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I love the idea.  Don't think it'll happen.

I'm all for moving him to OLB. That's what I viewed him as when he was drafted. Her certainly isn't a natural pass rusher and never has been. In college, he was an inconsistent pass rusher, racking up multiple sacks against lesser competition and disappearing in games against decent OT's. I never wanted him to begin with, but since we have him, we might as well try something else, because he certainly isn't a pass rusher. 

Refine the technique and learn a few moves, Fowler will be fine at end.  He will likely never be the guy we thought he was in training camp last year, but he is closer to that than what we saw on the field this year.  I am willing to make one of those avatar for a year bets and will say he is a 10 sack guy next year.

What happens to Myles Jack? He finally gets his position set, now we want to do what with him?
Fowler is a huge bust. Between him, Joeckel and Bortles, I see a pattern emerging here. Caldwell is trash.
DFJ has said that he feels better as a stand up rusher. You could move Jack to MLB and put DFJ at strong side but I just don't think DFJ has the lateral speed and agility to flip hips and cover anybody. 


It's too soon to call him a bust but the more I think about it, he reminds me of Dion Jordan.
Only way he would move to OLB is if the Jags switched to a 3-4 base defense and that isn't happening. 

Quote:Fowler is a huge bust. Between him, Joeckel and Bortles, I see a pattern emerging here. Caldwell is trash.

Serious question..why did all the experts have him ranked as a top 5 pick? Dude isn't special at anything
good idea
Quote:Serious question..why did all the experts have him ranked as a top 5 pick? Dude isn't special at anything


I have no idea. 
Quote:Serious question..why did all the experts have him ranked as a top 5 pick? Dude isn't special at anything

Quote:Fowler is a huge bust. Between him, Joeckel and Bortles, I see a pattern emerging here. Caldwell is trash.

Joeckel is the only bust thus far. Fowler has played one year. 50/50 on Bortles
Quote:Fowler is a huge bust. Between him, Joeckel and Bortles, I see a pattern emerging here. Caldwell is trash.
Cmon man, it was one year! Haha I feel you, but lets give DFJ someeeeeee time. 
Quote:Hey guys what do you think about moving Dante Fowler Jr to LB and use him like the Giants did Mathias kiwanuka? When Coughlin was with the Giants they drafted Jason Pierre Paul despite all ready having Mathias,Justin Tuck, Chris Canty and Osi Umenyiora!They then moved Mathias to linebacker. Jags could possibly have Ngakoue,free agent,Draft pick and Maybe Jonathan Woodard the forgotten man and then Fowler at linebacker.Thoughts?
Yes he should be moved to LB.  I agree
Quote:I guess it has been a week since this has been proposed...so I'll ask again, why would moving someone who is already a subpar athlete at DE to a position where he will have to cover even more space be a good idea? I don't think it is. 


And yes he played LB in college some and dropped into coverage some, but it was playing zone in the flats and he wasn't challenged. There was no example of him covering a TE up the seam or a RB on a wheel.


I strongly suspect his good straight line speed will help him chase down an NFL caliber RB or TE or god forbid slot WR after they take advantage of his awful change of direction skills and leave him in the dust.
Do you football.  Defensive ends are some of the most athletic athletes on the field.  Usually when they slow down they move to LB.  Fowler should be a rush lb period.
Quote:Serious question..why did all the experts have him ranked as a top 5 pick? Dude isn't special at anything

He was one of the best athletes in general coming out of the 2015 draft class for his size and position. I am reserving heavy judgement and criticism on him though. People need to remember he missed his entire rookie season due to the ACL injury. 


And 2016 was his first true test coming off of the ACL and adjusting to NFL speed and NFL offenses while laying dormant and going through rehab. The talent is there. It's just too early to declare him a bust when he's only played in 16 games and technically only started 1. 


He's also relatively young. He's only 22. He'll be 23 right around when preseason starts. Just be patient with him. People wrote off Vic Beasley after his rookie year and he just went out and produced 15.5 sacks on a Superbowl caliber football team. So it can happen for Fowler as well. 


The coaching staff obviously believes in him. Signing Marion Hobby over from Clemson to coach up the defensive line is a great indication of things to come. This is guy whose helped get Bowers, Sapp, Dodd, Lawson, Jarrett, Beasley, Branch & Jenkins into the NFL. Jarrett and Beasley especially being his best work yet with them helping out Atlanta. Carlos Watkins, he should be coming out this year in the draft. He's another solid player he's helped develop.


So, we'll see. Patience is key though. Fowler has the ability. Just need the right coach that's going to get in his ear and his face when he [BAD WORD REMOVED] up on the field. Hobby has the proven track record to show he knows how to get the most out of his front four. 

I still believe that Fowler could end up like Whitney Mercilous, it took him a few years to get up to speed in the NFL and now he's a great all around player.  Fowler really needs to work on his pass-rushing moves, particularly with his hand placement.  The Texans just promoted DC, Mike Vrabel, would have been an excellent coach for Dante.

Quote:Do you football. Defensive ends are some of the most athletic athletes on the field. Usually when they slow down they move to LB. Fowler should be a rush lb period.

Here come the stats yo.
Quote:He was one of the best athletes in general coming out of the 2015 draft class for his size and position. 
It's 2017 and people still believe crazy stuff like this...
Sometimes after injury. Never come back the same.
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