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Full Version: Have your political beliefs changed, or mostly stayed the same?
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Quote:Back in High School I was definitely very left leaning. During the 2004 election I wanted Bush to lose more than anything. Back then it seemed like the majority of young people were, it was just the thing to do and logic and reason had very little to do with that decision. My school even had a debate where two students assumed the roles of Bush and Kerry and even though the student who played Bush slaughtered Kerry we all still supported Kerry. Students who supported Bush or were conservative were considered ignorant, stupid, and closed minded and overall thought of as terrible human beings. It's funny though because we all took Civics and American Government where we learned about the Constitution, yet we thought less of those with different opinions, a little hypocritical I would definitely say.


Now that I am older more mature and have experienced life to the point where I have people who depend on me and I have to pay taxes, it is very hard to support anything that the left proposes, perhaps a few social issues but fiscally, absolutely nothing. 

Welcome to the real world.


Regarding the part in bold from your quote, I believe that the 2008 election was won for the very same reason.
Quote:Welcome to the real world.


Regarding the part in bold from your quote, I believe that the 2008 election was won for the very same reason.

2012 as well.
Socially have probably moved from left to the middle as I've aged. Economically I seem to be drifting further left after studies in it... Right wing economics just make no sense, Greece being the current poster child.
No, I still think that the majority of our population is ignorant & thus nothing much will truly change as we set course for self destruction.

Hopefully my son's generation will be smarter than we were/are

Quote:Socially have probably moved from left to the middle as I've aged. Economically I seem to be drifting further left after studies in it... Right wing economics just make no sense, Greece being the current poster child.

You think Greece is right wing economics?
My views have changed tremendously, particularly during college and my early career. Though, I don't believe it was because of liberal professors (getting 2 different degrees at 2 different colleges I can identify 2 REALLY liberal professors and 2 REALLY conservative ones.) I think college, for me, got me out of my neighborhood and out of the suburbs and exposed to the harsh realities of the real world. I met and made friends with people from very different backgrounds. Same with my first job in the inner city. Both experiences moved me away from my conservative upbringing.
Quote:You think Greece is right wing economics?

Absolutely not, but right wing economics forced on them by Germany has made a bad situation a disaster. Cutting spending and now forcing privatisation.


Your smug reply obviously shows you have no idea what I was talking about though...Stick to Florida :teehee:

Quote:Absolutely not, but right wing economics forced on them by Germany has made a bad situation a disaster. Cutting spending and now forcing privatisation.

Your smug reply obviously shows you have no idea what I was talking about though...Stick to Florida :teehee:

So a foreign nation refusing to bankroll them is right wing economics?

Greece is the poster child of uncontrolled left wing economics. Massive state employment with benefits that are unsustainable and excessive welfare spending. Then they refused to accept cuts on public spending in exchange for another bailout, I just find it funny the mental gymnastics you have to do to blame that on right wing economics.
Quote:So a foreign nation refusing to bankroll them is right wing economics?

Greece is the poster child of uncontrolled left wing economics. Massive state employment with benefits that are unsustainable and excessive welfare spending. Then they refused to accept cuts on public spending in exchange for another bailout, I just find it funny the mental gymnastics you have to do to blame that on right wing economics.
The money.... um... trickled down... umm..... to nothing?
Quote:The money.... um... trickled down... umm..... to nothing?

Greece's problem is their government was growing expenditures at something like 81% from 2004-2009 they went on spending like drunken sailors.
Nah, not really.


Started off moderate, still moderate.  Love Bush 41, despise Bush 43 (the president, not the person).  Like Clinton, meh on Obama.  Really like Reagan's first term, felt betrayed by Iran-Contra in his second.


In fact, Iran-Contra still bugs me to this day.

Quote:Nah, not really.


Started off moderate, still moderate.  Love Bush 41, despise Bush 43 (the president, not the person).  Like Clinton, meh on Obama.  Really like Reagan's first term, felt betrayed by Iran-Contra in his second.


In fact, Iran-Contra still bugs me to this day.

HW Bush had some pretty liberal accomplishments as president. 


Assault rifle import ban, Americans with Disabilities Act, Clean Air Act, immigration reform.  Supplemental Appropriations Act providing aid to LA after the Rodney King riots. Appointing a centrist David Souter to the Supreme Court.


Hard to envision a Republican president passing those now.


Quote:Considering the dominant political influence of an overwhelming percentage of those in tenured positions at universities around the country, it doesn't surprise me one bit to see people drift to the left in college. 
Not all college's have a left-wing vibe. Many Catholic/Evangelical Christian colleges are very conservative. Although not everyone is willing to attend a religious college in the first place.
I've never cultivated political beliefs, and never really will. I do not vote, and have no political affiliation.
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