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Quote:[Image: 2015-01-09_1453.png]

So it's cool to discriminate against the less wealthy.

Where does it stop?

Now we are in a whole other argument. Isn't having higher priced foods the same thing? You are eliminating the less wealthy in most cases.
Quote:But now we are talking about freedom. You cannot have freedom under a government. It is impossible. So again, should restaurants be free to allow all forms of drug users in their restaurants and also allow them to do those drugs?

Im opposed to vice laws, so you know what my answer is.
Quote:Im opposed to vice laws, so you know what my answer is.

But you can't have absolute freedom without absolute freedom. Obvious statement, but my point is once you introduce any laws it will lead to more laws. What you speak of is not possible in my opinion in a government run soceity. So IMO it is a fantasy to even talk about.
Quote:But you can't have absolute freedom without absolute freedom. Obvious statement, but my point is once you introduce any laws it will lead to more laws. What you speak of is not possible in my opinion in a government run soceity. So IMO it is a fantasy to even talk about.

There's a huge spectrum between anarchy and absolute tyranny. The goal is to find and maintain the best point on the line, and the laws we discuss are too far to the tyranny side. Im no anarchist and dont believe in "absolute freedom", but I believe, in this arena, we are too far towards consumer rights and too far from ownership rights. Government can be limited, but we have to work against people like Oklahomie to keep it that way.
Quote:There's a huge spectrum between anarchy and absolute tyranny. The goal is to find and maintain the best point on the line, and the laws we discuss are too far to the tyranny side. Im no anarchist and dont believe in "absolute freedom", but I believe, in this arena, we are too far towards consumer rights and too far from ownership rights. Government can be limited, but we have to work against people like Oklahomie to keep it that way.


In regards to the smoking ban in restaurants, I personally was thrilled and voted for it. It is as much a health issue as it is pretty gross to smoke indoors with food around. Some will agree and disagree, but whether you are voting with your wallets or with an actual voting, you are still voting one way or another. I think it is a little silly to say customers shouldn't control what I do because if they weren't showing up then you as an owner would make a change based on that. Of course customers have some sort of control over your restaurant.
Quote:If you are society run by government, you were/are never free. There is a huge price to pay to be truly free. To think other wise is to live in a fantasy world.

Ok so what if the business owner said you have to be white in order to come into the restaurant? Are you okay with that?

This shirt/shoes and dress code is an entirely different argument then declining to serve people simply because of their sexual orientation.

Honestly, I think if the restaurant owner can deal with the negative publicity that refusing people based on color would bring, then more power to him.  I wouldn't do it.  Simply from a business standpoint, you would get slaughtered by news people and word of mouth.  


I rely on a lot of referrals for my business, but the office I run now is based on a certain type of customer that fits into the mold of what my office is looking for.  I actively search out those types of customers and try to not bring in the ones that don't fit with me.  That's discrimination.  Should I be punished for it?  There are certain criteria that I will look for and if some people don't fit that, I know I won't be able to get their business because they'll be able to find better offers elsewhere.  Sometimes that means not looking for customers from a certain country.  Sometimes it means not looking in a certain area of town because of the typical family income of the area.  Sometimes it means not looking for people who don't speak english.  


In your mind, should I be punished for not actively searching out these customers?  Because what I just described is a form of discrimination.
Quote:Honestly, I think if the restaurant owner can deal with the negative publicity that refusing people based on color would bring, then more power to him. I wouldn't do it. Simply from a business standpoint, you would get slaughtered by news people and word of mouth.

I rely on a lot of referrals for my business, but the office I run now is based on a certain type of customer that fits into the mold of what my office is looking for. I actively search out those types of customers and try to not bring in the ones that don't fit with me. That's discrimination. Should I be punished for it? There are certain criteria that I will look for and if some people don't fit that, I know I won't be able to get their business because they'll be able to find better offers elsewhere. Sometimes that means not looking for customers from a certain country. Sometimes it means not looking in a certain area of town because of the typical family income of the area. Sometimes it means not looking for people who don't speak english.

In your mind, should I be punished for not actively searching out these customers? Because what I just described is a form of discrimination.

Not based on how the government sees it. I'm not sure what you do, but if someone wanted to pay your for your service, would you refuse simply because they were foreign or of a different color?
Quote:Not based on how the government sees it. I'm not sure what you do, but if someone wanted to pay your for your service, would you refuse simply because they were foreign or of a different color?

If they were a high risk based on my business model (insurance), it wouldn't matter what color they were or what country they were from.  It just happens to end up that way sometimes.
Quote:If they were a high risk based on my business model (insurance), it wouldn't matter what color they were or what country they were from. It just happens to end up that way sometimes.

But that isn't what I'm asking. Assuming they weren't high risk.
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