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Quote:Have you traveled much internationally? We are not envyed.

Standards if living. Happiness quotients of the world tell a different story. Even the poor nations don't envy us. In fact the definition of " wealth" is not the same for everyone. As for monetary wealth..it's tilting away from many here...and not for lack of trying.

simply not true




[Image: inequality.png]
Quote:It means that the agenda is to bring about a new world government, and they are willing to use the excuse of Global Warming to do that. It means that it's about 'control.'

So would that be the Lizard People or the Illuminati? Or both?



<a class="bbc_url" href='http://climate.nasa.gov'>http://climate.nasa.gov</a>
Quote:So would that be the Lizard People or the Illuminati? Or both?



<a class="bbc_url" href='http://climate.nasa.gov'>http://climate.nasa.gov</a>

If ever there was an example of a strawman
Quote:If ever there was an example of a strawman

That's all the Warmists can ever put forth as an argument.

Quote:That's all the Warmists can ever put forth as an argument.
I find it interesting that rather than tacking the tact of "can we do anything? Is it even financially possible" the vast majority of conservatives prefer to just deny anything is even happening. There is a real debate to have however it usually seems to gravitate more to extreme measures like repealing the EPA because screw the environment or tax corps that dont use alternative energy. Both sides refuse to compromise or even discuss the issue.
Quote:simply not true




[Image: inequality.png]

I would like to know what you think this shows. And I know what the data means. I mean how this is related to what Ringo said.
Quote:I would like to know what you think this shows. And I know what the data means. I mean how this is related to what Ringo said.

He's saying that we are not the envy of the world and that our quality of life isn't that great compared to the rest of the world anymore. That chart is showing even the poorest 10% of American's live either better or equal to many of the rest of the worlds richest 10% and are only slightly less "wealthy" then a handful of other countries 10%.


Those countries that our poorest 10% are slightly less wealthy also have a significantly smaller population so that plays into the average. Overall that chart is displaying clearly that if you're going to be poor, America is the country to be poor in.
Quote:He's saying that we are not the envy of the world and that our quality of life isn't that great compared to the rest of the world anymore. That chart is showing even the poorest 10% of American's live either better or equal to many of the rest of the worlds richest 10% and are only slightly less "wealthy" then a handful of other countries 10%.


Those countries that our poorest 10% are slightly less wealthy also have a significantly smaller population so that plays into the average. Overall that chart is displaying clearly that if you're going to be poor, America is the country to be poor in.

What I see if the largest gap between the richest and poorest of any country listed there. And the gap is widening.


And based on that chart, we would be lead to believe that the poorest in this country live as well as the richest people in Italy. And better than the richest people in Brazil or Portugal. Do you actually believe that?
Quote:What I see if the largest gap between the richest and poorest of any country listed there. And the gap is widening.


And based on that chart, we would be lead to believe that the poorest in this country live as well as the richest people in Italy. And better than the richest people in Brazil or Portugal. Do you actually believe that?

So are you arguing the chart is inaccurate or that the issue is the gap displayed in the chart?


Yes I believe the chart is accurate I have never known Forbes to be anything other than reputable, I don't always agree with their views but I've never questioned their reputability.


As for the gap yes we have the largest gap and the point remains that even our bottom 10% are wealthier then most of the rest of the world's top 10%. This is the place to be poor, if you're going to be poor anywhere be poor in America.
Quote:If ever there was an example of a strawman

How is it a strawman argument? He is literally arguing there is an international conspiracy amongst climate scientists to somehow use the idea of global warming to subject us to a "new world government." He rather believe that over the fact that congressional politicians are lying through their teeth. It's comical.
Quote:How is it a strawman argument? He is literally arguing there is an international conspiracy amongst climate scientists to somehow use the idea of global warming to subject us to a "new world government." He rather believe that over the fact that congressional politicians are lying through their teeth. It's comical.

You're equating his argument with Lizard people and illuminate to make it absurd he's made no mention of belief in Lizard people or the illuminate.


If the idea of a new world government is absurd argue against it and if it's a reality or right-wing propaganda but when you add to the argument and then criticize how crazy the idea is after you've added to the argument you're building a straw-man.
Is it possible we could scoop up all this freshly slaughtered poultry that is the end result of saving the environment, package that meat up, and feed it to the homeless? Seems like that would solve two problems, wouldn't it?   Nothing quite as tasty as bald eagle windmill kill, or some spotted owl pate. 

Quote:How is it a strawman argument? He is literally arguing there is an international conspiracy amongst climate scientists to somehow use the idea of global warming to subject us to a "new world government." He rather believe that over the fact that congressional politicians are lying through their teeth. It's comical.

Oh - I thought Eric was confirming that the bogey-man of "world domination" was the straw man. Too much to hope for I guess.


And it's cool to see that "world domination" argument again being used. That's neat old-school stuff. I'm waiting for the "Impeach Earl Warren" posts to follow soon.
Quote:Oh - I thought Eric was confirming that the bogey-man of "world domination" was the straw man. Too much to hope for I guess.


And it's cool to see that "world domination" argument again being used. That's neat old-school stuff. I'm waiting for the "Impeach Earl Warren" posts to follow soon.

No I very much believe in a movement towards a global government, it's the end game for all authoritarians regardless if they lean right or left.
Quote:How is it a strawman argument? He is literally arguing there is an international conspiracy amongst climate scientists to somehow use the idea of global warming to subject us to a "new world government." He rather believe that over the fact that congressional politicians are lying through their teeth. It's comical.

You've made your usual mistake in defining the sides. It's politically motivated scientists and leftist politicians who believe in anthropogenic global cooling warming climate change vs scientists, politicians, and rational people who do not. 
Quote:You've made your usual mistake in defining the sides. It's politically motivated scientists and leftist politicians who believe in anthropogenic global <del>cooling warming </del>climate change vs scientists, politicians, and rational people who do not.

Whatever gets you through the day, bro. Cognitive dissonance can be a [BLEEP], I'm sure.
Quote:You've made your usual mistake in defining the sides. It's politically motivated scientists and leftist politicians who believe in anthropogenic global cooling warming climate change vs scientists, politicians, and rational people who do not. 
Phew, I was worried you had decided to stop being hypocritical in your insane statements. Never change  :thumbsup:
Quote:What I see if the largest gap between the richest and poorest of any country listed there. And the gap is widening.


And based on that chart, we would be lead to believe that the poorest in this country live as well as the richest people in Italy. And better than the richest people in Brazil or Portugal. Do you actually believe that?

There is always going to be a gap between the richest and the poorest of any population.  The ideas of "equality" and "redistribution" simply do not work.  It has been proven time and again.  For a really good example, take a look at the history of Korea.
Quote:There is always going to be a gap between the richest and the poorest of any population.  The ideas of "equality" and "redistribution" simply do not work.  It has been proven time and again.  For a really good example, take a look at the history of Korea.

Of course there'll be a gap.  The idea is that it shouldn't be so big (and certainly not getting bigger).  
Quote:There is always going to be a gap between the richest and the poorest of any population.  The ideas of "equality" and "redistribution" simply do not work.  It has been proven time and again.  For a really good example, take a look at the history of Korea.

What does that have anything to do with what I said? Of course there will be a gap between the top 10% and the bottom 10%. It's like the other 80%. 
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