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Quote:Have you ever seen Mulholland Drive?  That is a Lynch film.  Another one like Body Double where things aren't quite what they seem.

Mulholland Drive is one of my favorites!!! I've seen it many times just to try to figure it out!


I just saw "The Interview" - WOW, so much hype for a ridiculously dumb movie. Not funny in the least. As much as I really like James Franco, he is not suited for comedy, IMO.


I just watched "Lucy". It was similiar to the movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper, but a lot more sci-fi and out there. It was OKAY.


Someone mentioned Memento and I love that movie as well. A lot easier to "get" if you watch it twice or more times. It's made by an excellent director in Christopher Nolan who also did another great movie in "The Prestige", these are both lesser known great movies by a now pretty darned famous director. I enjoy all of his movies as I usually do with David Fincher.
Quote:Mulholland Drive is one of my favorites!!! I've seen it many times just to try to figure it out!


I just saw "The Interview" - WOW, so much hype for a ridiculously dumb movie. Not funny in the least. As much as I really like James Franco, he is not suited for comedy, IMO.


I just watched "Lucy". It was similiar to the movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper, but a lot more sci-fi and out there. It was OKAY.


Someone mentioned Memento and I love that movie as well. A lot easier to "get" if you watch it twice or more times. It's made by an excellent director in Christopher Nolan who also did another great movie in "The Prestige", these are both lesser known great movies by a now pretty darned famous director. I enjoy all of his movies as I usually do with David Fincher.

Minorcan, if you liked MD and haven't seen other Lynch movies, I definitely recommend them.  Some (like Lost Highway) make MD look perfectly normal.  LOL
Quote:Minorcan, if you liked MD and haven't seen other Lynch movies, I definitely recommend them.  Some (like Lost Highway) make MD look perfectly normal.  LOL
You know, I've never necessarily been a David Lynch fan, I just really like that movie. I've lost a lot of patience as I've gotten older with too far out there movies. If they're ridiculous just to be ridiculous, I won't like it. However, if it's strange and compelling or intruiguing, I'm good with that. I've always heard good things about Lost Highway, so one of these days I'll just have to dive in.
Quote:You know, I've never necessarily been a David Lynch fan, I just really like that movie. I've lost a lot of patience as I've gotten older with too far out there movies. If they're ridiculous just to be ridiculous, I won't like it. However, if it's strange and compelling or intruiguing, I'm good with that. I've always heard good things about Lost Highway, so one of these days I'll just have to dive in.

Have you seen Enemy?
If you really want a movie that makes you think about life in general, watch "The Big Chill" (I think it was released in 88) It's about a group of college friends that get together after one of their old group commits suicide (which I can relate to because I had a good friend commit suicide). The soundtrack is excellent and the premise of the movie really makes you wonder about life.

Quote:You know, I've never necessarily been a David Lynch fan, I just really like that movie. I've lost a lot of patience as I've gotten older with too far out there movies. If they're ridiculous just to be ridiculous, I won't like it. However, if it's strange and compelling or intruiguing, I'm good with that. I've always heard good things about Lost Highway, so one of these days I'll just have to dive in.

That just made me think of Videodrome for some reason.  Pretty dark and twisted movie.  That is a Cronenberg film.


Dark City is a really good movie and a lot of people haven't heard about it.  Visuals are amazing and it was made in 1998.
Quote:You know, I've never necessarily been a David Lynch fan, I just really like that movie. I've lost a lot of patience as I've gotten older with too far out there movies. If they're ridiculous just to be ridiculous, I won't like it. However, if it's strange and compelling or intruiguing, I'm good with that. I've always heard good things about Lost Highway, so one of these days I'll just have to dive in.

You may not like "Lost Highway".  It is very strange but there is an internal logic at work.  If you're familiar with the novel "Finnegan's Wake", you might see several influences at work but the movie stands alone.  It is a "love it or hate it" kind of flick without a doubt.
Quote:If you really want a movie that makes you think about life in general, watch "The Big Chill" (I think it was released in 88) It's about a group of college friends that get together after one of their old group commits suicide (which I can relate to because I had a good friend commit suicide). The soundtrack is excellent and the premise of the movie really makes you wonder about life.

One of my favorite movies of all time.  I wasn't really a Kasdan  fan and still not really but I also liked the film he did a few years later (also with Kevin Kline) called "Grand Canyon".  That movie is simply awesome.
Quote:Have you seen Enemy?

No, tell me more
Quote:One of my favorite movies of all time.  I wasn't really a Kasdan  fan and still not really but I also liked the film he did a few years later (also with Kevin Kline) called "Grand Canyon".  That movie is simply awesome.

This movie always reminds me of my teenage years. It was always in heavy rotation on HBO and I always watched if. good movie.
Just watched Kill List on netflix. Movie is much deeper then you realize.
Quote:No, tell me more

It's a little out there but not as hard to follow as a David Lynch movie. I normally don't go too crazy for those types - maybe something like Inception is about as confusing as I like to get.

Anyway, I thought for a movie of its type, Enemy was really good.
Quote:If you really want a movie that makes you think about life in general, watch "The Big Chill" (I think it was released in 88) It's about a group of college friends that get together after one of their old group commits suicide (which I can relate to because I had a good friend commit suicide). The soundtrack is excellent and the premise of the movie really makes you wonder about life.
I saw that last year. I'd always heard about how good it was so I finally watched it. It did make you think about things.
Quote:It's a little out there but not as hard to follow as a David Lynch movie. I normally don't go too crazy for those types - maybe something like Inception is about as confusing as I like to get.

Anyway, I thought for a movie of its type, Enemy was really good.
I've seen Inception at least 5-6 times and I'm still scratching my head. I get something different out of it each time but man.... I shouldn't have to think that hard to be entertained. Lol. Yet I keep watching it. Hahaha
I consider myself a movie nerd. Best recent movie I have seen hands down is Whiplash. I saw Birdman also. I thought it was pretty good overall. But it's a technical masterpiece.

Quote:I consider myself a movie nerd. Best recent movie I have seen hands down is Whiplash. I saw Birdman also. I thought it was pretty good overall. But it's a technical masterpiece.

Birdman is a very good story and acting is terrific, and amazing as a movie.


I enjoyed Selma as well, although it helps to have some knowledge of the times and the subjects involved.
Quote:Honestly, one of my favorite movies ever: Office Space.
That's because it's one of the best movies ever.
Well obviously,..

Quote:If you really want a movie that makes you think about life in general, watch "The Big Chill" (I think it was released in 88) It's about a group of college friends that get together after one of their old group commits suicide (which I can relate to because I had a good friend commit suicide). The soundtrack is excellent and the premise of the movie really makes you wonder about life.
That is a good one. Been yeaaaaaaarrrrrrrsssssss since I have seen it. Going to have to try and see if I can find it and watch again.
I think Taxi Driver is my favorite movie of all-time.

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