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Full Version: #BlackLivesMatter Nutjobs Stop a Commuter Train on the Way to Patriots Playoff Game
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Quote:Nobody thinks they chose nut job for obvious reasons but you.  You make things up in your head and then you accuse people of things.

Who said I was making things up.


It just so happens that DF can understand the undertones as well.
Quote:I think I may have to use the block feature for the first time on this board.  The accusations that he puts on people are dangerous.

I love the conversations we had, but I really would give a sam hell if you block me.
Quote:I know quite a few democrats that are white.  You can also fit white people into every other word you've made up in your head.


What the hell are you talking about?


Go on anything related to Obama and read the user comments.
Quote:What the hell are you talking about?


Go on anything related to Obama and read the user comments.

Because anyone that has an issue is automatically a racist.  Trust me, I know.  


I can give 100% valid reasons why I think Obama has been a bad president and people will say its racist.  Not all, but some.


Don't ask what I'm talking about.  I responded to your post.
Quote:You are incorrect.


Me presenting a different point of view is not "invaliding" someone's else opinions. People stated how they feel, and I stated how I feel. If you have a problem with me speaking my mind, then just be an adult and challenge me directly. 


Your interpretation of what you deem to be racist is different from what my interpretation is.  Again, you are incorrect in what you are ASSuming by thinking im am justifying.


It makes you look weak minded as well if you cant be open about dialog without resorting to formulating an open conversation. Instead, its the lazy, pathetic route by calling someone viewpoints "sad" when you dont even make an attempt to establish a dialog. 

That's exactly what you're doing. Feel free to call it whatever you want, but there was no reason to suspect racism here. There were nutjobs standing on train tracks, People think its stupid to stand in front of a train, and you immediately think they're racist for calling them nutjobs which is synonymous with crazy... and you'd have to be crazy to stand in front of a freakin' train. You were the first person to resort to name-calling, so don't pretend to hold some moral high ground here when you tell me I couldn't carry on open conversation or that I had some problem with you having a different opinion. I wasn't the one that labeled someone without asking for their opinion.


I did challenge you. I identified your reasoning behind labeling such generic words as racist. You chose to ignore it.


Of course our definitions vary. My definition of sanity is different from the crazy homeless man that carries buckets of bleach everywhere to fight off invisible vampires, but that doesn't mean he's sane or correct. You have an absurd way in looking at the world. This isn't the first time you found racism in the most absurd topics / opinions. 

Quote:What the hell are you talking about?


Go on anything related to Obama and read the user comments.

Go read anything about Bush 43. You get the same brilliant and witty dialog.
Quote:Go read anything about Bush 43. You get the same brilliant and witty dialog.
I'm sure James called him a racist in those forums.
I think it's safe to assume that fried chicken is a nutjob.
Quote:I think it's safe to assume that fried chicken is a nutjob.
He's in his own little world that's for sure.
Quote:That's exactly what you're doing. Feel free to call it whatever you want, but there was no reason to suspect racism here. There were nutjobs standing on train tracks, People think its stupid to stand in front of a train, and you immediately think they're racist for calling them nutjobs which is synonymous with crazy... and you'd have to be crazy to stand in front of a freakin' train. You were the first person to resort to name-calling, so don't pretend to hold some moral high ground here when you tell me I couldn't carry on open conversation or that I had some problem with you having a different opinion. I wasn't the one that labeled someone without asking for their opinion.


I did challenge you. I identified your reasoning behind labeling such generic words as racist. You chose to ignore it.


Of course our definitions vary. My definition of sanity is different from the crazy homeless man that carries buckets of bleach everywhere to fight off invisible vampires, but that doesn't mean he's sane or correct. You have an absurd way in looking at the world. This isn't the first time you found racism in the most absurd topics / opinions. 

Given this article had the hash tag of blacklivesmatter, and the history of Boston being a racist city with deep segregation issues, I have a right to suspect racism wherever I feel it is necessary.


I did not ignore anything you asked, I answered your question, but because my answer did not satisfy your line of thinking, you assumed I ignored it. 
Quote:Go read anything about Bush 43. You get the same brilliant and witty dialog.

Which is my point.


People who post anything about any president whether its Bush or Obama are either posting garbage, pushing a agenda, or sometimes both.
Quote:I'm sure James called him a racist in those forums.

Now you are not making no damn sense, or being a race baiter yourself.


Im a Democrat, but I agreed with some of Bush's moves during his presidency. I even admitted to some of that during a discussion on another thread with FBT.

Quote:I think it's safe to assume that fried chicken is a nutjob.

I dont even have discussions with you. You sound like a boring character.
Quote:He's in his own little world that's for sure.

Why dont you try having a dialog instead of coming off as a stiff board. 


Just try either on here or through IM.

Quote:Now you are not making no damn sense, or being a race baiter yourself.

Im a Democrat, but I agreed with some of Bush's moves during his presidency. I even admitted to some of that during a discussion on another thread with FBT.

Of course Bush was more of a democrat then anything.
Quote:So is nut job the code word for thug, which was a code for the n word?
There seems to be another new "code word" that pops up all the time. Why does this happen. Why can't a nut job be a nut job? There are a lot of nut jobs of various races around the world. The nut job market is not cornered by one race or another.

Quote:I see both sides. Most cops probably aren't racist, but racism is alive in well and there are plenty of examples of it with white cops and black citizens.

At the same time, I don't get why there isn't more of an uproar with black on black crime as that number is much higher then white cops shooting black civilians. And I also don't understand the black community constantly using criminals for their cause instead of people who were truly innocent like John Crawford (which is an insanely sad story).
There isn't any money to be made with black on black crimes. The media has made race a lucrative business and there are many who capitalize on it. One of the factors why racism will always be alive and well.


Racism will never be fully be gotten rid of, but the number of racists compared to not is enormous.
Quote:Other than Democrats I can honestly say I would not have thought of any of these words to describe black folks. Now, would I use those words if someone was acting that way? Sure. And I wouldn't give a rats butt about the color of their skin.


For some of us the ACTIONS of people are what tells us who they are NOT the color of their skin.
And that is the bottom line. For anyone to infer otherwise is being stereotypical or racist in their own right.
Quote:You are incorrect.


Me presenting a different point of view is not "invaliding" someone's else opinions. People stated how they feel, and I stated how I feel. If you have a problem with me speaking my mind, then just be an adult and challenge me directly. 


Your interpretation of what you deem to be racist is different from what my interpretation is.  Again, you are incorrect in what you are ASSuming by thinking im am justifying.


It makes you look weak minded as well if you cant be open about dialog without resorting to formulating an open conversation. Instead, its the lazy, pathetic route by calling someone viewpoints "sad" when you dont even make an attempt to establish a dialog. 
You are absolutely correct. You stating your point of view doesn't invalidate it at all. Just an attempt to. You got that right.
Quote:What the hell are you talking about?


Go on anything related to Obama and read the user comments.
You will always have a vocal minority of racists. Let those idiots (is that ok to use?) be idiots. You will never change the minds of most of those nut jobs.
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