The Jungle is self-supported by showing advertisements via Google Adsense.
Please consider disabling your advertisement-blocking plugin on the Jungle to help support the site and let us grow!
We also show significantly less advertisements to registered users, so create your account to benefit from this!
Please consider disabling your advertisement-blocking plugin on the Jungle to help support the site and let us grow!
We also show significantly less advertisements to registered users, so create your account to benefit from this!
Questions or concerns about this ad? Take a screenshot and comment in the thread. We do value your feedback.
Forum Announcement: Welcome to the new Jungle! |
01-03-2017, 08:52 PM
Welcome to Duval Pride and the new home of The Jungle, the new message board FOR Jacksonville Jaguar fans created and run BY Jacksonville Jaguar fans.
Please take some time to review the updated code of conduct, and to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the board. We set up a feedback forum for you to provide us with your thoughts and suggestions. Don't hesitate to take advantage. Also, share this site with other Jags fans. We want them to know that The Jungle is alive and well, settling into its new home. Welcome and enjoy! |
The Jungle is self-supported by showing advertisements via Google Adsense.
Please consider disabling your advertisement-blocking plugin on the Jungle to help support the site and let us grow!
We also show less advertisements to registered users, so create your account to benefit from this!
Please consider disabling your advertisement-blocking plugin on the Jungle to help support the site and let us grow!
We also show less advertisements to registered users, so create your account to benefit from this!
Questions or concerns about this ad? Take a screenshot and comment in the thread. We do value your feedback.