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Quote:Because they change the data to conform to pre-set conclusions. That's not science. It's pure fabrication.

Again, your politics are driving your false "results" on man made climate change.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/data-tampering-at-ushcngiss/'>https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/data-tampering-at-ushcngiss/</a>

If you were intelligent and a true scientist, you wouldn't be singing your partisan tune. You would not be ignoring the evidence of fraud.

You have no proof of anyone manipulating data other than providing ridiculous links to right wing websites. Hell, you don't even know the science.
Quote:Because they change the data to conform to pre-set conclusions. That's not science. It's pure fabrication.

Again, your politics are driving your false "results" on man made climate change.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/data-tampering-at-ushcngiss/'>https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/data-tampering-at-ushcngiss/</a>

If you were intelligent and a true scientist, you wouldn't be singing your partisan tune. You would not be ignoring the evidence of fraud.

What other fields do this data manipulation, since that is all we do is manipulate data to get false results?

Do Physicists do it, Ecologists, Wildlife Biologists, Geologists, Geneticists, Pharmacists, Microbiologists, Chemists, etc??

Or is it just Climate scientists?

I mean all we Scientists care about is funding. Why not implicate us all for manipulation of data. We are all guilty when the results don't match up with your conspiracy theories.

The entire scientific community is fraudulent. Trust no one!!!!
Quote:The entire scientific community is fraudulent. Trust no one!!!!

Finally understanding human nature are we? About time.
Quote:False narratives such as?

Obama was a good president.
Quote:I'll be the part in bold is what you "scientists" are most concerned about.

Only a moron would put the word scientists in quotations. Stay "classy"
Quote:When one of the worlds most respected physicists Niel deGrasse Tyson says stuff like this there is a problem.

"I dream of a world where the truth is what shapes people's politics, rather than politics shaping what people think is true."


That you believe a showman partisan con artist like Tyson is to be respected shows how biased your outcomes are.
Quote:I mean all we Scientists care about is funding. 
It's not all you care about, but it does heavily influence what you research. If you answered my question about knowing who Jerry Coyne is (of course you do), I was just listening to a podcast he was on a couple of day ago where he mentioned that he is sad that scientists avoid fascinating and important topics (specifically pointing out the other side of the climate debate and certain behavioral sciences) that scientists know are hot button topics that will be refused grants. 
Quote:You have no proof of anyone manipulating data other than providing ridiculous links to right wing websites. Hell, you don't even know the science.

It's painfully obvious you don't understand the science.
Quote:That you believe a showman partisan con artist like Tyson is to be respected shows how biased your outcomes are.

Quote:Finally understanding human nature are we? About time.

And yet scientific progress continues. You can't explain that using your "logic."
No wonder he's worried about Trump, he'll be exposed as a complete fraud of a "scientist."

Quote:When one of the worlds most respected physicists Niel deGrasse Tyson says stuff like this there is a problem.

"I dream of a world where the truth is what shapes people's politics, rather than politics shaping what people think is true."

This quote can be used by both sides in this argument ya know.
So is Stephen Hawking a partisan hack too?

Quote:Have you ever drafted a grant, wrote a proposal, published in a peer reviewed journal etc etc? Do you even know what one looks like? Getting a project funded is not easy, period. The odds are heavily skewed to your project being rejected, unless you have a very novel idea. How much of your life can you attribute to science, and the research we dedicate our lives to? What did you decide to dedicate your life to? Oh, talking on a message board about a crappy football team.

I guess you may get a lesson in how capitalism works if your funding from the government teat is cut off. I hear there is actual science happening in the private sector. Better get that resume dusted off.
Quote:No wonder he's worried about Trump, he'll be exposed as a complete fraud of a "scientist."

Ad hominem attack. And only a stupid person would believe the word of a politician over evidence-backed studies by learned men of science.

I earnestedly believe that. Only a really stupid person. Really stupid. Like a complete moron.
Quote:I guess you may get a lesson in how capitalism works if your funding from the government teat is cut off. I hear there is actual science happening in the private sector. Better get that resume dusted off.

You added to this thread how? 
People preferring to listen to politicians than scientists on science really is a special kind of stupid.

But then most probably like creationism being talked in science so that tells you all you need to know.
Well, this escalated quickly.

Truly, this section of the board is miserably depressing. Some of us apparently don't even have the capacity to debate and discuss without flinging insults left and right, and some have pretty much just hurled attacks with nothing of substance to contribute.

I don't even know what to say. This entire thread is just ridiculous to the core at this point.
Quote:Well, this escalated quickly.

Truly, this section of the board is miserably depressing. Some of us apparently don't even have the capacity to debate and discuss without flinging insults left and right, and some have pretty much just hurled attacks with nothing of substance to contribute.

I don't even know what to say. This entire thread is just ridiculous to the core at this point.
I stayed civil and merely asked a question, but it got ignored twice. Maybe you have to hurl attacks to get attention?
Quote:I stayed civil and merely asked a question, but it got ignored twice. Maybe you have to hurl attacks to get attention?

I guess so. Seems that way, anyway.
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