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Quote:I stayed civil and merely asked a question, but it got ignored twice. Maybe you have to hurl attacks to get attention?

I don't agree with Jerry Coyne on climate change, and there are many esteemed scientists from across a myriad of fields and many different countries who also feel the same.


I find it interesting though, that Jerry doesn't seem to particularly care much for Donald Trump. So maybe you shouldn't trust him. 


<p style="color:rgb(102,51,51);font-family:Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;">After Tr*mp ordered various science-related Federal agencies to undergo a social media blackout a few days ago (and forced the “rogue” Badlands National Park account, which was tweeting out climate-change announcements, to withdraw its facts), various other rogue accounts have sprung up.  Now many or most of these may be bogus, not having anything to do with disaffected employees of those agencies, but I suspect at least some are real; if I find out more information I’ll post it here. The San Diego Union-Tribune counted 24, but the list compiled by Alice Stollmeyer, below, has 47.

<p style="color:rgb(102,51,51);font-family:Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;">Take these with a grain of salt. They may be hoaxes, but some may be real expressions of revolt by federal agencies.

<p style="color:rgb(102,51,51);font-family:Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;">And if you’re a scientist, remember that planning is in the works for a Scientists’ March on Washington, a science-oriented equivalent to the recent Women’s March. The data hasn’t yet been set.



Quote:Ad hominem attack. And only a stupid person would believe the word of a politician over evidence-backed studies by learned men of science.

I earnestedly believe that. Only a really stupid person. Really stupid. Like a complete moron.

You got Pirkster figured out to a tee!
Quote:Well, this escalated quickly.

Truly, this section of the board is miserably depressing. Some of us apparently don't even have the capacity to debate and discuss without flinging insults left and right, and some have pretty much just hurled attacks with nothing of substance to contribute.

I don't even know what to say. This entire thread is just ridiculous to the core at this point.


Quote:I stayed civil and merely asked a question, but it got ignored twice. Maybe you have to hurl attacks to get attention?


Quote:I guess so. Seems that way, anyway.
Rise above it all and stay classy.  You'll sleep better.   :woot:
Quote:Have you ever drafted a grant, wrote a proposal, published in a peer reviewed journal etc etc? Do you even know what one looks like? Getting a project funded is not easy, period. The odds are heavily skewed to your project being rejected, unless you have a very novel idea. How much of your life can you attribute to science, and the research we dedicate our lives to? What did you decide to dedicate your life to? Oh, talking on a message board about a crappy football team.

Since I triggered you, I guess I'll answer.


I've never drafted a grant (whatever that is) but I have written several proposals for contracts that we were bidding on, and have published in a peer reviewed forum.  Do I get a prize for that?


I've written several proposals regarding government contracts that involved both hardware and software.


I've published software code reviewed by people that know a lot more than I do about programming or the Linux Kernel.  Some of my edits and contributions are included in the current Linux kernel release.  It's all public and free to see for anyone interested in it.  Along with that, I have also edited and published the documentation that goes along with it.


I don't attribute much of my life to science.  I dedicated my life to three things that anger liberals like you.  God, family and country in that order.  I work with on a daily basis components that I have to use real proven science to understand.  You know, math, physics, biology, etc.  I also program many different types of processors ranging from a simple 8 bit micro-processor up to the latest 64 bit computer.


Of course, a liberal like you would want to see my "credentials".  I don't hold a single college degree, yet I have to train and teach young engineers coming into my field of work that are EE's or CE's because they don't have a clue.  In other words, I have to review and sometimes correct programming code that a "Computer Engineering" graduate might have written or edited.  I have to review circuits that an "Electrical Engineer" designed for errors.


In addition to that, I also have to see how the devices operate on a secure and classified network.


My point is, what I do actually ACCOMPLISHES something.  Many scientists want their funding for things that are not useful or relevant, especially the global warming climate change "scientists".
Quote:What the [BAD WORD REMOVED] do you think has been happening under 0bama?!?!?!


PRECISELY THAT!  Scientists voices silenced and people FIRED.


Many scientists are relieved the partisanship and politics are OVER now, and that they can finally be heard.
The shoe is on the other foot, and the wimpy libs are crying like little schoolgirls.


If the communist liberals hate it, it has to be good for America.
I'm still not sure why this is being pushed as a big deal. Anyone that has worked within the Federal Government knows that you cannot make official statements or media releases on behalf of that government entity without (public affairs) official release. This is not new! This memo or "gag" as it is poorly portrayed is to get everyone on the same page and reel in the breaking of policy. This is not a big conspiracy to squash scientists, researchers or any other professional entity. These public communications and social media policies are freely available online for all to read.
Quote:I'm still not sure why this is being pushed as a big deal. Anyone that has worked within the Federal Government knows that you cannot make official statements or media releases on behalf of that government entity without (public affairs) official release. This is not new! This memo or "gag" as it is poorly portrayed is to get everyone on the same page and reel in the breaking of policy. This is not a big conspiracy to squash scientists, researchers or any other professional entity. These public communications and social media policies are freely available online for all to read.


The silly little snowflakes think they're onto something. They're already thinking the President and all conservatives will be taken to the courthouse square and shot for it.
Quote:I trust every single thing Trump is doing. That is why I voted for him. I voted for someone I liked, not against someone I didn't like.

Your right to ever call anyone a sheep or lemming is officially revoked. Trump is less trustworthy than a Nigerian Prince.
Quote:I don't agree with Jerry Coyne on climate change, and there are many esteemed scientists from across a myriad of fields and many different countries who also feel the same.


I find it interesting though, that Jerry doesn't seem to particularly care much for Donald Trump. So maybe you shouldn't trust him. 
I didn't say I trust him, and I am pretty sure he believes in climate change, I am just stating that he was bemoaning that there are in fact several subjects that multitudes of scientists would like to research more (such as opposition to climate change or behavioral sciences) but they can't because they will not be given grants. 


In the end, for most scientists, it is about the funding/grants. You said it wasn't, but one of the most respected and published scientists in the world would say that is unfortunately true. 

Quote:It's not all you care about, but it does heavily influence what you research. If you answered my question about knowing who Jerry Coyne is (of course you do), I was just listening to a podcast he was on a couple of day ago where he mentioned that he is sad that scientists avoid fascinating and important topics (specifically pointing out the other side of the climate debate and certain behavioral sciences) that scientists know are hot button topics that will be refused grants.
There was also 1 doctor who claimed vaccines cause autism.

Just because 1 scientist believes it, doesn't make it true.
Quote:The shoe is on the other foot, and the wimpy libs are crying like little schoolgirls.

If the communist liberals hate it, it has to be good for America.
All you write about is hate, man. That's this whole side of the site really.

Do you think you're actually having a debate over here? All everyone does is insult the other side.
Quote:There was also 1 doctor who claimed vaccines cause autism.

Just because 1 scientist believes it, doesn't make it true.
I wasn't saying anything about the validity of any stance. I don't get what was so hard to understand.
Quote:All you write about is hate, man. That's this whole side of the site really.

Do you think you're actually having a debate over here? All everyone does is insult the other side.

We just point and laugh at him. Kinda like the crazy preachers who holler and scream on those college campuses.
Quote:We just point and laugh at him. Kinda like the crazy preachers who holler and scream on those college campuses.
I mean I get that but he's not the only one on here who does that.

Everyone who doesn't agree with Trump is a liberal snowflake. The people crying at the inauguration are not the people on this board.
Quote:There was also 1 doctor who claimed vaccines cause autism.

Just because 1 scientist believes it, doesn't make it true.

No but we should give that scientist tons of money to prove vaccines do cause autism.
Global warming is caused by poor people.
Quote:Global warming is caused by poor people.

And radical Islam.
Quote:And radical Islam.

Mostly a Chinese hoax tho.
Not looking for some big argument. That said, I work for an energy company that deals in oil, gas, and coal in WV, PA, OH, TX. I work in the division that actually finds how many deposits of each resource that we have ownership over and put a value to it. Part of the job is also having to deal with future projections. Even the guys that are on our payroll acknowledge that man made global warming is real. They have every reason to not have that opinion because it could definitely cut into revenue of the company that employs them. They aren't partisan. If anything, they have every reason to ignore data to keep the money train rolling along. I trust these guys because they have never steered us wrong.


Where they do differ from most of the climate science community is that they acknowledge that man is involved but they don't think there is squat to do about it. We could make all sorts of environmental regs here but you won't convince the third world that wants to rise up to 2nd and 1st world living standards to just up and stop using fossil fuels. India and China are proof of this. That doesn't even take into consideration the other emerging economies.

Global warming has trippled since the election with all the hot air expelled from the bib brigade. Let us not forget the rapidly rising seas linked to the heavy flowing river of tears!
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