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Full Version: Questions from a new Jags fan
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Quote:People who call people jerks for subtly referring to other jerks as jerks are jerks.

Well the jerkstore called and they're running out of you..
Welcome Primanoctus. I can't imagine ever leaving my dear deplorable Jags and stuck in sixth Tottenham Hotspur. Your personal reasons must truly be personal and tough on you.

You are in the right place mate. Way back in the days of yore when the board was taking roots, we even celebrated birthdays of our posters, with personalized messages and pages of well wishes from members. We sent out cards to the team, organized parties and group events. These are now just memories but you will get the most quality material here indeed. Just be prepared to sort thru gravel to get your gem, as with everything in life.

Surely, your 02 championship greatly eased the agony of your lengthy futility in Buc land. We can only hope we'll come close to that lofty status anytime soon. Again, welcome to your new family mate. Accept an electronic scotch from me, neat.
Thanks for the note and that's the ONLY way to take The Glen Livet! You can only watch the Super Bowl rewind so many times before reality sets in and I watch the REST of Gruden's seasons, the scar that is Raheem's "youngry" teams, Schiano's MRSA infection, and McClown.


Ugh...just typing that made me need a drink.


On the plus side, got my first Jags cap this weekend. So, that takes some of the stink out of the air.

Quote:Well the jerkstore called and they're running out of you..

Your Honor, I rest my case. I think some of these keyboard commandos are trying to get revenge for being bullied their whole lives, lol.
Quote:People who call people jerks for subtly referring to other jerks as jerks are jerks.
That's a lot of jerking going on.
Quote:Bigcatcountry.com is ok for news.

I would avoid the site.


Pretty much this site/forum is the place to go other than the regular sports websites (Si, ESPN, NFL.com, etc.).  Also look at the local news websites (jacksonville.com, news4jax.com, firstcoastnews.com, etct).
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