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Quote:Fake news. Again.

Go figure.  It's the lifeline of their failing cult.
Quote:Would it be fair to say that assumptions about liberals "not working" and always needing handouts is a poor assumption as well? It's a nice story and should be about kindness, period. 

Sure it's fair to say that and those are views often expressed by those on the far right.


The story should be a learning tool for all people, not just those on the far ends of the political spectrum.


One of the biggest divides in this country concerns race.  There are many blacks who typically vote democrat that are never happy, never satisfied no matter what.  A very good example is in this very thread.  Someone was kind and generous to someone else in the story linked in my OP, yet it wasn't enough for some people.  It was about a "white man giving a black woman money" for some.


By the same token some saw it as the black women "changing her tune" only after receiving a generous tip.  It wasn't about the thoughtful message left on the receipt.


Go back and read the message that was left.  Read it again and think about it.


The whole point of the article and this thread really has nothing to do with race, gender or politics.  It has everything to do with identifying and solving serious problems in our society.
Quote:Where do you equate me being bitter talking about race?

If you are eager to just paint me the "angry black man", admit it and let's have a frank discussion, stop tip toeing around assumptions.

I'm not tip toeing I've to you before your view of everything through race is the definition of racism. I find it sad, the same way I find white supremacist sad. Being of mixed background from a mixed culture to mixed immigrants I just don't understand the loyalty to an ethnicity above all else.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume the majority of liberals are terrible tippers. Every liberal I know is as frugal as they come.

Good for these Trump supporters making this woman's day!
Quote:I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume the majority of liberals are terrible tippers. Every liberal I know is as frugal as they come.

Good for these Trump supporters making this woman's day!
And how many liberals do you know? How many times do you go out to eat with them where they tip? Was the service deserving of a good tip?


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you have no clue what you're talking about.
Quote:And how many liberals do you know? How many times do you go out to eat with them where they tip? Was the service deserving of a good tip?


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you have no clue what you're talking about.

The tipping thing is a very accurate assessment whether you like it or not.


You see, people like you probably pretend the service wasn't good so you don't have to tip that well.


Also, I apparently hit a nerve and made you internally question your own tipping, which in-turn caused you to become triggered.

It's hilarious when people can't distinguish sarcasm on this board. I mean how stupid can you be HAHAHAHAHA 



On a serious note, I'm glad they did that. That kind of goes along with what I've been trying to preach, albeit probably not the best way, but that we simply need to agree to disagree, and then look out for one another regardless. 


Can we just sit around a campfire, drink our Natty Lites, and sing kumbaya? 

Quote:It's hilarious when people can't distinguish sarcasm on this board. I mean how stupid can you be HAHAHAHAHA 



On a serious note, I'm glad they did that. That kind of goes along with what I've been trying to preach, albeit probably not the best way, but that we simply need to agree to disagree, and then look out for one another regardless. 


Can we just sit around a campfire, drink our Natty Lites, and sing kumbaya?

Natty Lite? Now we have real disagreement there mister. We dont drink that fancy stuff around these parts.

The linked story is an example of multiple problems in our society today, and how those on the far left spread false narratives.  One of the sub-topics does deal with race.  Another deals with generosity and being kind to your fellow man.  Another is about holding pre-conceived and false notions about people because of their skin color and/or politics.


It's also a demonstration about how some people "get it" while you two obviously don't.  People like you two are never happy or satisfied no matter what.


Trump supporters are all "evil, rich white men who are racists and hate poor people" is the narrative from the far left including you.


From the story.

So in other words, far left liberals make assumptions about people because of their politics, and these men pretty much proved them wrong.  The waitress is actually pretty level headed and seemed to get the message.

How about stop calling black people "terrorist" when protesting for equal pay, fair treatment by law enforcement, etc. 
Quote:Sure it's fair to say that and those are views often expressed by those on the far right.


The story should be a learning tool for all people, not just those on the far ends of the political spectrum.


One of the biggest divides in this country concerns race.  There are many blacks who typically vote democrat that are never happy, never satisfied no matter what.  A very good example is in this very thread.  Someone was kind and generous to someone else in the story linked in my OP, yet it wasn't enough for some people.  It was about a "white man giving a black woman money" for some.


By the same token some saw it as the black women "changing her tune" only after receiving a generous tip.  It wasn't about the thoughtful message left on the receipt.


Go back and read the message that was left.  Read it again and think about it.


The whole point of the article and this thread really has nothing to do with race, gender or politics.  It has everything to do with identifying and solving serious problems in our society.

Remember when you said Michelle Obama looked like a "ape"?
Quote:How about stop calling black people "terrorist" when protesting for equal pay, fair treatment by law enforcement, etc. 
Where was this said? Who?
Quote:I'm not tip toeing I've to you before your view of everything through race is the definition of racism. I find it sad, the same way I find white supremacist sad. Being of mixed background from a mixed culture to mixed immigrants I just don't understand the loyalty to an ethnicity above all else.

Society dosent agree with this POV.
Quote:Where was this said? Who?

Quote:It is a moratorium on people from those 7 countries.  It's not a ban at all.  It has a time limit.  Additionally, there are 40 other Muslim majority countries unaffected by the order.  Hence, Muslims as Muslims are not banned.
shhh facts are not welcome here
Quote:What's the purpose ??
To prevent ISIS and terrorists from these nations overun by them from getting onto US soil.
So it's only black people that are allowed to support a loose, decentralized movement that has often times had chapters go rouge and lose sight of what the movement was to support? While "terrorist" is a bit harsh, the fact that some chapters have encouraged riots and violence is hard to accept as legitimate and rarely denounced.
Quote:So it's only black people that are allowed to support a loose, decentralized movement that has often times had chapters go rouge and lose sight of what the movement was to support? While "terrorist" is a bit harsh, the fact that some chapters have encouraged riots and violence is hard to accept as legitimate and rarely denounced.

It's a very small group that dosent make up the majority.


I have participated in some of the BLM marches and there were no acts of violence, sure there were some people wanting to incite violence but they were a small few, again not the majority.

Quote:How about stop calling black people "terrorist" when protesting for equal pay, fair treatment by law enforcement, etc.
How about you start calling black people terrorists who riot, loot, assault people and set buildings on fire?
Quote:Society dosent agree with this POV.

Yours maybe, but you're a racist so you aren't the norm.
Quote:How about you start calling black people terrorists who riot, loot, assault people and set buildings on fire?

Again very small sample size.

I know you are eager to say Black people shouldn't protest injustice but think before saying such.
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