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Full Version: 8th Graders Skip Out on Paul Ryan
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Kids should learn to respect the position of office no matter who occupies it. I don't recall disliking a president in 6th grade. Heck, George Sr. Was so impressed with my physical fitness, he signed a certificate for me.
Quote:Kids should learn to respect the position of office no matter who occupies it. I don't recall disliking a president in 6th grade. Heck, George Sr. Was so impressed with my physical fitness, he signed a certificate for me.

Disagree we should teach our children to respect their values. I don't respect the office just because someones in their. If it was Brown would you have your kids sit there? I wouldn't screw the office I saw her as a parasite no way would I sit there or have my kids sit there.

Again I dont see the problem? Politics gonna politic so some people don't like Paul Ryan, I don't like Paul Ryan what's the big deal?
Quote:Disagree we should teach our children to respect their values. I don't respect the office just because someones in their. If it was Brown would you have your kids sit there? I wouldn't screw the office I saw her as a parasite no way would I sit there or have my kids sit there.

Again I dont see the problem? Politics gonna politic so some people don't like Paul Ryan, I don't like Paul Ryan what's the big deal?

Can you explain to me what political values an 8th grader has? Just curious.


Are you saying it is okay for an 8th grader to not respect the position of POTUS? Go back and read some of the quotes JIB posted. Clearly, these aren't the kids thoughts, but their parents. 
Quote:Can you explain to me what political values an 8th grader has? Just curious.


Are you saying it is okay for an 8th grader to not respect the position of POTUS? Go back and read some of the quotes JIB posted. Clearly, these aren't the kids thoughts, but their parents. 

So, according to post, all 8th grade students back in Germany in 1941 should support the Nazi Party --- correct?   I mean, why should 8th graders have the right to think for themselves.


Using a current analogy ..... all 8th graders in North Korea should support Kim Jong il's political policy .....

Quote:So, according to post, all 8th grade students back in Germany in 1941 should support the Nazi Party --- correct?   I mean, why should 8th graders have the right to think for themselves.


Using a current analogy ..... all 8th graders in North Korea should support Kim Jong il's political policy .....

But they aren't...


I am not implying there aren't a small percentage of children that age that actually follow politics and have the capability to think for themselves, but even you have to agree that the majority of their views are pushed down from parents and other influential people in their lives.

Quote:But they aren't...


I am not implying there aren't a small percentage of children that age that actually follow politics and have the capability to think for themselves, but even you have to agree that the majority of their views are pushed down from parents and other influential people in their lives.
No one is arguing that but you're acting like 8th graders can't think for themselves.


Kids today have a ton more resources quickly at their disposal than any of us had when we were in 8th grade. It's not just about the parents because kids today are exposed to so many more things at such a young age. I feel bad for them honestly. 
Some parents home school.

Some teach kids to shoot guns.

Some teach racism.

Some don't pay child support.

Some don't stay involved. School, sports, homework.

Some are model parents...but who defines that?

Some take theirs to church.

Some smoke dope with theirs.

Some let kids watch too much tv....then hear politic bull piss.

Some let children play kill em all, car theft video games.

You're freaking out because some didn't want a pic with Paul Ryan. Oh the parents.

Get a piss grip.
Quote:Can you explain to me what political values an 8th grader has? Just curious.

Are you saying it is okay for an 8th grader to not respect the position of POTUS? Go back and read some of the quotes JIB posted. Clearly, these aren't the kids thoughts, but their parents.
If it was Brown speaking at your kids graduation would you participate? I wouldn't and damn sure my kids wouldn't take a picture with her.

By 13 you have a sense of values, I did at least. Sure they where not as defined and probably lined closely with my parents at the time but why is that a problem? As I grew older expeerienced life met people outside of my parents influence my values changed. Heck I grew up believing all homosexuals where pediphiles I started working gasp befriend a few and my opinions and values drastically changed.

I don't support the kids walking out, I support their option to do it. I support the option for parents to opt out of political figures speech for their kids. I just don't see the outrage on this one?
Quote:But they aren't...

I am not implying there aren't a small percentage of children that age that actually follow politics and have the capability to think for themselves, but even you have to agree that the majority of their views are pushed down from parents and other influential people in their lives.

Of course they are kids are heavily influenced by their parents politics.
At 13, all I cared about was drinkin beer, stealing cigs and tryin to get booty..
Quote:At 13, all I cared about was drinkin beer, stealing cigs and tryin to get booty..

Lol you where a bad 13 year old
Quote:At 13, all I cared about was drinkin beer, stealing cigs and tryin to get booty..

Which is why you're a poor example of what 8th graders should care about.
Quote:Which is why you're a poor example of what 8th graders should care about.

What should they care about? CNN?
Quote:Which is why you're a poor example of what 8th graders should care about.

Never said I was a good one either
Quote:So, according to post, all 8th grade students back in Germany in 1941 should support the Nazi Party --- correct?   I mean, why should 8th graders have the right to think for themselves.


Using a current analogy ..... all 8th graders in North Korea should support Kim Jong il's political policy
They all do. But there is a difference between supporting and respecting a office. I do not have to support Paul Ryan to be respectful of his office. I did not have to support Obama, to be respectful of him as a president. People can't seem to tell the difference anymore and it is a big part of what is making politics so bad right now.
Quote:The problem is not an 8th grader having a political opinion, the problem is teaching the 8th grader to avoid confronting situations and opinions that make them uncomfortable. Its really a big problem in general on all sides of the political spectrum.

Not even sure the kids really felt uncomfortable. Just goes to show that teachers/parents trying to influence their actions

When I was in the 8th grade, there were a bunch of things that made me uncomfortable in class, none of it involved politics
Quote:At 13, all I cared about was drinkin beer, stealing cigs and tryin to get booty..
Quote:Which is why you're a poor example of what 8th graders should care about.

Just wait till he hits 16.
Quote:Just wait till he hits 16.

Easy Ringo.. Don't hurt yourself..
Quote:No one is arguing that but you're acting like 8th graders can't think for themselves.


Kids today have a ton more resources quickly at their disposal than any of us had when we were in 8th grade. It's not just about the parents because kids today are exposed to so many more things at such a young age. I feel bad for them honestly. 

Exactly !!  Kids today (at least in the Ponte Vedra school system) start having political debates in 6th grade.  At 1st they may simply be reiterating what they hear at home, however, by 8th grade a lot of kids take on their own identity and think for themselves as it relates to a lot of topics ... including politics.
Quote:At 13, all I cared about was drinkin beer, stealing cigs and tryin to get booty..

Now that you matured, I assume you deleted "stealing cigs" from the above.
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