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Full Version: Marc Trestman to interview for OC position
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Quote:Did you actually read what you were responding to? According to that content, they've been in constant contact. For all the interviews, he hasn't taken a job anywhere. He intends to interview here, Nobody is sitting on their hands.

Check your sarcasm meter FBT.
Quote:I dont like this term dink and dunk.  Most QB's are, you think Brady and Manning throw the ball down the field 20 yards every play.  Rodgers is the only one I can say throws it deep with success pretty often and well Rodgers is on a planet of his own.  If you find a QB that can own the "ding and dunk"  then sign me up


There isn't a QB in the league who is out there stretching the field on every play.  They all "dink and dunk" the majority of the time. 
Quote:Check your sarcasm meter FBT.
Duly noted. 
Blackmon's successful comeback into the NFL and hopefully relevancy would be quite the story to behold. I love players who rise from the ashes whether it be from Injuries, Drugs, Character issues, or Skill/play level issues. Our team is filled with them. Andre Branch, S Marks, Denard Robinson, Aaron Colvin, Allen Hurns (not being drafted), etc.


Hopefully we can add Blackmons name to the list.

Quote:Does he hold any accountability for the complete meltdown that occurred in Chicago? That should be the first question asked. What the hell happened there Mark?

I'd imagine he bares some responsibility, but he wouldnt be a head coach here.  That would be Gus's job.
Quote:It is good to see that he's a guy who has always been in demand.  Not all good coordinators wind up being effective head coaches.

Not just in demand.


But in demand by some GREAT coaches.


Did you see that list of guys wanting him to coach their QBs/run their offense ?


Bill freaking Walsh?!?


Don Freaking Shula?!?


Jimmy Freaking Johnson?!?


Bud freaking Grant?!?




I can think of maybe one guy on that list above that wasn't at least a good coach at the NFL level-Corso.
Quote:Not just in demand.


But in demand by some GREAT coaches.


Did you see that list of guys wanting him to coach their QBs/run their offense ?


Bill freaking Walsh?!?


Don Freaking Shula?!?


Jimmy Freaking Johnson?!?


Bud freaking Grant?!?




I can think of maybe one guy on that list above that wasn't at least a good coach at the NFL level-Corso.
Oh, I get it.  Now he's got Gus Bradley courting him to be his coordinator.  Maybe he's the guy that helps Gus take his coaching to the next level?  We'll see. 
Quote:Oh, I get it.  Now he's got Gus Bradley courting him to be his coordinator.  Maybe he's the guy that helps Gus take his coaching to the next level?  We'll see. 


But I think one of the things that makes coaches great is identifying great assistant coaches/teachers.


I don't know of many coaches under Bud Grant, but a lot those other guys all had good to great assistant coaches as well.


Bottom line is the man can coach offense, and some of the best coaches in NFL history recognized that in him and wanted him to coach under them.


I think he would help Jacksonville tremendously.
I remember when it was said that CPJ's offense couldn't win against 1-a opponents. Then it was couldn't win against TOP 1-a opponents. Then it couldn't win if a team had an off week with a week to prepare. Then it couldn't win a bowl game if a team had 3/4 weeks to prepare. Now all I hear is it wouldn't work in the NFL. Needless to say, the bar will always be moved.

Let's go after Georgia Tech's Paul Johnson!
Quote:I remember when it was said that CPJ's offense couldn't win against 1-a opponents. Then it was couldn't win against TOP 1-a opponents. Then it couldn't win if a team had an off week with a week to prepare. Then it couldn't win a bowl game if a team had 3/4 weeks to prepare. Now all I hear is it wouldn't work in the NFL. Needless to say, the bar will always be moved.

Let's go after Georgia Tech's Paul Johnson!
That offense would get absolutely crushed. You can't put your QB in that many running situations or they turn up like Vick and RG3.
Get it over with already! Why the wait?
Id be fine with this hiring.

All you have to know about trestman is to see what he did with McCown when cutler got hurt. was like the second coming of montana. Yet had to put the 100 mill doll butthead back in. 98 % of the troubles in chicago was with cutler the rest was the defense. Hire him Gus.



There isn't a QB in the league who is out there stretching the field on every play.  They all "dink and dunk" the majority of the time. 
WHAT!? You mean no one in the league has 25 yards per completion? I dont believe you, people just choose to get less yards out of spite for their fan base.
Quote:Get it over with already! Why the wait?
How many coaches / coordinators have been hired already to fill vacancies?  Take a deep breath.  There's a process. 
Please, wonderful, little infant baby jesus.. make this happen..
Quote:That offense would get absolutely crushed. You can't put your QB in that many running situations or they turn up like Vick and RG3.
While I understand this position, it is largely based on the fact that people do not draft QBs for this position. I think it would be possible if you pick people specifically for this role. People like Vick, RGIII or the yet to be injured Kaepernick(speed runners with small frames) are not the only QB body types. Someone built more along the lines of Roeth, Garrard, Luck, Newton, etc could probably run this type of offense.

Whether or not it would work is another question but the matter of QB durability is largely based on the idea that someone like Brady or Flacco couldn't take that kind of pounding. That is correct, but you would not be taking Brady or Flacco to run that style of offense in the NFL. Think about a team taking a guy like Charles or Sproles and running them up the middle in power plays all day. That wouldn't work either. People with different skill sets are used differently in every position.
Quote:Would you trust this guy to give you a honest answer? Lol[Image: 4684858.jpg]

Interviews right after the marriage law goes into affect at the courthouse. Coincidence?
When is this interview supposed to take place again?

As soon as he gets there.

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