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Quote:Hate crimes have spiked with morons who align themselves to Trump. So the Skittles analogy works for Muslims, but not when being concerned angry, white Americans might want to attack you verbally or physically for being a different race?

I don't believe all Trump supporters are the devil. I just don't see many condemning the reprehensible behavior of that growing number of his supporters who have been making negative headlines.

And hate crimes haven't spiked from morons who have aligned themselves with BLM?
Quote:Hate crimes have spiked with morons who align themselves to Trump. So the Skittles analogy works for Muslims, but not when being concerned angry, white Americans might want to attack you verbally or physically for being a different race?

I don't believe all Trump supporters are the devil. I just don't see many condemning the reprehensible behavior of that growing number of his supporters who have been making negative headlines.

I haven't seen a headline about any hate crimes committed by Trump supporters. I have, however, seen plenty about violent far-left activist burning, assaulting, and rioting on a near-weekly basis. Non-stop. What is their deal? So violent.



Counter-protester assaulted at Portland airport rally
What does a Muslim look like?

I haven't seen a headline about any hate crimes committed by Trump supporters. I have, however, seen plenty about violent far-left activist burning, assaulting, and rioting on a near-weekly basis. Non-stop. What is their deal? So violent.



Counter-protester assaulted at Portland airport rally

And how many of the "hate crimes" originally reported to have been committed by Trump supporters were later found to be false reports/lies?
Quote:And how many of the "hate crimes" originally reported to have been committed by Trump supporters were later found to be false reports/lies?

Most of them.
Quote:What does a Muslim look like?
Search and you will find the Islamic dress code as every aspect of Islam is dictated by the Prophet Muhammad. You can find information in Quran 7:31, 30:21, 33:59, 24:30, 24:31, etc. This is not to say all hold themselves to strict Islamic law, but you get the point.
"You won't believe what this white Trump supporter left this black waitress for a tip"..

Kinda funny that the usual suspects get all bent outta shape when multiple news outlets are using the same story header..
Quote:Most of them.

Yeah.. they're a bunch of peaceful hippies.
Quote:Hate crimes have spiked with morons who align themselves to Trump. So the Skittles analogy works for Muslims, but not when being concerned angry, white Americans might want to attack you verbally or physically for being a different race?

I don't believe all Trump supporters are the devil. I just don't see many condemning the reprehensible behavior of that growing number of his supporters who have been making negative headlines.
Then you are not paying attention.  
Quote:Search and you will find the Islamic dress code as every aspect of Islam is dictated by the Prophet Muhammad. You can find information in Quran 7:31, 30:21, 33:59, 24:30, 24:31, etc. This is not to say all hold themselves to strict Islamic law, but you get the point.

Leviticus says you can't eat shrimp or lobster, shave, get divorced or wear mixed fabrics. Somehow the overwhelming majority of Christians don't abide by that.
Quote:Most of them.
Quote:Then you are not paying attention.

That mosque must've just had faulty electricity.
Quote:Leviticus says you can't eat shrimp or lobster, shave, get divorced or wear mixed fabrics. Somehow the overwhelming majority of Christians don't abide by that.

Which one will stone you, potentially to death, if you don't abide by their requirements?
Quote:What does a Muslim look like?

Lots of them look a whole lot like Jesus.

The real one I mean. Not the blue-eyed, blonde version up on your mantle.
Quote:Hate crimes have spiked with morons who align themselves to Trump. So the Skittles analogy works for Muslims, but not when being concerned angry, white Americans might want to attack you verbally or physically for being a different race?

I don't believe all Trump supporters are the devil. I just don't see many condemning the reprehensible behavior
of that growing number of his supporters who have been making negative headlines.


Quote:Then you are not paying attention.  


Quote:That mosque must've just had faulty electricity.
Allow me to clarify what I was referencing with my reply.
Quote:Leviticus says you can't eat shrimp or lobster, shave, get divorced or wear mixed fabrics. Somehow the overwhelming majority of Christians don't abide by that.
Oooooh, so close!
Quote:Leviticus says you can't eat shrimp or lobster, shave, get divorced or wear mixed fabrics. Somehow the overwhelming majority of Christians don't abide by that.

I would go into this, but we're not really supposed to discuss religion on this board (for good reason.  Politics has already turned up the hate)
Quote:What's the point of this article?
Quote:Black people should be grateful white republican men give them tip money working a minimum wage job.
Quote:The linked story is about a white man tipping a black waitress so it was already about race.

The linked story is an example of multiple problems in our society today, and how those on the far left spread false narratives.  One of the sub-topics does deal with race.  Another deals with generosity and being kind to your fellow man.  Another is about holding pre-conceived and false notions about people because of their skin color and/or politics.


It's also a demonstration about how some people "get it" while you two obviously don't.  People like you two are never happy or satisfied no matter what.


Trump supporters are all "evil, rich white men who are racists and hate poor people" is the narrative from the far left including you.


From the story.

Quote:A group of men from west Texas entered the restaurant and started to chat with Harris. One of the men, who said he was a dentist, complimented her on her smile. Harris, who is black, told the Post she was admittedly a bit prejudice when the men, who were white, told her they were in town to support Trump.


However, Harris didn’t expect what would come next.


After the men had left, Harris picked up their check and found that they left a heartwarming message and a generous tip. They left Harris a $450 tip on a $72.60 bill. Their message read:

“We may come from different cultures and may disagree on certain issues, but if everyone would share their smile and kindness like your beautiful smile, our country will come together as one people. Not race. Not gender. Just American. God Bless!


“You automatically assume if someone supports Trump that they have ideas about you, but [the customer is] more embracing than even some of my more liberal friends, and there was a real authenticity in our exchange,” she told the paper.


Harris added that the message was a great reminder not to make assumptions and that many Americans want the country to come together regardless of politics.

So in other words, far left liberals make assumptions about people because of their politics, and these men pretty much proved them wrong.  The waitress is actually pretty level headed and seemed to get the message.

Quote:Hate crimes have spiked with morons who align themselves to Trump. So the Skittles analogy works for Muslims, but not when being concerned angry, white Americans might want to attack you verbally or physically for being a different race?

I don't believe all Trump supporters are the devil. I just don't see many condemning the reprehensible behavior of that growing number of his supporters who have been making negative headlines.

Care to cite examples of the "hate crimes" that have spiked?  How about the "growing number of supporters who have been making negative headlines"?

The linked story is an example of multiple problems in our society today, and how those on the far left spread false narratives.  One of the sub-topics does deal with race.  Another deals with generosity and being kind to your fellow man.  Another is about holding pre-conceived and false notions about people because of their skin color and/or politics.


It's also a demonstration about how some people "get it" while you two obviously don't.  People like you two are never happy or satisfied no matter what.


Trump supporters are all "evil, rich white men who are racists and hate poor people" is the narrative from the far left including you.


From the story.

So in other words, far left liberals make assumptions about people because of their politics, and these men pretty much proved them wrong.  The waitress is actually pretty level headed and seemed to get the message.
Would it be fair to say that assumptions about liberals "not working" and always needing handouts is a poor assumption as well? It's a nice story and should be about kindness, period. 
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