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Full Version: He just keeps lying - now believes millions of illegals committed voter fraud
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So Democrats wanted an investigation before and immediately after the election, but now it's a bad thing? How is the security of future elections such a bad thing? They will defend their party blindly to the bitter end. It is so hard to bite the tongue on the stupidity but damn it's like a daily lay-up. It is getting past the point of comical and entering the realm of just straight-up sad.

Over 3 million illegals risked deportation to vote!!!
Liberal math - More votes than registered voters in a precinct = conservative paranoia. :blink:

Quote:Why does Trump care? It's over and he won.

Use your time more wisely and let it go man.
Because it matters for the future that we not allow illegals to vote, dead people to vote...etc.

Also, shouldn't let them file tax returns....

Can't allow the media to slant news anymore...

It has to stop and he intends to actually DO something as a POTUS.



He's got it figured out pretty well from where I'm sitting.

He's gotten a lot done in 2 days. DOW is up... and the replacing of Obamacare and the lowering of the corp tax will be a wonderful way to top off the first 100
Since this is being called a lie, there must be verifiable proof that it didn't happen, right? Wonder why that hasn't been posted in here yet?
I think there was actually research done that said an alarming amount of illegals probably voted.  Like this isn't something Trump invented on his own. He is simply repeating reports he has seen, true or not.  But now that he's said it OMMMMERGGGEERRRD

Quote:Since this is being called a lie, there must be verifiable proof that it didn't happen, right? Wonder why that hasn't been posted in here yet?
Don't hold your breath.
Quote:Since this is being called a lie, there must be verifiable proof that it didn't happen, right? Wonder why that hasn't been posted in here yet?

Burden of proof is on the accuser.

Let him perform his stupid little investigation. If he is wrong will you hold him to the fire? If he is right I will say good catch.

Do we start by taking elections away from States control?
Quote:Don't hold your breath.

I'm not...believe me.
He's still salty because he lost the popular vote by the largest margin ever.
Voter fraud has been going on for a very long time...it's just for some reason, the democrats didn't want to do anything about it...connect the dots.

Quote:Voter fraud has been going on for a very long time...it's just for some reason, the democrats didn't want to do anything about it...connect the dots.

So illegals risk deportation to go vote?
Yes, and dead people also risk deportation.

Quote:Burden of proof is on the accuser.

Let him perform his stupid little investigation. If he is wrong will you hold him to the fire? If he is right I will say good catch.

Do we start by taking elections away from States control?

He is investigating what he believes could have happened. "Believes and could have" are both supposition on his part, not really sure how supposition can be a lie, but okay. If the investigation shows no wide spread voter fraud going on, I will be thrilled. Knowledge is always a good thing. Why anyone would have an issue with finding out one way or the other is just silly to me.
There is sooooo much fraud going on in this country and it has been going on for decades...Trump will expose it.

Quote:He is investigating what he believes could have happened. "Believes and could have" are both supposition on his part, not really sure how supposition can be a lie, but okay. If the investigation shows no wide spread voter fraud going on, I will be thrilled. Knowledge is always a good thing. Why anyone would have an issue with finding out one way or the other is just silly to me.

The election is over. Democrats in Congress haven said get over it, there is nothing to see here. Republicans in Congress have said the same thing.
Quote:He is investigating what he believes could have happened. "Believes and could have" are both supposition on his part, not really sure how supposition can be a lie, but okay. If the investigation shows no wide spread voter fraud going on, I will be thrilled. Knowledge is always a good thing. Why anyone would have an issue with finding out one way or the other is just silly to me.

No issue here with an investigation. It will be about as beneficial as a Bigfoot investigation.
There will be voter ID laws in place by the next election. liberal voter fraud will be a thing of the past.


It will be yet another win for America.

Quote:When will we have an investigation for the largest voter fraud in US history?

Quote:The election is over. Democrats in Congress haven said get over it, there is nothing to see here. Republicans in Congress have said the same thing.

Unless Trump declares himself Supreme Ruler like some on here believe, there is going to be more elections after this one, no?
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