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Quote:Sort of like this? 


[Image: barney1.jpg]


I never saw a dog salute before! 
Atleast he is returning it.  Once again if you were in the military you would know in this situation he does NOT have to return it because his hands are full.  Bush was good to us.
Quote:Sort of like this? 


[Image: barney1.jpg]


I never saw a dog salute before! 
Not the only time:


[Image: obamaheli2.jpg]
Quote:It probably doesn't matter much to people who have never served in the military.  However, those of us who have notice those kinds of things, and I for one see it as offensive and rude.


Also, this thread is all about Military Perception of The President.

You find it offensive and rude, in spite of the fact that no President did this until Reagan started it?   Are you offended that Eisenhower never saluted when he was President?   For gosh sakes, he was a 5 star general, you'd think he'd know the rules of etiquette as well as anybody. 
Quote:Atleast he is returning it.  Once again if you were in the military you would know in this situation he does NOT have to return it because his hands are full.  Bush was good to us.

And yet when Obama had a coffee in one hand and a cell phone in the other, you people got your panties in a wad because of his sloppy salute.   


Seriously, you people need to get over this presidential salute business.   It is not a tradition, and it is not required.   It was invented in the 1980s.   No president before 1980 ever did it.

Quote:Atleast he is returning it.  Once again if you were in the military you would know in this situation he does NOT have to return it because his hands are full.  Bush was good to us.
BTW, I can literally only find one single instance of Obama not returning a salute while entering or exiting Marine One or Air Force One. And on that one instance he realized he forgot and came back out of Marine One to speak to the marine personally.
Quote:You find it offensive and rude, in spite of the fact that no President did this until Reagan started it?   Are you offended that Eisenhower never saluted when he was President?   For gosh sakes, he was a 5 star general, you'd think he'd know the rules of etiquette as well as anybody. 

A large part of the military is tradition.  President Reagan started a tradition that presidents after him embraced and followed.
Quote:A large part of the military is tradition.  President Reagan started a tradition that presidents after him embraced and followed.

What if the next president starts a tradition of not saluting?   Would that be okay?  


What about Reagan breaking the tradition of not saluting?   That's okay, too? 
Quote:And yet when Obama had a coffee in one hand and a cell phone in the other, you people got your panties in a wad because of his sloppy salute.   

I personally never "got my panties in a wad" over a sloppy salute.  I do dislike the lack of protocol and respect for not returning a salute.
Quote:I personally never "got my panties in a wad" over a sloppy salute.  I do dislike the lack of protocol and respect for not returning a salute.

Why don't you people worry about things that matter, like whether the president sends you overseas to die by the thousands in a war that cannot be won?   What the heck does Obama missing one single salute by mistake have to do with anything?  
Quote:I personally never "got my panties in a wad" over a sloppy salute.  I do dislike the lack of protocol and respect for not returning a salute.
Which he only did once and immediately realized his mistake.
Quote:What if the next president starts a tradition of not saluting?   Would that be okay?  


What about Reagan breaking the tradition of not saluting?   That's okay, too? 

Nope.  First of all, President Reagan never failed to return a salute once he started the tradition.


Think for a moment about why he started that particular tradition.  It's all about etiquette and respect.  Would it be okay if people stopped saying "thank you" or "please"?


Quote:Seriously, you people need to get over this presidential salute business.   It is not a tradition, and it is not required.   It was invented in the 1980s.   No president before 1980 ever did it.
The President is the Commander and Chief of the US Armed Forces. Strictly speaking, he is not just a civilian but at the very top of the CoC. So while a salute is not required, it is considered a sign of respect and acknowledgement. And the tradition of saluting goes all the way back to the Medieval period. When Knights would raise their sword hand in order to show respect to superiors.


Also, the salute is not strictly a military thing. In my school, I will see Teachers raising their hands and saluting one another as they would pass through the hall or when greeting one another. Even in volunteer organizations like the Boy Scouts or Civil Air Patrol, it's customary to salute one another. Emergency services personnel do it to. Also, Ronald Reagan was a former member of the military. He served in the film corps during WW2.



The point is that the "salute" is a sign of respect. And when it's not administered in the proper situation it's rude. Plain and simple.

I find it interesting that so far no one has actually provided any proof Obama has missed more than one salute. All this bickering about tradition and respect and so far I haven't seen anything to indicate he hasn't followed tradition or shown respect.

Quote:Why don't you people worry about things that matter, like whether the president sends you overseas to die by the thousands in a war that cannot be won?   What the heck does Obama missing one single salute by mistake have to do with anything?  

Evidently you will never understand what life is like for "us people".  Every member that is currently serving or has served in the past deserves a certain level of respect and gratitude.  A so-called "leader" should know automatically how to render honors, even those that may seem trivial to the average civilian.
Quote:Atleast he is returning it.  Once again if you were in the military you would know in this situation he does NOT have to return it because his hands are full.  Bush was good to us.

I'm curious, me and you we line up on plenty of stuff but that last statement "Bush was good to us (military)" just blows my mind. This is the president that sent you and your brothers in arms into two foreign nations to play police. This is the president that started the entire the homeland is a battleground, same guy that created the Patriot Act the TSA the NSA and Fusion centers. I get the guy gave lip service to the military but his regime is just as guilty as Obama of spilling American Blood for foreign intervention. Because he saluted you and gave lip service he was "good"? 


I'm sorry Bush was just as every bit of evil as Obama. Bush was in no way good for me, same as Obama their big government foreign interventionist I see them both as my political adversary.
Quote:I'm curious, me and you we line up on plenty of stuff but that last statement "Bush was good to us (military)" just blows my mind. This is the president that sent you and your brothers in arms into two foreign nations to play police. This is the president that started the entire the homeland is a battleground, same guy that created the Patriot Act the TSA the NSA and Fusion centers. I get the guy gave lip service to the military but his regime is just as guilty as Obama of spilling American Blood for foreign intervention. Because he saluted you and gave lip service he was "good"? 


I'm sorry Bush was just as every bit of evil as Obama. Bush was in no way good for me, same as Obama their big government foreign interventionist I see them both as my political adversary.
Clearly you didn't watch enough GI JOE!!!!! I kid, I kid 
Quote:I find it interesting that so far no one has actually provided any proof Obama has missed more than one salute. All this bickering about tradition and respect and so far I haven't seen anything to indicate he hasn't followed tradition or shown respect.

I'll give you that one.  After a quick search, the only blunder that he made was the one that you referenced earlier.  To the average civilian that has never served in the armed forces, it's a "so what" kind of thing.  To a member of the military or a veteran it's kind of an offensive blunder.


Here is something to noodle for a bit.  What if it was President Bush that did that?
Quote:I'll give you that one. After a quick search, the only blunder that he made was the one that you referenced earlier. To the average civilian that has never served in the armed forces, it's a "so what" kind of thing. To a member of the military or a veteran it's kind of an offensive blunder.

Here is something to noodle for a bit. What if it was President Bush that did that?

It would be MSNBC that got upset and Fox News pretending it's not a big deal.
Quote:And yet when Obama had a coffee in one hand and a cell phone in the other, you people got your panties in a wad because of his sloppy salute.   


Seriously, you people need to get over this presidential salute business.   It is not a tradition, and it is not required.   It was invented in the 1980s.   No president before 1980 ever did it.

You need to not tell us our business.  If you don't want to follow the customs and courtesies of being a commander and chief, then you should not be the President of the greatest military in the entire world.
Quote:I'm curious, me and you we line up on plenty of stuff but that last statement "Bush was good to us (military)" just blows my mind. This is the president that sent you and your brothers in arms into two foreign nations to play police. This is the president that started the entire the homeland is a battleground, same guy that created the Patriot Act the TSA the NSA and Fusion centers. I get the guy gave lip service to the military but his regime is just as guilty as Obama of spilling American Blood for foreign intervention. Because he saluted you and gave lip service he was "good"? 


I'm sorry Bush was just as every bit of evil as Obama. Bush was in no way good for me, same as Obama their big government foreign interventionist I see them both as my political adversary.

I understand what you are saying, but Bush went out of his way to make sure he was taking care of us.  He thought what he did by sending us to Iraq/Afghanistan was the right thing to do for the safety of everyone in this country.  If it weren't for crazies like Bin Laden, Isis, etc, we'd be out of a job.  It's not pretty, but we are there when called.  Not once did Bush freeze pay, reduce cost of living, reduce housing, try to make us pay for our healthcare, and reduce education benefits..  This is all the things Obama has done since taking office.  We feel under paid and unappreciated for the amount of things we are asked to do.


A civilian gets paid well over 6 figures for being in those countries as contractors.  Most people in the military do not sniff that amount, and we are getting bombed and shot at.  Whether Bush was right or wrong, he never made us feel like some worthless baby killer.
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