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Quote:I hope he's ok. HB was definitely a person I'd go out of my way to meet outside of the board. Cool guy.

He is okay...I just heard from him this morning and he had some happy news to share! Homebiscuit is officially a grandpa of a bouncing baby boy!! Banana
HB if you hop on here, Congratulations!

Congratulations, Homeymybiscuit!
Quote:What about me?!? I like to feel loved once in awhile. I'm coming up on 10 years on the board. I'm so lame..........
I don't think current users is the main idea of the thread.
Quote:Had to be in his mid-60s or later.  I met Fargin (and Tim, and Dakota, Jagrams, Dragonfury and some others) a few years ago at couple of games.  They are all actually pretty nice down to earth people!  I was a little circumspect about meeting Fargin because he and I had bumped heads a lot in the old days (I guess he had that effect on a lot people, haha), but he was a great guy, very opinionated as you might imagine but very thoughtful and intelligent in expressing his opinion.  Always wish I'd gotten another chance to meet him.  Dave too.
I met a lot of people back then. Which one were you again?
A forum meet up would be a great idea.  I think its so easy for people here to get personal and attack because you can't put a face to who you're speaking with. 


If you meet someone you are typically much more cordial, and I'd imagine it would carry on well past meeting someone.


Suggestions for a meet up:  MMA training class, roller derby, boxing, full contact football game?  Any others?

Quote:A forum meet up would be a great idea.  I think its so easy for people here to get personal and attack because you can't put a face to who you're speaking with. 


If you meet someone you are typically much more cordial, and I'd imagine it would carry on well past meeting someone.


Suggestions for a meet up:  MMA training class, roller derby, boxing, full contact football game?  Any others?

Off the top turnbuckle
Quote:I met a lot of people back then. Which one were you again?

I was the guy trying to understand what you were saying when you were speaking something that sounded vaguely like English but had me wondering if I'd already had too many beers.  Not enough beers to wreck a Mustang though.


Quote:A forum meet up would be a great idea.  I think its so easy for people here to get personal and attack because you can't put a face to who you're speaking with. 


If you meet someone you are typically much more cordial, and I'd imagine it would carry on well past meeting someone.


Suggestions for a meet up:  MMA training class, roller derby, boxing, full contact football game?  Any others?
I would love to have a forum meetup, but unfortunately I can't make one anyways due to transportation issues as I figure that it would be in Jacksonville.
Quote:Fargin was a guy who always kept training camp interesting.  It hasn't been the same since he parted this earthly coil.  He was a terrible spotter, but a great buffer in dealing with more chatty fans.  Probably had something to do with the fact that he was stone deaf in one ear so people thought he was ignoring them and just gave up talking. 


He was one of those posters who was pretty much exactly the same in real life as he was on the board.  He actually passed away when I was out of town.  His son logged into his account and posted a message for those of us who were close to Frank to let us know that he'd died suddenly.  Sad day for sure.  We lost a real character that day.  I had the opportunity to visit with his family after he passed away, and they all talked about how much he enjoyed the sparring on the board, and of course, how much he loved the Jags. 


Another poster who isn't around any longer is Jagrams.  She was part of that core group along with Shag, Skeeter, JagsAmore, and a few others who really got this board off the ground.  She's had a lot on her plate.  She still supports the team, but has found new avenues to express her fanhood.  Still, she was one of the perpetually nice people on the board.  We could always use some of that around here.


I'd say I miss JagsAmore, but honestly, she's a massive chunk of donkey dung, so why lie?  Especially when I have the opportunity to tell her every chance I get.  I have no sympathy for her.  She'd probably still post here if she could remember her password, and she's not technically savvy enough to have her password reset.  If she wasn't married to one of my best friends, well, I'd probably still find a way to throw sarcastic barbs her way every chance I could.  Nobody is more deserving.

Skeeter was the first MB member I met in person. A more avid fan you'll never meet. He actually dropped by my house to bring me some Jaguars memorabilia, that's when I met him.


Jagrams was the first person I corresponded with via PMs, at a time I was considered a troll from the T-U board, which I was. I miss her.


I miss Fargin, too. We seldom agreed on anything non-football related, to the point of extreme vitriol, but privately we agreed that we were more alike personality-wise than either of us cared to admit.


I also miss JagsAmore, if for no other reason than reading her posts always made me feel smarter by comparison.


(I'm trusting you to pass that on, FBT.)
Quote:A forum meet up would be a great idea.  I think its so easy for people here to get personal and attack because you can't put a face to who you're speaking with. 


If you meet someone you are typically much more cordial, and I'd imagine it would carry on well past meeting someone.

I was thinking someone should start a thread about board members people have met in person. We could incorporate that in a meet-up thread.
I met Rob (can't remember his username) and three or four others about 10 years ago at a tailgate party for a preseason game and had a good time. They seemed to recognize my username so that was flattering. I'd love to meet you guys in person this upcoming season - we should organize another event and I'll make a trek up there (I live near Orlando).

I met a female poster (who'll remain nameless) about eight years ago when she came down to Orlando to visit. The scariest weekend of my life!


Speaking of which, does anybody know where Jags02 has been lately? When I first joined he was one of the most active posters on the site, but now he doesn't post as much anymore. He seems like a genuinely nice guy both on and off the board. It seems like the MB as a whole was a much more vibrant place before I came along but oh well.

Quote:I met Rob (can't remember his username) and three or four others about 10 years ago at a tailgate party for a preseason game and had a good time. They seemed to recognize my username so that was flattering. I'd love to meet you guys in person this upcoming season - we should organize another event and I'll make a trek up there (I live near Orlando).

I met a female poster (who'll remain nameless) about eight years ago when she came down to Orlando to visit. The scariest weekend of my life!

Ha! That BchBunnie, I tell ya what...
Quote:Ha! That BchBunnie, I tell ya what...

I'm sure that would've been much better. Smile
Now we can all take our meeting discussions to a more relevant thread. I created one for meet-ups.  Smile

Quote:Ha! That BchBunnie, I tell ya what...
Quote:I'm sure that would've been much better. Smile

I've been called a lot of things...scary has never been one of them!! :no:
Quote:I've been called a lot of things...scary has never been one of them!! :no:

At least not to your face. Wink
Quote:At least not to your face. Wink

Quote:I met Rob (can't remember his username) and three or four others about 10 years ago at a tailgate party for a preseason game and had a good time. They seemed to recognize my username so that was flattering. I'd love to meet you guys in person this upcoming season - we should organize another event and I'll make a trek up there (I live near Orlando).

I met a female poster (who'll remain nameless) about eight years ago when she came down to Orlando to visit. The scariest weekend of my life!

How dare you!!!

J/k. So intrigued tho!
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