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Full Version: Wind turbines kill 573,000 birds and 888,000 bats every year.
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Quote:There is always going to be a gap between the richest and the poorest of any population.  The ideas of "equality" and "redistribution" simply do not work.  It has been proven time and again.  For a really good example, take a look at the history of Korea.
Agreed. Things should not be inherently equal. The massive gap and the ever increasing gap is what most take issue with I think. 
Quote:What does that have anything to do with what I said? Of course there will be a gap between the top 10% and the bottom 10%. It's like the other 80%. 

It has to do with your comment about the gap.  It gets wider for a couple of reasons, the first being personal decisions/actions.  People today are more in debt than in earlier years.  We have become a society of "instant gratification" rather than living within one's means.  What I mean by that is that people feel that it should be a "right" to have certain things as "standard" rather than a "luxury".  It's not about the basic needs such as food, shelter, etc.  It's about things such as satellite/cable tv., internet access, smart phones, etc.  People get themselves in debt through cell phone plans, satellite/cable tv contracts and such, even getting into cars and homes that they really can't afford.  You also have people that think that entry level jobs in the work force should be "entitled" to a much higher salary than the jobs are worth.


The other problem is taxation and the way that it's instituted.  People in the middle class are being hit the hardest by taxation, especially after the passage of Obama-care.  Someone like me, I earn a modest income, is considered a "high earner" so my tax bracket is higher than someone that earns a bit less than me.  My insurance plan did no meet the "requirements" of Obama-care so I either had to purchase a different plan, or pay a "penalty".  I am by no means "wealthy", but because I earn what I do more of my earnings go to either insurance premiums or to the government in the form of "fines".
Quote:Of course there'll be a gap.  The idea is that it shouldn't be so big (and certainly not getting bigger).  

If everyone increases at a rate of 10%, what happens to the gap?
Quote:Phew, I was worried you had decided to stop being hypocritical in your insane statements. Never change  :thumbsup:

Of all the things I am, a hypocrite I'm not.
When you think about it, that's a lot of birds and bats. Imagine if they'd all lived, we'd be overrun. I think wind turbines are assisting nature, by culling the herds. Or flocks.


I mean, if that reasoning works for deer hunters...

Quote:When you think about it, that's a lot of birds and bats. Imagine if they'd all lived, we'd be overrun. I think wind turbines are assisting nature, by culling the herds. Or flocks.


I mean, if that reasoning works for deer hunters...

I've hit both a deer and a bird with my car. The bird just required a car wash, but If I never see another deer it will be too soon.
Quote:When you think about it, that's a lot of birds and bats. Imagine if they'd all lived, we'd be overrun. I think wind turbines are assisting nature, by culling the herds. Or flocks.

I mean, if that reasoning works for deer hunters...

The wind turbines are eating the birds?
Quote:The wind turbines are eating the birds?

Sometimes. Other times, they just kill them for the rack...err...beak.
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