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Quote:Start one thread.... Never post in it again. Classic.

Thats a troll
IMO, this is the best set of WRs the Jaguars have had in a long time. Hurns will be Hurns with big plays, Robinson and Greene will be the reliable get the first down when needed guys, and if Lee can stay healthy, he could potentialy be another big play guy.
...plus Bryan Walters is an ideal utility receiver. And of course don't forget about our TEs with Julius Thomas, Marcedes, Harbor and Nic Jacobs. The Jaguars have passing weapons galore this season.

Agreed, i'm pretty excited for the season.
Quote:Gus literally does not factor injuries into who plays and it is going to cost us. This was a PRESEASON game and he still didnt pull the guy. WOW.

Have you ever heard of a trainer? Perhaps the phrase, team doctor?
Quote:Robinson has been consistent catching the ball outside of one preseason game. 


Not concerned.
This is especially true knowing how crappy the weather was Saturday night during the game.  This is a non-issue.
Quote:Have you ever heard of a trainer? Perhaps the phrase, team doctor?
If a player is hurt in preseason he should be done for the night. If Gerhart runs out there at quarter speed for 2 months ignore the doctors. If Bortles has a worn out arm sit him so he doesn't hurt himself overcompensating for it. He literally just plays whoever - he does not take this into account and it will end up getting someone seriously injured.
Quote:If a player is hurt in preseason he should be done for the night. If Gerhart runs out there at quarter speed for 2 months ignore the doctors. If Bortles has a worn out arm sit him so he doesn't hurt himself overcompensating for it. He literally just plays whoever - he does not take this into account and it will end up getting someone seriously injured.

I'm curious how you know this.

Oh wait....you don't.
Quote:Robinson has been consistent catching the ball outside of one preseason game. 


Not concerned.
And he banged up his shoulder pretty good....


so yeah
I remember when Robinson was catching anything thrown his way, i wouldn't be worried about him.
Quote:I'm curious how you know this.

Oh wait....you don't.
Because we saw Robinson tweek something? And we know gerhart was hurt in the first game last year then ran like [BLEEP]? And Bortles has said in interviews his arm was worn out? Do you even follow the team? Do you have eyes?
Quote:Because we saw Robinson tweek something? And we know gerhart was hurt in the first game last year then ran like [BAD WORD REMOVED]? And Bortles has said in interviews his arm was worn out? Do you even follow the team? Do you have eyes?

You Bradley detractors are hilarious.
Quote:Because we saw Robinson tweek something? And we know gerhart was hurt in the first game last year then ran like [BLEEP]? And Bortles has said in interviews his arm was worn out? Do you even follow the team? Do you have eyes?


Robinson didn't really tweek anything. What we saw was him holding his shoulder and later wincing in pain when he fell on it trying to make a catch. I was wondering why he was still in the game even after halftime, but the trainers know what they're doing. It turns out it was just a shoulder bruise.


As for Blake's arm being worn out, he was talking about late last year unless I missed something.

Wasn't Robinson leading the league in catch percentage at the time of his injury last year?

Not worried at all.
Quote:Wasn't Robinson leading the league in catch percentage at the time of his injury last year?

Not worried at all.


I think he was merely leading all rookie WRs.

Quote:Because we saw Robinson tweek something? And we know gerhart was hurt in the first game last year then ran like [BAD WORD REMOVED]? And Bortles has said in interviews his arm was worn out? Do you even follow the team? Do you have eyes?
It's two days later and we still haven't heard anything that suggests there should have been concern over Robinson's condition.


Apparently the doctors said it was only a bruise and there was nothing to worry about, and mean ole Bradley just made him go out there and play through a boo boo.


This is a league that expects you to play through pain especially when it isn't considered a serious injury like a bruise. Maybe Bradley thought that Robinson needed to learn that lesson.
Quote:After these last 3 preseason games...I don't think this is the breakout guy we were lead to believe to be the next elite player . 4 drops and only one catch? I can tell he is going to do a hurtin on Bortles QBR this season. On that note, only Hurns has impressed me .

I see what you did there , nicely played sir.

i might have added

All-In Dropinson

Quote:I vote for Allen "Droppeditson."
Guys I am worried about our offense. How is a nucleus of Fake Bortles, TJ NotWelldone, Slowby Gerhart, Allen Dropinson, Marqise Pee, Marcedes Pee-Yewlis, Facade Greene, Toolius Thomas, Puke Joke-el, Lame Beadles, Steve Wiz-NO-ski, Brandon Tinder, and Jermy Par-Fail going to do anything?!?
Quote:Guys I am worried about our offense. How is a nucleus of Fake Bortles, TJ NotWelldone, Slowby Gerhart, Allen Dropinson, Marqise Pee, Marcedes Pee-Yewlis, Facade Greene, Toolius Thomas, Puke Joke-el, Lame Beadles, Steve Wiz-NO-ski, Brandon Tinder, and Jermy Par-Fail going to do anything?!?
I do like Brandon Tinder
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