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It may have already been stated but does anyone remember what happened when the grand Jury Verdict came down?  The city burned for what 3 days?  four?  How many millions of dollars in black owned business were lost? 


If I were a resident of that community and I had training as a first responder and a permit to carry a weapon black white red or yellow I would have a vested interest in the safety of my community to help in any way that I could. 

Quote:It may have already been stated but does anyone remember what happened when the grand Jury Verdict came down? The city burned for what 3 days? four? How many millions of dollars in black owned business were lost?

If I were a resident of that community and I had training as a first responder and a permit to carry a weapon black white red or yellow I would have a vested interest in the safety of my community to help in any way that I could.

True, but how much attention do riots get affer a majority of white people damge cities after sporting event championships? Again media controls the narrative.
Quote:True, but how much attention do riots get affer a majority of white people damge cities after sporting event championships? Again media controls the narrative.
I do not recall anyone condoning that behavior either.  Anyone regardless of reason that trashes store fronts, starts fires and overturns cars is an idiotic moron.  
Give examples of the spprting event
Sporting event examples include surfing, soccer, basketball, hockey, and football.

You really aren't this dense, are you? Or are you being intellectually dishonest?
Quote:Sporting event examples include surfing, soccer, basketball, hockey, and football.

You really aren't this dense, are you? Or are you being intellectually dishonest?

Show me where a riot erupted after a surfing competition where a neighborhood was burned to the ground for three days while people looted and shot at police officers, or are you being intellectually dishonest?
Quote:Show me where a riot erupted after a surfing competition where a neighborhood was burned to the ground for three days while people looted and shot at police officers, or are you being intellectually dishonest?

Oh, come on man, now you're just moving the goal post in a disingenuous way.

You asked for riots... Google Huntington beach surfing riot. You'll find a riot.
Lol movong the goal posts? This is a thread about ferguson and the question was "why dont riots by white people get the same attention." in order to show bias you would have to give an example of a riot of the same intensity and damage, otherwise ur just being disengenuous.
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