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Full Version: Was the Marrone hire a contingency for Caldwell?
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Quote:Marone was hired so Bradley can focus more on the Roars cheerleading abilities
Lol there we go, someone not saying the excact same thing... Even if it was facetious lol.
Quote:It's possible that scenario happens this year. Whether it ends up being inadvertent on Bradley's end or not. If this team starts off 0 - 8 or worse. Caldwell has to make a decision. At that point, Khan is probably forcing his hand.

Khan: "You know David, after now going 8 - 40 over the last two and a half years... I think it's time for..."

David: "I offer Bradley as tribute!.... I volunteer Gus....as...tribute"

Khan: "Very well... we'll announce it tomorrow morning... please plan to have Doug step in for now...once this season is over we will talk again about 2016"

At that point, depending on what happens after mid-season if we get off to another terrible start under Bradley. Khan either opts to give Caldwell yet another chance or he cleans house already after just three years...
Was kinda my line of thought... But i screwed up in making the title what i did because poeple couldnt get over the "bradley hired him" part enough to consider this scenario as a possiblity.
Quote:Was was kinda my line of thought... But i screwed up in making the the title what i did because poeple couldnt get over "the bradley hired him" part enough to consider this scenario as a possiblity.

Yeah man, it happens. It's all good though. I understood where you were coming from.
Quote:We already have a blocking TE in Marcedes.  We need a TE that doesn't have hands of stone and can get open.

You are assuming Marcedes returns in 2015 and somehow stays healthy if he does.
Quote:Was wondering why the FO wouldn't just name him OC rather than make Olsen the oc with him as the " assistant head coach/ oline".. Then i pictured the possiblity of us going 0-8 to start the season and realized maybe marrone is daves way lf covering another horrible start to a year.... If they start like horse crap, he fires bradley and lets marrone take the reins.

Maybe ive lost it after 4 years of bottom of the league, but everything smells like conspiracy to me lol.


It is out of respect to a man whom held the highest position in coaching (head coach) to make him an (asst HC) especially if you are going to pay him an considerable ammount as an expert OL coach.
Quote:Was kinda my line of thought... But i screwed up in making the title what i did because poeple couldnt get over the "bradley hired him" part enough to consider this scenario as a possiblity.

The problem is, that's not at all what you said other than the 0-8 start. You even went as far as talking about conspiracy.
<a class="" href='https://twitter.com/ryanohalloran'>Ryan O'Halloran ‏@ryanohalloran </a> <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/ryanohalloran/status/561213608688750593' title="9:25 AM - 30 Jan 2015">51m51 minutes ago</a>
<p class="" style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(245,248,250);">Khan said he won't give Gus mandate on 2015 win total to earn a fourth season. <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/hashtag/jaguars?src=hash'>#jaguars</a>

Quote:The problem is, that's not at all what you said other than the 0-8 start. You even went as far as talking about conspiracy.
Lol that was facecious but its all good.. I get where the counter was coming from, it was just redundant after the first 10 times it was posted.
Quote:It is out of respect to a man whom held the highest position in coaching (head coach) to make him an (asst HC) especially if you are going to pay him an considerable ammount as an expert OL coach.
Hopefully we hire off credintials and not respect... Marrone is incredibly qualified to do the job he was hired for.. I dont think they would tack an extra title on to his position just because they respect the guy... And on the money side, i doubt they would have to justify what they pay the guy, not to mention the 4 mil he has coming in from buff, at least to me, makes me think they wouldnt have to add too much money to his contract in the first place... Him choosing us over any other team, imo, means doug and gus have a connection like has been stated over and over and over agin in this thread, or (this was kind of the line of thought that lead me to the op) he may see a potential opportunity to move up in the team.
I think this was just Khan wanting to spend big money on guys he thought could help them win. I don't see anything beyond that.

O-line coaches dont get hired before Offensive Coordinators. Doesnt happen. Something else is at work here. Khan had 1 on 1 meetings with all these guys. Marrone and Shad could very well have discussed something behind closed doors.

As o-line coach he could step right into the position too, whereas if he was hired as OC blake would likely end up dealing with a difft playcaller once Marrone ascended.
They let Olson bring his own RB coach from oakland , but the QB coach and O-line coach were hand picked by shad. Not only that, those two guys also have a past history together. It's gonna be all marrone in 2016
Quote:They let Olson bring his own RB coach from oakland , but the QB coach and O-line coach were hand picked by shad. Not only that, those two guys also have a past history together. It's gonna be all marrone in 2016

I'm just speculating but maybe Gus wanted to be more involved in the defense and wanted marrone to handle Gus' responsibilities of the offense.

That would make sense that he found the guy he liked to do that before they put an OC in place.


I wouldn't read too much into it. I think what Gus has done is hire the 'best' people to help him take this team forwards. How many ex-head coaches did the Cowboys have working under Jason Garrett?


- Bill Callahan, OC/OL

- Scott Linehan, passing game CO

- Rod Marinelli, DC


- Derek Dooley, WR

- Monte Kiffen, Assistant head coach/defense

I'm not sure if Jason Garrett hired his own staff or not, but having experience behind him seemed to help the Cowboys take that next step. Maybe Gus realised he needed more experience on his staff? And why not take advantage of a guy like Doug Marrone who led the Bills to a winning record and has a decent resume?

I wouldn't read too much into it. I think Gus went for more experience and who he felt was the best people to help him in what could be his make or break season.
People that want to read something into this are trying real hard to read something into it.
Was the Marrone hire a contingency plan for Caldwell?





It's a tall conspiracy sir!

I would like to think that 'if' it were a contingency for Gus Bradley getting sacked, that they would've gotten someone a heck of a lot better. However... no, I don't think that's what the case is here. Non alien conspiracy theories are boring... 

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