

Tandon Doss

Mike Brown


I've also noticed another half dozen players (including Fortt, Capi, Peyton Thompson, Lotulelei and a couple more) at other positions this year who suffered a hamstring, but we're talking WRs specifically.
You keep changing the criteria.

Walters, Lee and Copeland are not rookies. Walters missed a walk through practice? And Copeland missed a practice in OTAs? And Kloss, I can't find anything on Twitter or Google about him regarding a hamstring injury. I think even if you add these players to the discussion that's really stretching it. I'd argue missing a practice or two is more precautionary than anything else.

Regardless, you're right with Sterling so your point remains.

I didn't bring up last year because I'll freely admit last year we had a really bad run with hamstring injuries. I also think that's where this idea that we suffer an inordinate amount of hamstring issues come from. Yes we had a lot last year (although I'm not quite sure Sanders was one of them) - outside of that I'm willing to bet we have the same amount of hamstring injuries as every other team in the league.

I also kinda think Jerry Porter scarred us.
There was never any rookie-only criteria. I only mentioned rookie WRs because they are clearly the most prone to hamstring injuries. Also it doesn't matter if they miss a single practice. The point is they suffered a hamstring injury, and that's the lone criteria aside from us focusing on WRs.


Kloss missed the first three weeks of OTAs with a hammy soon after he was signed. Walters missed OTAs in June and again just suffered a hammy although he's still going to play against the Redskins. Here's a tweet from Ryan O'Halleran about Copeland and Sterling from the June OTAs...


<p style="margin-left:40px;">Gus said Sergio Brown, Neal Sterling and Damian Copeland all sat out after tweaking hamstrings Tuesday. #Jaguars - https://mobile.twitter.com/ryanohalloran...8874150912


Every year WRs go down with hamstring injuries, and that's the point being made here. Last year was not much different than any other year. It's a common theme in Jacksonville, and I'm betting that Tampa Bay and Miami suffer a similar fate.


As for the "other positions," Brown was one I didn't mention. There was one other I ran across but I'm not recalling the name.

Quote:There was never any rookie-only criteria.


As for rookies, it's just that you can virtually guarantee a rookie WR will blow a hamstring at some point. However, it's not just rookies.
Quote:Which rookies have had hamstring issues this year?

On the team as a whole?

Sounds like we're talking about rookie WRs right there to me?

And last year was absolutely different. We had multiple players each miss multiple weeks of training camp. That constitutes a significant injury to me. Totally different situation last year.

And no the point being made by me at least, is not that hamstring injuries don't occur - I took issue with a poster saying something "fishy" is going on, that's all. Football players get injuries, there's nothing fishy.

Sounds like we're talking about rookie WRs right there to me?

And last year was absolutely different. We had multiple players each miss multiple weeks of training camp. That constitutes a significant injury to me. Totally different situation last year.

And no the point being made by me at least, is not that hamstring injuries don't occur - I took issue with a poster saying something "fishy" is going on, that's all. Football players get injuries, there's nothing fishy.


The discussion about this began before I ever brought up rookies. The reason I mentioned rookies was that I notice every year we sign some new rookie we invest a lot of hope in, and then boom... at some point in the offseason you hear that they blew a hammy. Matt Jones I think had several, just as an example. But it's year after year after year. There is something going on, but I don't think it's all that fishy. I really do think the Florida weather plays a significant role and that the new practice facility might help.

Quote:Chris Carter is a grade A moron who should attend and graduate from Bovine University...

You have been watching The Simpsons re-runs, haven't you?
I think the hamstring thing could be because of the heat. Then again, Bradley did say they were going to "strain" the players. Hmmmm.
This just tells me guys show up unconditioned and don't loosen up enough before being "strained". It's not the only issue but I'm sure it's most of it.

Quote:This just tells me guys show up unconditioned and don't loosen up enough before being "strained". It's not the only issue but I'm sure it's most of it.


It's not some new phenomenon though. It's been going on under multiple head coaches and athletic trainers.

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