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Quote:Everything is about people being secretly racist with you. What are some of the other words that are code words for code words that represent the n word??



Welfare recipients








Nut Jobs


Obama's animals.


Quote:First off, im not complaining or looking to complain about anything.


Second if you cant read between the lines of the connotation between this story and the city of Boston with it being the most racist city in the north, then you are truly naive.

It must be extremely tiring for you to not only read a story, but to always have to read between the lines too. What a sad way to make yourself go through life.
Quote:There will always be an over-representation of a certain race in every statistic. The overwhelming number of police-involved shootings happen in high-crime areas. You see white-on-black, I see another shooting in a high-crime neighborhood.

Actually, I gathered all of these statistics to show you that you probably don't understand police shootings as well as you think you do, but I realized that you probably don't care about that. You aren't stupid. If you haven't already researched these things, then you don't really want to know where the problem is.

Everything is about people being secretly racist with you. What are some of the other words that are code words for code words that represent the n word??

I see both sides. Most cops probably aren't racist, but racism is alive in well and there are plenty of examples of it with white cops and black citizens.

At the same time, I don't get why there isn't more of an uproar with black on black crime as that number is much higher then white cops shooting black civilians. And I also don't understand the black community constantly using criminals for their cause instead of people who were truly innocent like John Crawford (which is an insanely sad story).
Quote:It must be extremely tiring for you to not only read a story, but to always have to read between the lines too. What a sad way to make yourself go through life.

What in the hell are you talking about?

I'm observant of society and how people operate. What the hell are you talking about its a sad way of going through life?

I don't know what point you are trying to establish but not everybody has the same outlook on life and people as you.


Welfare recipients








Nut Jobs


Obama's animals.



Wait Socialist is code word? I use socialist all the time and half the time I'm referring to white people that believe in big social programs, not necessarily the minority black community that needs these programs. I don't fault the people that need them, I fault the people that built the system and created the dependency. 


You've got to stop looking at the world through the color lens, it makes you the racist you fear everyone else is.
The way these protesters are going about things, makes me not give a crap about their cause.. All they're doing is trying to disrupt the daily functions of people's every day lives.. To hell with em all.. It's a crusade of ignorance.. Good house keeping starts with cleaning your own house first, not someone else's..

Quote:You can use whatever word you like. Why should my observations or objections be any hindrance to you expressing your POV? I just find it telling that these people find it necessary to hide their true thoughts behind synonyms. And of course when you call them out on their pathetic wordplay they use the old "it's political correctness gone mad" argument.

They have to hide it. The words everyone freaks out about are outlawed. Say it here and it's a warning. So therefore synonyms are used.

Those who do perhaps don't ride a high of horse as you do.

Soon we will have to use OS, for over sensitive. Our BS for black sensitivity. We are at what three for words now that are taboo? Thug. Gangster, etc.

I'm naive I guess. When I hear those words, ethniticity never crossed my mind.
Quote:Wait Socialist is code word? I use socialist all the time and half the time I'm referring to white people that believe in big social programs, not necessarily the minority black community that needs these programs. I don't fault the people that need them, I fault the people that built the system and created the dependency. 


You've got to stop looking at the world through the color lens, it makes you the racist you fear everyone else is.

What about Savages? I thought that was reserved for native Murcans....aka Indians. That's what John Wayne called em.

Quit hoggin all the names man.

Savages. Animals. Thugs. I heard the SS called that. They claimed it... Or wait..them palefaced Vikings.


Welfare recipients








Nut Jobs


Obama's animals.


Other than Democrats I can honestly say I would not have thought of any of these words to describe black folks. Now, would I use those words if someone was acting that way? Sure. And I wouldn't give a rats butt about the color of their skin.


For some of us the ACTIONS of people are what tells us who they are NOT the color of their skin.
Quote:So is nut job the code word for thug, which was a code for the n word?
Race baiting again James.  Can you ever talk about the article at hand?  It's getting pretty pathetic.
I guess the n word for nazi is now passé. I'll stick with numbnuts.
Quote:Wait Socialist is code word? I use socialist all the time and half the time I'm referring to white people that believe in big social programs, not necessarily the minority black community that needs these programs. I don't fault the people that need them, I fault the people that built the system and created the dependency. 


You've got to stop looking at the world through the color lens, it makes you the racist you fear everyone else is.

So you want me to totally stop looking at things from a reality, and start being naive?
Quote:#BlackLivesMatter Nutjobs Stop a Commuter Train on the Way to Patriots Playoff Game


In yet another attempt to obnoxiously disrupt the lives of ordinary Americans in order to spew forth their fabricated message of a fictitious widespread persecution of black Americans, Black Lives Matter protesters halted a commuter train that was taking passengers to the New England Patriots game




It would seem the most violent racism I've noticed came from the minorities.   Why not give peace a chance?
Quote:Race baiting again James.  Can you ever talk about the article at hand?  It's getting pretty pathetic.

Looking at things from a different perspective is not race baiting. Its called being honest what what you see in reality.


All you are showing is that this topic is making you uncomfortable so you resort to calling someone a race baiter.
Quote:Looking at things from a different perspective is not race baiting. Its called being honest what what you see in reality.

All you are showing is that this topic is making you uncomfortable so you resort to calling someone a race baiter.
No, the "reality" is that you attempt to invalidate the opinions of those you disagree with by calling them racist. I've never even heard someone call black people all but maybe two of those words, and I fully believe you have many more (just as absurd) that you believe to be racist. The "reality" is that those are conservative insults, and you want them to be racist because that would justify everything you disagree with about conservatives without actually formulating legitimate counterpoints. It's sad that you're always looking at things from that perspective. It also makes you look weakminded. But what show I know? I'm racist, right?
Quote:They chose nut-job for obvious reasons.


Either call them thugs and feel the heat, or secretly use another covert term and get away with it. Either way, their goal of reaching their desired (pathetic) audience is reached.

Nobody thinks they chose nut job for obvious reasons but you.  You make things up in your head and then you accuse people of things.
Quote:It must be extremely tiring for you to not only read a story, but to always have to read between the lines too. What a sad way to make yourself go through life.

I think I may have to use the block feature for the first time on this board.  The accusations that he puts on people are dangerous.


Welfare recipients








Nut Jobs


Obama's animals.



I know quite a few democrats that are white.  You can also fit white people into every other word you've made up in your head.
If these same people stood in from of a train/bus/plane trying to get it to stop but without a "cause" everyone would be calling them nut jobs.

Funny how all of a sudden it's a racist term. Racist my [BLEEP]!!
Quote:No, the "reality" is that you attempt to invalidate the opinions of those you disagree with by calling them racist. I've never even heard someone call black people all but maybe two of those words, and I fully believe you have many more (just as absurd) that you believe to be racist. The "reality" is that those are conservative insults, and you want them to be racist because that would justify everything you disagree with about conservatives without actually formulating legitimate counterpoints. It's sad that you're always looking at things from that perspective. It also makes you look weakminded. But what show I know? I'm racist, right?

You are incorrect.


Me presenting a different point of view is not "invaliding" someone's else opinions. People stated how they feel, and I stated how I feel. If you have a problem with me speaking my mind, then just be an adult and challenge me directly. 


Your interpretation of what you deem to be racist is different from what my interpretation is.  Again, you are incorrect in what you are ASSuming by thinking im am justifying.


It makes you look weak minded as well if you cant be open about dialog without resorting to formulating an open conversation. Instead, its the lazy, pathetic route by calling someone viewpoints "sad" when you dont even make an attempt to establish a dialog. 
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