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Quote:No kidding. It makes one embarrassed to be a registered Republican (I'm one), but we have to assume this too will pass. 


It's sad to know that the Democrats hope Trumpmania lingers and lingers. 
If I am being completely honest I am torn. I think he's hilarious and makes for entertainment the likes of which you can't fabricate.


At the same time it makes me sad for the political process. Not because he's rich and can run for himself without donors but because his outlandish and bully attitude actually resonates with enough people that he "made the cut". It's a mockery to the people running that are doing it because they think they can do a good job that people doing it to extend their brand and relevance are being supported. 


With that said, I've got lots of popcorn and beer ready. 
Quote:If I am being completely honest I am torn. I think he's hilarious and makes for entertainment the likes of which you can't fabricate.


At the same time it makes me sad for the political process. Not because he's rich and can run for himself without donors but because his outlandish and bully attitude actually resonates with enough people that he "made the cut". It's a mockery to the people running that are doing it because they think they can do a good job that people doing it to extend their brand and relevance are being supported. 


With that said, I've got lots of popcorn and beer ready. 

I, too, will never underestimate the American voting public's ability to be taken in by a publicity hound - but only up to a point.


Trump is very entertaining in a sad and low brow sort of way, but let's see how long this all lasts before people become bored and move on to the next did-you-see-that moment. If he is still a force months from now then it will be time to bemoan the second coming of Bill and Hillary.
Quote:I, too, will never underestimate the American voting public's ability to be taken in by a publicity hound - but only up to a point.


Trump is very entertaining in a sad and low brow sort of way, but let's see how long this all lasts before people become bored and move on to the next did-you-see-that moment. If he is still a force months from now then it will be time to bemoan the second coming of Bill and Hillary.
He is very low brow. Dummy, stupid, dumb-dumb. I do wonder if he actually will run independent. I don't see how he wins the primary. 
Quote:If I am being completely honest I am torn. I think he's hilarious and makes for entertainment the likes of which you can't fabricate.


At the same time it makes me sad for the political process. Not because he's rich and can run for himself without donors but because his outlandish and bully attitude actually resonates with enough people that he "made the cut". It's a mockery to the people running that are doing it because they think they can do a good job that people doing it to extend their brand and relevance are being supported. 


With that said, I've got lots of popcorn and beer ready. 

It's a different method, though the same reason as to how Obama won the Presidency.  There was a vast majority of the electorate that had "no clue" when it came to the REAL issues at hand.  It was all about "hope and change".  That portion of the electorate was the "youth vote" (those between 18-29).  Obama wasn't elected because of policy, it had more to do with irrelevant things.  Voting for him was the "cool" thing to do on college campuses.


Though some on the right mock him by calling him "The Chosen One" or "The Messiah" or "Dear Leader", it's not far from the truth.  Look at how people reacted back then.
Quote:It's a different method, though the same reason as to how Obama won the Presidency. There was a vast majority of the electorate that had "no clue" when it came to the REAL issues at hand. It was all about "hope and change". That portion of the electorate was the "youth vote" (those between 18-29). Obama wasn't elected because of policy, it had more to do with irrelevant things. Voting for him was the "cool" thing to do on college campuses.

Though some on the right mock him by calling him "The Chosen One" or "The Messiah" or "Dear Leader", it's not far from the truth. Look at how people reacted back then.

It's the same for both sides or are only republican voters paying attention with a lot of their education coming from Fox news.
Quote:It's the same for both sides or are only republican voters paying attention with a lot of their education coming from Fox news.

Not really the same from both sides.  The election of Obama had very little to do with his policy.


A liberal bringing up the "FOX News" argument really means nothing.  The Obama administration regime would have you believe that FOX News is not a valid source of news.


I find it both comical and sad that there have been people that have admitted even here on this very board that The Daily Show (Comedy Central) is a reliable source of news.  I'm betting that many of those same people thing that (M)NBC is also a reliable source of news.
Quote:Not really the same from both sides. The election of Obama had very little to do with his policy.

A liberal bringing up the "FOX News" argument really means nothing. The Obama <del>administration</del> regime would have you believe that FOX News is not a valid source of news.

I find it both comical and sad that there have been people that have admitted even here on this very board that The Daily Show (Comedy Central) is a reliable source of news. I'm betting that many of those same people thing that (M)NBC is also a reliable source of news.

So your point is there is no good news? Or that all news is bias?

I've watched Stewart many times and he is good at unveiling hypocrisy and "talking points". It's a comedy news show, but it offers a refreshing perspective.

So all the Bush voters were highly educated... I don't even know why I get in these silly debates.
Quote:It's a different method, though the same reason as to how Obama won the Presidency.  There was a vast majority of the electorate that had "no clue" when it came to the REAL issues at hand.  It was all about "hope and change".  That portion of the electorate was the "youth vote" (those between 18-29).  Obama wasn't elected because of policy, it had more to do with irrelevant things.  Voting for him was the "cool" thing to do on college campuses.


Though some on the right mock him by calling him "The Chosen One" or "The Messiah" or "Dear Leader", it's not far from the truth.  Look at how people reacted back then.
I am sure there are plenty of people that voted based on what you said. This is no different than voters being sucked into rhetoric in general.


I think there are plenty of people that voted for him based on policy. Closing Guantanamo, ending the wars, changing the way politics worked... There were many stances he took (while running) that went right along with hope/change that people bought into. I don't think it's really fair to dismiss people that voted for what he appeared to be and attribute it to being the "cool" thing. 
Quote:If Trump wins the nomination, I wouldn't even rule out President Bernie.
For the longest time I thought Bush would be the dumbest nomination for the GOP. Seriously who hasn't had enough of the Bush family? then Trump comes along and it goes from bad to worse.......do republicans really think the definition of a corporatist is going to win an election? And even if he did win why on earth does anyone think this guy would suddenly find a soul and do what's best for the country not himself?

damn it republicans don't make me go full tank mode and vote democrat!
Quote:For the longest time I thought Bush would be the dumbest nomination for the GOP. Seriously who hasn't had enough of the Bush family? then Trump comes along and it goes from bad to worse.......do republicans really think the definition of a corporatist is going to win an election? And even if he did win why on earth does anyone think this guy would suddenly find a sole and do what's best for the country not himself?

damn it republicans don't make me go full tank mode and vote democrat!
I don't think you have much to worry about with Trump making it all the way through. I'd worry about him moving indy though. I still can't bring myself to really think we have a bush/clinton 2.0 on our way. 
Quote:I don't think you have much to worry about with Trump making it all the way through. I'd worry about him moving indy though. I still can't bring myself to really think we have a bush/clinton 2.0 on our way.

I anticipated Bush vs Clinton a long time ago, those two getting the nomination is on my slowly things getting worse time line. We jump ahead to a Trump nomination and it's the holy [BLEEP] it's warp speed to a total collapse of society I can't find my bunker fast enough timeline.
Quote:I don't think you have much to worry about with Trump making it all the way through. I'd worry about him moving indy though. I still can't bring myself to really think we have a bush/clinton 2.0 on our way. 
If any more proof was needed that it really is a very few political/monetary dynasty families running this nation, the thought of a second Clinton running against a third Bush in 2016 should seal the deal.
Quote:If any more proof was needed that it really is a very few political/monetary dynasty families running this nation, the thought of a second Clinton running against a third Bush in 2016 should seal the deal.

It's a very rigged system that's for sure. I'm just not convinced liberals want Hillary nor that conservatives want bush. I'd wager at least one doesn't get the nod.
Quote:It's a very rigged system that's for sure. I'm just not convinced liberals want Hillary nor that conservatives want bush. I'd wager at least one doesn't get the nod.

I'd wager that Obama lets Hillary! go down in this email scandal and Biden gets in to take the nomination from her. I think he hates the Clintons enough to let the DOJ actually pursue her instead of covering it up.
Just curious, what exactly has Trump said to make everyone think he is a worse candidate than the aristocratic corporatist oligarch Jeb Bush or the criminally incompetent Hillary Clinton? The only reason those two are even getting propped up by the establishment donors is because they have name recognition and would gladly sell American rights to corporations for advantages over competitors. Other than that, they have absolutely no reason to even be running for either of their parties. Are people really that afraid of the establishment changing? It only makes sense I suppose.


For the Republicans, Ted Cruz (and in SOME cases Rand Paul) is the only one with the voting and policy record that shows any sort of consistency and willingness to actually stick to his ideology and not sell out to lobbyist and global conglomerates. The others are Trump and Carson, who don't have political records.


Quote:Just curious, what exactly has Trump said to make everyone think he is a worse candidate than the aristocratic corporatist oligarch Jeb Bush or the criminally incompetent Hillary Clinton? The only reason those two are even getting propped up by the establishment donors is because they have name recognition and would gladly sell American rights to corporations for advantages over competitors. Other than that, they have absolutely no reason to even be running for either of their parties. Are people really that afraid of the establishment changing? It only makes sense I suppose.


For the Republicans, Ted Cruz (and in SOME cases Rand Paul) is the only one with the voting and policy record that shows any sort of consistency and willingness to actually stick to his ideology and not sell out to lobbyist and global conglomerates. The others are Trump and Carson, who don't have political records.

Yeah, vote for Trump, that real revolutionary! 


The NY Times called Trump's platform "post-policy" lol. Why don't you enlighten us as to those cutting-edge policies and procedures Trump will implement that will overturn the establishment.


Calling the King Of Capitalism (crony or otherwise ) and Corporations as the antidote to Jeb (cliche, cliche) Bush is priceless.


Amazing what a little blather will get you.
Quote:If any more proof was needed that it really is a very few political/monetary dynasty families running this nation, the thought of a second Clinton running against a third Bush in 2016 should seal the deal.

No way I'm voting for either one. But I think it's very likely that this is the choice next November.


If so I'll put up a sign in my yard suggesting to vote for one of the others rather than another royal family member. This may be an opportunity to actually get a viable 3rd party.

Quote:No way I'm voting for either one. But I think it's very likely that this is the choice next November.


If so I'll put up a sign in my yard suggesting to vote for one of the others rather than another royal family member. This may be an opportunity to actually get a viable 3rd party.
More likely the third party just splits the vote for one of the other parties. The system isn't set up for a viable third party. Not when most people's mentality is, if my guy in my party can't get the nod I would still rather the other party not win. 
Quote:No way I'm voting for either one. But I think it's very likely that this is the choice next November.


If so I'll put up a sign in my yard suggesting to vote for one of the others rather than another royal family member. This may be an opportunity to actually get a viable 3rd party.
Republicans are hoping that Bernie Sanders loses to Hillary and runs as a third party.


Democrats are hoping that Ted Cruz gets curb-stomped and runs as a third party.


Either scenario would be a disaster for whoever wins their party's nomination.
Quote:Republicans are hoping that Bernie Sanders loses to Hillary and runs as a third party.


Democrats are hoping that Ted Cruz gets curb-stomped and runs as a third party.


Either scenario would be a disaster for whoever wins their party's nomination.
Bernie already said he won't run as a third party if he doesn't win the nod. 
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